[Bug report] Final Fantasy X-2 [NTSC-U] has black bar below FMVs
#PCSX2 version: Nightly v1.7.5224
#Emulation options: Default
#Plugins Used: Vulkan, OpenGL, Direct3D 11 + 12, Software
#There is a black bar that appears below FMVs in the nightly version.

I can't share links but have a GS dump if needed.

I've tried fiddling with as many settings as I can, but I haven't found a way to remove the black bar that appears below FMVs in this game.

I don't have this issue in the current stable release of PCSX2. FMVs run perfectly once you turn on software rendering. Unfortunately, the game does not run as well on the stable release and seems to have more input lag too, so I would prefer to find a fix for playing FMVs the nightly version.

Failing a fix: is there a way to crop pixels from the bottom during FMVs, similar to how the emulator can automatically switch to software rendering? I tried searching through patches but could not find anything.

Thanks a lot!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

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Please post the contents of the emulog.txt file after the problem occurs. The file can be found in "My Documents\PCSX2\logs" for the installer version or in "PCSX2\logs" for the portable/binary version.

Please make sure to enclose your emulog in code tags like so (remove the empty space on the closing code tag!):
Pasted emulog goes here
[ /code]
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
Thanks! I wasn't sure what else was needed. This is after booting up the game and pressing "new game" to start the opening FMV (edit: redone so my name doesn't show).

[    0.0319] Couldn't find translation for system language en-US, using en instead
[    0.0327] Loaded translation file for language en
[    0.0346] PCSX2 Nightly - v1.7.5228 Compiled on Nov 24 2023
[    0.0346] Savestate version: 0x9a480000
[    0.0346]
[    0.0346] Host Machine Init:
[    0.0347]     Operating System =  Microsoft Windows 10+
[    0.0347]     Physical RAM     =  32719 MB
[    0.0347]     CPU name         =  AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor           
[    0.0347]     Vendor/Model     =  AuthenticAMD (stepping 01)
[    0.0347]     Logical Cores    =  12
[    0.0347]     x86PType         =  Standard OEM
[    0.0347]     x86Flags         =  178bfbff 7ed8320b
[    0.0347]     x86EFlags        =  2fd3fbff
[    0.0347]
[    0.0347] x86 Features Detected:
[    0.0347]     AVX AVX2
[    0.0347]
[    0.2719] SDLInputSource: Loaded 792 controller mappings from game_controller_db.txt.
[    0.3804] (SDLInputSource) Controller 0 inserted
[    0.3806] (SDLInputSource) Opened game controller 0 (instance id 0, player id 0): XInput Controller
[    0.3806] (SDLInputSource) Rumble is supported on 'XInput Controller' via gamecontroller
[    0.5168] Scanning C:\Users\xxx\Documents\My Games
[    0.6769] Current version: v1.7.5228
[    0.6769] Latest version: v1.7.5228
[    0.6769] Last checked version:
[    0.6769] No update needed.
[    0.6774] (AutoUpdaterDialog) All HTTP requests done.
[    9.1007] Loading BIOS...
[    9.1007] Configured BIOS 'SCPH-70012_BIOS.BIN' does not exist, trying to find an alternative.
[    9.1007] Searching for a BIOS image in 'C:\Users\xxx\Downloads\pcsx2-v1.7.5224-windows-x64-Qt\..\..\Documents\PCSX2\bios'...
[    9.1010] BIOS Found: USA     v02.00(14/06/2004)  Console 20040614-100909
[    9.1010] Using BIOS 'C:\Users\xxx\Downloads\pcsx2-v1.7.5224-windows-x64-Qt\..\..\Documents\PCSX2\bios\SCPH-70012_BIOS.BIN' (USA     v02.00(14/06/2004)  Console 20040614-100909 USA)
[    9.1012] BIOS Found: USA     v02.00(14/06/2004)  Console 20040614-100909
[    9.1036] BIOS rom1 module not found, skipping...
[    9.1036] BIOS rom2 module not found, skipping...
[    9.1037] Opening CDVD...
[    9.1040] isoFile open ok: C:\Users\xxx\Documents\My Games\FFX-2.iso
[    9.1040]     Image type  = DVD
[    9.1041]  * CDVD Disk Open: DVD, Single layer or unknown:
[    9.1041]  * * Track 1: Data (Mode 1) (1944448 sectors)
[    9.1176] [GameDB] Has not been initialized yet, initializing...
[    9.1748] [GameDB] 12797 games on record (loaded in 57.19ms)
[    9.1748] Disc changed to FFX-2.iso.
[    9.1748]   Name: Final Fantasy X-2
[    9.1748]   Serial: SLUS-20672
[    9.1748]   Version: 1.00
[    9.1748]   CRC: 48FE0C71
[    9.1750] Loading game settings from 'C:\Users\xxx\Downloads\pcsx2-v1.7.5224-windows-x64-Qt\gamesettings\SLUS-20672_48FE0C71.ini'...
[    9.1753] Applying settings...
[    9.2059] Reopening memory cards...
[    9.2061] McdSlot 0 [File]: C:\Users\xxx\Downloads\pcsx2-v1.7.5224-windows-x64-Qt\memcards\Mcd001.ps2
[    9.2064] McdSlot 1 [File]: C:\Users\xxx\Downloads\pcsx2-v1.7.5224-windows-x64-Qt\memcards\Mcd002.ps2
[    9.2078] HLE Host: Set 'host:' root path to: C:\Users\xxx\Documents\My Games
[    9.2078]
[    9.2078] Opening GS...
[    9.8678] No GPU requested, using first (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti)
[   10.0048] VK_EXT_provoking_vertex is supported
[   10.0048] VK_EXT_memory_budget is supported
[   10.0048] VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps is supported
[   10.0048] VK_EXT_rasterization_order_attachment_access is NOT supported
[   10.0048] VK_EXT_attachment_feedback_loop_layout is supported
[   10.0048] VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive is supported
[   10.0048] VK_KHR_driver_properties is supported
[   10.0061] Read 265 entries from 'C:\Users\xxx\Downloads\pcsx2-v1.7.5224-windows-x64-Qt\cache\vulkan_shaders.idx'
[   10.0554] Vulkan Graphics Driver Info:
[   10.0554]     Driver 537.52.0
[   10.0554]     Vulkan 1.3.242
[   10.0554]     Conformance Version
[   10.0554]     537.13
[   10.0554]     NVIDIA
[   10.0554]     NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
[   10.0595] Opening SPU2...
[   10.0608] Initializing SndBuffer at sample rate of 48000...
[   10.0654] (Cubeb) Using normal 2 speaker stereo output.
[   10.0718] (Cubeb) Minimum latency: 10.00 ms (480 audio frames)
[   10.0949] Initializing Pad...
[   10.0949] Initializing SIO2...
[   10.0949] Initializing SIO0...
[   10.0949] Opening DEV9...
[   10.1000] Opening USB...
[   10.1001] Opening FW...
[   10.1000] EE/iR5900 Recompiler Reset
[   10.4115] VM subsystems initialized in 1311.19 ms
[   10.4126] Processor count: 6 cores, 12 processors
[   10.4126] Cluster count: 1
[   10.4127] Ordered processor list: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 1[SMT 1], 3[SMT 1], 5[SMT 1], 7[SMT 1], 9[SMT 1], 11[SMT 1]
[   10.6981] ELF Loading: cdrom0:\SLUS_206.72;1, Game CRC = 48FE0C71, EntryPoint = 0x00100008
[   12.5468] ELF cdrom0:\SLUS_206.72;1 with entry point at 0x1048584 is executing.
[   12.5468] ELF changed, active CRC 48FE0C71 (cdrom0:\SLUS_206.72;1)
[   12.5475] Found 1 game patches in SLUS-20672_48FE0C71.pnach.
[   12.5476] Applying core settings...
[   12.5479] (GameDB) Changing EE/FPU clamp mode [mode=3]
[   12.5479] (GameDB) Enabled Gamefix: SoftwareRendererFMV
[   12.5479] [GameDB] Enabled GS Hardware Fix: roundSprite to [mode=1]
[   12.5479] Updating CPU configuration...
[   12.6284] EE/iR5900 Recompiler Reset
[   12.6813] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[   12.6814] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[   12.6816] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[   12.6816] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[   13.6974] [Pad] DS2 Config Finished - P1/S1 - AL: Off - AB: Usable - VS: Disabled - VL: Disabled - RB: D (0x00000000)
[   13.8307] [Pad] DS2 Config Finished - P1/S1 - AL: On - AB: Locked - VS: Disabled - VL: Disabled - RB: D (0x00000000)
[   14.0309] [Pad] DS2 Config Finished - P1/S1 - AL: On - AB: Locked - VS: Normal - VL: Normal - RB: D (0x00000000)
[   14.3313] [Pad] DS2 Config Finished - P1/S1 - AL: On - AB: Locked - VS: Normal - VL: Normal - RB: D+A+P (0x0003FFFF)
[   14.5315] [Pad] DS2 Config Finished - P1/S1 - AL: On - AB: Locked - VS: Normal - VL: Normal - RB: D+A+P (0x0003FFFF)
[   14.6315] [Pad] DS2 Config Finished - P1/S1 - AL: On - AB: Locked - VS: Inverted - VL: Inverted - RB: D+A+P (0x0003FFFF)
[   33.5172] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[   33.5173] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[   33.8647] Reopening GS with existing device and new renderer
[  255.6883] Reopening GS with existing device and new renderer
[  256.0890] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[  256.0892] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[  260.2615] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  260.2615] 2cb86c  8E2F0004 lw    t7, 0x   4(s1)
[  260.2615] 2cb870  96D00008 lhu    s0, 0x   8(s6)
[  260.2615] 2cb874  3C130057 lui    s3, 0x0057
[  260.2615] 2cb878  3C120057 lui    s2, 0x0057
[  260.2615] 2cb87c  3C1E0040 lui    fp, 0x0040
[  260.2615] 2cb880  3C09FFFF lui    t1, 0xFFFF
[  260.2616] 2cb884  0009483E dsrl32    t1,t1, 0x00
[  260.2616] 2cb888  24060001 addiu    a2,zero, 0x1
[  260.2616] 2cb88c  85A70004 lh    a3, 0x   4(t5)
[  260.2616] 2cb890  00E93824 and    a3,a3, t1
[  260.2616] 2cb894  0006303C dsll32    a2,a2, 0x00
[  260.2616] 2cb898  00C73025 or    a2,a2, a3
[  260.2616] 2cb89c  85A70002 lh    a3, 0x   2(t5)
[  260.2616] 2cb8a0  85A80000 lh    t0, 0x   0(t5)
[  260.2616] 2cb8a4  01094024 and    t0,t0, t1
[  260.2616] 2cb8a8  0007383C dsll32    a3,a3, 0x00
[  260.2616] 2cb8ac  00E83825 or    a3,a3, t0
[  260.2616] 2cb8b0  70C73389 pcpyld    a2, a2, a3
[  260.2616] 2cb8b4  48A6E800 qmtc2    a2, vf29
[  260.2616] 2cb8b8  4BFDE93C vitof0.xyzw vf29, vf29
[  260.2616] 2cb8bc  F95D0000 sqc2    vf29, 0x   0(t2)
[  260.2616] 2cb8c0  4BFDA1BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf20,vf29x
[  260.2616] 2cb8c4  4BFDA8BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf21,vf29y
[  260.2616] 2cb8c8  4BFDB0BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf22,vf29z
[  260.2616] 2cb8cc  4BFDBF8B vmaddw.xyzw vf30, vf23, vf29w
[  260.2616] 2cb8d0  4BFDC1BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf24,vf29x
[  260.2616] 2cb8d4  4BFDC8BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf25,vf29y
[  260.2616] 2cb8d8  4BFDD0BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf26,vf29z
[  260.2617] 2cb8dc *4BFDDFCB vmaddw.xyzw vf31, vf27, vf29w
[  260.2617] 2cb8e0  F97E0000 sqc2    vf30, 0x   0(t3)
[  260.2618] 2cb8e4  4A0002FF vnop
[  260.2618] 2cb8e8  4A0002FF vnop
[  260.2618] 2cb8ec  4BFF03BC vdiv Q, vf00w, vf31w
[  260.2618] 2cb8f0 =48468800 cfc2    a2, MACflag
[  260.2618] 2cb8f4  30C60011 andi    a2,a2, 0x0011
[  260.2618] 2cb8f8  10C00003 beq    a2, zero, ->$0x002CB908
[  260.2618] 2cb8fc  00000000 nop
[  260.2619] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  260.2619] 2cb880  3C09FFFF lui    t1, 0xFFFF
[  260.2619] 2cb884  0009483E dsrl32    t1,t1, 0x00
[  260.2619] 2cb888  24060001 addiu    a2,zero, 0x1
[  260.2619] 2cb88c  85A70004 lh    a3, 0x   4(t5)
[  260.2619] 2cb890  00E93824 and    a3,a3, t1
[  260.2619] 2cb894  0006303C dsll32    a2,a2, 0x00
[  260.2619] 2cb898  00C73025 or    a2,a2, a3
[  260.2619] 2cb89c  85A70002 lh    a3, 0x   2(t5)
[  260.2619] 2cb8a0  85A80000 lh    t0, 0x   0(t5)
[  260.2619] 2cb8a4  01094024 and    t0,t0, t1
[  260.2619] 2cb8a8  0007383C dsll32    a3,a3, 0x00
[  260.2619] 2cb8ac  00E83825 or    a3,a3, t0
[  260.2619] 2cb8b0  70C73389 pcpyld    a2, a2, a3
[  260.2619] 2cb8b4  48A6E800 qmtc2    a2, vf29
[  260.2619] 2cb8b8  4BFDE93C vitof0.xyzw vf29, vf29
[  260.2619] 2cb8bc  F95D0000 sqc2    vf29, 0x   0(t2)
[  260.2619] 2cb8c0  4BFDA1BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf20,vf29x
[  260.2619] 2cb8c4  4BFDA8BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf21,vf29y
[  260.2619] 2cb8c8  4BFDB0BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf22,vf29z
[  260.2619] 2cb8cc  4BFDBF8B vmaddw.xyzw vf30, vf23, vf29w
[  260.2619] 2cb8d0  4BFDC1BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf24,vf29x
[  260.2619] 2cb8d4  4BFDC8BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf25,vf29y
[  260.2619] 2cb8d8  4BFDD0BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf26,vf29z
[  260.2619] 2cb8dc *4BFDDFCB vmaddw.xyzw vf31, vf27, vf29w
[  260.2619] 2cb8e0  F97E0000 sqc2    vf30, 0x   0(t3)
[  260.2619] 2cb8e4  4A0002FF vnop
[  260.2619] 2cb8e8  4A0002FF vnop
[  260.2619] 2cb8ec  4BFF03BC vdiv Q, vf00w, vf31w
[  260.2619] 2cb8f0 =48468800 cfc2    a2, MACflag
[  260.2619] 2cb8f4  30C60011 andi    a2,a2, 0x0011
[  260.2619] 2cb8f8  10C00003 beq    a2, zero, ->$0x002CB908
[  260.2619] 2cb8fc  00000000 nop
[  260.2880] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  260.2880] 2de644  D8680000 lqc2    vf08, 0x   0(v1)
[  260.2880] 2de648  D8690010 lqc2    vf09, 0x  10(v1)
[  260.2880] 2de64c  D86A0020 lqc2    vf10, 0x  20(v1)
[  260.2880] 2de650  D86B0030 lqc2    vf11, 0x  30(v1)
[  260.2881] 2de654  70007008 paddw    t6, zero, zero
[  260.2881] 2de658  3C0E3F80 lui    t6, 0x3F80
[  260.2881] 2de65c  700E77C9 prot3w    t6, t6
[  260.2881] 2de660  70006808 paddw    t5, zero, zero
[  260.2881] 2de664  71C064C8 ppacw    t4, t6, zero
[  260.2881] 2de668  DE2B0010 ld    t3, 0x  10(s1)
[  260.2881] 2de66c  9662000A lhu    v0, 0x   A(s3)
[  260.2881] 2de670  96630008 lhu    v1, 0x   8(s3)
[  260.2881] 2de674  0002117C dsll32    v0,v0, 0x05
[  260.2881] 2de678  00431025 or    v0,v0, v1
[  260.2881] 2de67c  0162582C dadd    t3, t3, v0
[  260.2881] 2de680  340A8000 ori    t2,zero, 0x8000
[  260.2881] 2de684  87220000 lh    v0, 0x   0(t9)
[  260.2881] 2de688  87230002 lh    v1, 0x   2(t9)
[  260.2881] 2de68c  70621488 pextlw    v0, v1, v0
[  260.2881] 2de690  0040602D daddu    t4, v0, zero
[  260.2882] 2de694  48ACA000 qmtc2    t4, vf20
[  260.2882] 2de698  4B94A13D vitof4.xy vf20, vf20
[  260.2882] 2de69c  48ACC000 qmtc2    t4, vf24
[  260.2882] 2de6a0  4B98C13D vitof4.xy vf24, vf24
[  260.2882] 2de6a4  4BF4E1BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf28,vf20x
[  260.2882] 2de6a8  4BF4E8BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf29,vf20y
[  260.2882] 2de6ac  4BF4F0BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf30,vf20z
[  260.2882] 2de6b0 *4BF4FD0B vmaddw.xyzw vf20, vf31, vf20w
[  260.2882] 2de6b4  4BF403BC vdiv Q, vf00w, vf20w
[  260.2882] 2de6b8 =48428800 cfc2    v0, MACflag
[  260.2882] 2de6bc  30420011 andi    v0,v0, 0x0011
[  260.2882] 2de6c0  144000AD bne    v0, zero, ->$0x002DE978
[  260.2882] 2de6c4  4BF841BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf08,vf24x
[  261.5600] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  261.5600] 2ced90  F8990080 sqc2    vf25, 0x  80(a0)
[  261.5600] 2ced94  F89800C0 sqc2    vf24, 0x  C0(a0)
[  261.5600] 2ced98  F8960100 sqc2    vf22, 0x 100(a0)
[  261.5600] 2ced9c  26840400 addiu    a0,s4, 0x400
[  261.5600] 2ceda0  26850600 addiu    a1,s4, 0x600
[  261.5600] 2ceda4  0060302D daddu    a2, v1, zero
[  261.5600] 2ceda8  0000182D daddu    v1, zero, zero
[  261.5600] 2cedac  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5600] 2cedb0  D8850040 lqc2    vf05, 0x  40(a0)
[  261.5601] 2cedb4  4BC109FF vclip vf01xyz, vf01w
[  261.5601] 2cedb8 *4BC529FF vclip vf05xyz, vf05w
[  261.5601] 2cedbc  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5601] 2cedc0  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5601] 2cedc4  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5601] 2cedc8  4A0002FF vnop
[  261.5601] 2cedcc =48479000 cfc2    a3, ClipFlag
[  261.5601] 2cedd0  30E20800 andi    v0,a3, 0x0800
[  261.5601] 2cedd4  30E70020 andi    a3,a3, 0x0020
[  261.5601] 2cedd8  10400021 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002CEE60
[  261.5601] 2ceddc  00000000 nop
[  261.5601] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  261.5601] 2cedac  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5601] 2cedb0  D8850040 lqc2    vf05, 0x  40(a0)
[  261.5601] 2cedb4  4BC109FF vclip vf01xyz, vf01w
[  261.5601] 2cedb8 *4BC529FF vclip vf05xyz, vf05w
[  261.5602] 2cedbc  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5602] 2cedc0  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5602] 2cedc4  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5602] 2cedc8  4A0002FF vnop
[  261.5602] 2cedcc =48479000 cfc2    a3, ClipFlag
[  261.5602] 2cedd0  30E20800 andi    v0,a3, 0x0800
[  261.5602] 2cedd4  30E70020 andi    a3,a3, 0x0020
[  261.5602] 2cedd8  10400021 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002CEE60
[  261.5602] 2ceddc  00000000 nop
[  261.5603] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  261.5603] 2cef84  26840400 addiu    a0,s4, 0x400
[  261.5603] 2cef88  26850600 addiu    a1,s4, 0x600
[  261.5603] 2cef8c  0060302D daddu    a2, v1, zero
[  261.5603] 2cef90  0000182D daddu    v1, zero, zero
[  261.5603] 2cef94  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5603] 2cef98  D8850040 lqc2    vf05, 0x  40(a0)
[  261.5603] 2cef9c  4BC109FF vclip vf01xyz, vf01w
[  261.5603] 2cefa0 *4BC529FF vclip vf05xyz, vf05w
[  261.5603] 2cefa4  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5603] 2cefa8  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5603] 2cefac  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5603] 2cefb0  4A0002FF vnop
[  261.5603] 2cefb4 =48479000 cfc2    a3, ClipFlag
[  261.5603] 2cefb8  30E20080 andi    v0,a3, 0x0080
[  261.5603] 2cefbc  30E70002 andi    a3,a3, 0x0002
[  261.5603] 2cefc0  10400021 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002CF048
[  261.5604] 2cefc4  00000000 nop
[  261.5604] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  261.5604] 2cef94  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5604] 2cef98  D8850040 lqc2    vf05, 0x  40(a0)
[  261.5604] 2cef9c  4BC109FF vclip vf01xyz, vf01w
[  261.5604] 2cefa0 *4BC529FF vclip vf05xyz, vf05w
[  261.5604] 2cefa4  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5604] 2cefa8  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5604] 2cefac  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5604] 2cefb0  4A0002FF vnop
[  261.5604] 2cefb4 =48479000 cfc2    a3, ClipFlag
[  261.5604] 2cefb8  30E20080 andi    v0,a3, 0x0080
[  261.5604] 2cefbc  30E70002 andi    a3,a3, 0x0002
[  261.5604] 2cefc0  10400021 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002CF048
[  261.5604] 2cefc4  00000000 nop
[  261.5605] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  261.5605] 2cf104  0005227A dsrl    a0,a1, 0x09
[  261.5605] 2cf108  00042278 dsll    a0,a0, 0x09
[  261.5605] 2cf10c  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5605] 2cf110  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5605] 2cf114  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5605] 2cf118  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5605] 2cf11c  F8A10000 sqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a1)
[  261.5605] 2cf120  F8A20010 sqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a1)
[  261.5605] 2cf124  F8A30020 sqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a1)
[  261.5605] 2cf128  F8A40030 sqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a1)
[  261.5605] 2cf12c  26840600 addiu    a0,s4, 0x600
[  261.5605] 2cf130  26850400 addiu    a1,s4, 0x400
[  261.5606] 2cf134  0060302D daddu    a2, v1, zero
[  261.5606] 2cf138  0000182D daddu    v1, zero, zero
[  261.5606] 2cf13c  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5606] 2cf140  D8850040 lqc2    vf05, 0x  40(a0)
[  261.5606] 2cf144  4BC109FF vclip vf01xyz, vf01w
[  261.5606] 2cf148 *4BC529FF vclip vf05xyz, vf05w
[  261.5606] 2cf14c  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5606] 2cf150  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5606] 2cf154  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5606] 2cf158  4A0002FF vnop
[  261.5606] 2cf15c =48479000 cfc2    a3, ClipFlag
[  261.5606] 2cf160  30E20040 andi    v0,a3, 0x0040
[  261.5606] 2cf164  30E70001 andi    a3,a3, 0x0001
[  261.5606] 2cf168  10400021 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002CF1F0
[  261.5606] 2cf16c  00000000 nop
[  261.5606] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  261.5606] 2cf13c  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5606] 2cf140  D8850040 lqc2    vf05, 0x  40(a0)
[  261.5606] 2cf144  4BC109FF vclip vf01xyz, vf01w
[  261.5606] 2cf148 *4BC529FF vclip vf05xyz, vf05w
[  261.5606] 2cf14c  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5606] 2cf150  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5606] 2cf154  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5606] 2cf158  4A0002FF vnop
[  261.5606] 2cf15c =48479000 cfc2    a3, ClipFlag
[  261.5606] 2cf160  30E20040 andi    v0,a3, 0x0040
[  261.5606] 2cf164  30E70001 andi    a3,a3, 0x0001
[  261.5607] 2cf168  10400021 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002CF1F0
[  261.5607] 2cf16c  00000000 nop
[  261.5607] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  261.5607] 2cf2ac  0005227A dsrl    a0,a1, 0x09
[  261.5607] 2cf2b0  00042278 dsll    a0,a0, 0x09
[  261.5607] 2cf2b4  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5607] 2cf2b8  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5607] 2cf2bc  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5607] 2cf2c0  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5607] 2cf2c4  F8A10000 sqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a1)
[  261.5607] 2cf2c8  F8A20010 sqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a1)
[  261.5608] 2cf2cc  F8A30020 sqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a1)
[  261.5608] 2cf2d0  F8A40030 sqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a1)
[  261.5608] 2cf2d4  26840400 addiu    a0,s4, 0x400
[  261.5608] 2cf2d8  26850600 addiu    a1,s4, 0x600
[  261.5608] 2cf2dc  0060302D daddu    a2, v1, zero
[  261.5608] 2cf2e0  0000182D daddu    v1, zero, zero
[  261.5608] 2cf2e4  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5608] 2cf2e8  D8850040 lqc2    vf05, 0x  40(a0)
[  261.5608] 2cf2ec  4BC109FF vclip vf01xyz, vf01w
[  261.5608] 2cf2f0 *4BC529FF vclip vf05xyz, vf05w
[  261.5608] 2cf2f4  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5608] 2cf2f8  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5608] 2cf2fc  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5608] 2cf300  4A0002FF vnop
[  261.5608] 2cf304 =48479000 cfc2    a3, ClipFlag
[  261.5608] 2cf308  30E20200 andi    v0,a3, 0x0200
[  261.5608] 2cf30c  30E70008 andi    a3,a3, 0x0008
[  261.5608] 2cf310  10400021 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002CF398
[  261.5608] 2cf314  00000000 nop
[  261.5608] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  261.5608] 2cf2e4  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5609] 2cf2e8  D8850040 lqc2    vf05, 0x  40(a0)
[  261.5609] 2cf2ec  4BC109FF vclip vf01xyz, vf01w
[  261.5609] 2cf2f0 *4BC529FF vclip vf05xyz, vf05w
[  261.5609] 2cf2f4  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5609] 2cf2f8  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5609] 2cf2fc  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5609] 2cf300  4A0002FF vnop
[  261.5609] 2cf304 =48479000 cfc2    a3, ClipFlag
[  261.5609] 2cf308  30E20200 andi    v0,a3, 0x0200
[  261.5609] 2cf30c  30E70008 andi    a3,a3, 0x0008
[  261.5609] 2cf310  10400021 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002CF398
[  261.5609] 2cf314  00000000 nop
[  261.5610] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  261.5610] 2cf454  0005227A dsrl    a0,a1, 0x09
[  261.5610] 2cf458  00042278 dsll    a0,a0, 0x09
[  261.5610] 2cf45c  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5610] 2cf460  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5610] 2cf464  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5610] 2cf468  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5610] 2cf46c  F8A10000 sqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a1)
[  261.5610] 2cf470  F8A20010 sqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a1)
[  261.5610] 2cf474  F8A30020 sqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a1)
[  261.5611] 2cf478  F8A40030 sqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a1)
[  261.5611] 2cf47c  26840600 addiu    a0,s4, 0x600
[  261.5611] 2cf480  26850400 addiu    a1,s4, 0x400
[  261.5611] 2cf484  0060302D daddu    a2, v1, zero
[  261.5611] 2cf488  0000182D daddu    v1, zero, zero
[  261.5611] 2cf48c  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5611] 2cf490  D8850040 lqc2    vf05, 0x  40(a0)
[  261.5611] 2cf494  4BC109FF vclip vf01xyz, vf01w
[  261.5611] 2cf498 *4BC529FF vclip vf05xyz, vf05w
[  261.5611] 2cf49c  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5611] 2cf4a0  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5611] 2cf4a4  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5611] 2cf4a8  4A0002FF vnop
[  261.5611] 2cf4ac =48479000 cfc2    a3, ClipFlag
[  261.5611] 2cf4b0  30E20100 andi    v0,a3, 0x0100
[  261.5611] 2cf4b4  30E70004 andi    a3,a3, 0x0004
[  261.5611] 2cf4b8  10400021 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002CF540
[  261.5611] 2cf4bc  00000000 nop
[  261.5612] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  261.5612] 2cf48c  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5612] 2cf490  D8850040 lqc2    vf05, 0x  40(a0)
[  261.5612] 2cf494  4BC109FF vclip vf01xyz, vf01w
[  261.5612] 2cf498 *4BC529FF vclip vf05xyz, vf05w
[  261.5612] 2cf49c  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5612] 2cf4a0  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5612] 2cf4a4  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5612] 2cf4a8  4A0002FF vnop
[  261.5612] 2cf4ac =48479000 cfc2    a3, ClipFlag
[  261.5612] 2cf4b0  30E20100 andi    v0,a3, 0x0100
[  261.5612] 2cf4b4  30E70004 andi    a3,a3, 0x0004
[  261.5612] 2cf4b8  10400021 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002CF540
[  261.5612] 2cf4bc  00000000 nop
[  261.5633] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  261.5633] 2de6c8  4BF848BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf09,vf24y
[  261.5633] 2de6cc  4BF850BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf10,vf24z
[  261.5633] 2de6d0  4BF85E0B vmaddw.xyzw vf24, vf11, vf24w
[  261.5633] 2de6d4  4A0003BF vwaitq
[  261.5633] 2de6d8  4BC0A51C vmulq.xyz vf20,vf20,Q
[  261.5633] 2de6dc  4BF803BC vdiv Q, vf00w, vf24w
[  261.5633] 2de6e0  87220004 lh    v0, 0x   4(t9)
[  261.5633] 2de6e4  87230006 lh    v1, 0x   6(t9)
[  261.5633] 2de6e8  70621488 pextlw    v0, v1, v0
[  261.5633] 2de6ec  0040602D daddu    t4, v0, zero
[  261.5633] 2de6f0  48ACA800 qmtc2    t4, vf21
[  261.5633] 2de6f4  4B95A93D vitof4.xy vf21, vf21
[  261.5633] 2de6f8  48ACC800 qmtc2    t4, vf25
[  261.5633] 2de6fc  4B99C93D vitof4.xy vf25, vf25
[  261.5633] 2de700  4A0003BF vwaitq
[  261.5633] 2de704  4A40C51C vmulq.z vf20,vf24,Q
[  261.5633] 2de708  4BF5E1BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf28,vf21x
[  261.5633] 2de70c  4BF5E8BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf29,vf21y
[  261.5634] 2de710  4BF5F0BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf30,vf21z
[  261.5634] 2de714 *4BF5FD4B vmaddw.xyzw vf21, vf31, vf21w
[  261.5634] 2de718  4BF503BC vdiv Q, vf00w, vf21w
[  261.5634] 2de71c =48428800 cfc2    v0, MACflag
[  261.5634] 2de720  30420011 andi    v0,v0, 0x0011
[  261.5634] 2de724  14400094 bne    v0, zero, ->$0x002DE978
[  261.5634] 2de728  4BF941BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf08,vf25x
[  261.5634] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  261.5634] 2de72c  4BF948BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf09,vf25y
[  261.5634] 2de730  4BF950BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf10,vf25z
[  261.5634] 2de734  4BF95E4B vmaddw.xyzw vf25, vf11, vf25w
[  261.5634] 2de738  4A0003BF vwaitq
[  261.5634] 2de73c  4BC0AD5C vmulq.xyz vf21,vf21,Q
[  261.5634] 2de740  4BF903BC vdiv Q, vf00w, vf25w
[  261.5634] 2de744  87220008 lh    v0, 0x   8(t9)
[  261.5634] 2de748  8723000A lh    v1, 0x   A(t9)
[  261.5634] 2de74c  70621488 pextlw    v0, v1, v0
[  261.5634] 2de750  0040602D daddu    t4, v0, zero
[  261.5634] 2de754  48ACB000 qmtc2    t4, vf22
[  261.5634] 2de758  4B96B13D vitof4.xy vf22, vf22
[  261.5634] 2de75c  48ACD000 qmtc2    t4, vf26
[  261.5634] 2de760  4B9AD13D vitof4.xy vf26, vf26
[  261.5635] 2de764  4A0003BF vwaitq
[  261.5635] 2de768  4A40CD5C vmulq.z vf21,vf25,Q
[  261.5635] 2de76c  4BF6E1BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf28,vf22x
[  261.5635] 2de770  4BF6E8BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf29,vf22y
[  261.5635] 2de774  4BF6F0BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf30,vf22z
[  261.5635] 2de778 *4BF6FD8B vmaddw.xyzw vf22, vf31, vf22w
[  261.5635] 2de77c  4BF603BC vdiv Q, vf00w, vf22w
[  261.5635] 2de780 =48428800 cfc2    v0, MACflag
[  261.5635] 2de784  30420011 andi    v0,v0, 0x0011
[  261.5635] 2de788  1440007B bne    v0, zero, ->$0x002DE978
[  261.5635] 2de78c  4BFA41BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf08,vf26x
[  261.5676] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  261.5676] 2ccd8c  26840400 addiu    a0,s4, 0x400
[  261.5676] 2ccd90  26850600 addiu    a1,s4, 0x600
[  261.5676] 2ccd94  0060302D daddu    a2, v1, zero
[  261.5676] 2ccd98  0000182D daddu    v1, zero, zero
[  261.5676] 2ccd9c  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5676] 2ccda0  D8850040 lqc2    vf05, 0x  40(a0)
[  261.5676] 2ccda4  4BC109FF vclip vf01xyz, vf01w
[  261.5676] 2ccda8 *4BC529FF vclip vf05xyz, vf05w
[  261.5676] 2ccdac  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5676] 2ccdb0  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5676] 2ccdb4  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5676] 2ccdb8  4A0002FF vnop
[  261.5676] 2ccdbc =48479000 cfc2    a3, ClipFlag
[  261.5676] 2ccdc0  30E20800 andi    v0,a3, 0x0800
[  261.5676] 2ccdc4  30E70020 andi    a3,a3, 0x0020
[  261.5677] 2ccdc8  10400021 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002CCE50
[  261.5677] 2ccdcc  00000000 nop
[  261.5677] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  261.5677] 2ccd9c  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5677] 2ccda0  D8850040 lqc2    vf05, 0x  40(a0)
[  261.5677] 2ccda4  4BC109FF vclip vf01xyz, vf01w
[  261.5677] 2ccda8 *4BC529FF vclip vf05xyz, vf05w
[  261.5677] 2ccdac  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5677] 2ccdb0  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5678] 2ccdb4  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5678] 2ccdb8  4A0002FF vnop
[  261.5678] 2ccdbc =48479000 cfc2    a3, ClipFlag
[  261.5678] 2ccdc0  30E20800 andi    v0,a3, 0x0800
[  261.5678] 2ccdc4  30E70020 andi    a3,a3, 0x0020
[  261.5678] 2ccdc8  10400021 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002CCE50
[  261.5678] 2ccdcc  00000000 nop
[  261.5679] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  261.5679] 2ccf74  26840400 addiu    a0,s4, 0x400
[  261.5679] 2ccf78  26850600 addiu    a1,s4, 0x600
[  261.5679] 2ccf7c  0060302D daddu    a2, v1, zero
[  261.5680] 2ccf80  0000182D daddu    v1, zero, zero
[  261.5680] 2ccf84  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5680] 2ccf88  D8850040 lqc2    vf05, 0x  40(a0)
[  261.5680] 2ccf8c  4BC109FF vclip vf01xyz, vf01w
[  261.5680] 2ccf90 *4BC529FF vclip vf05xyz, vf05w
[  261.5680] 2ccf94  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5680] 2ccf98  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5680] 2ccf9c  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5680] 2ccfa0  4A0002FF vnop
[  261.5680] 2ccfa4 =48479000 cfc2    a3, ClipFlag
[  261.5680] 2ccfa8  30E20080 andi    v0,a3, 0x0080
[  261.5680] 2ccfac  30E70002 andi    a3,a3, 0x0002
[  261.5680] 2ccfb0  10400021 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002CD038
[  261.5680] 2ccfb4  00000000 nop
[  261.5681] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  261.5681] 2ccf84  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5681] 2ccf88  D8850040 lqc2    vf05, 0x  40(a0)
[  261.5681] 2ccf8c  4BC109FF vclip vf01xyz, vf01w
[  261.5681] 2ccf90 *4BC529FF vclip vf05xyz, vf05w
[  261.5681] 2ccf94  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5681] 2ccf98  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5681] 2ccf9c  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5681] 2ccfa0  4A0002FF vnop
[  261.5681] 2ccfa4 =48479000 cfc2    a3, ClipFlag
[  261.5681] 2ccfa8  30E20080 andi    v0,a3, 0x0080
[  261.5681] 2ccfac  30E70002 andi    a3,a3, 0x0002
[  261.5681] 2ccfb0  10400021 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002CD038
[  261.5681] 2ccfb4  00000000 nop
[  261.5682] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  261.5682] 2cd0f4  0005227A dsrl    a0,a1, 0x09
[  261.5683] 2cd0f8  00042278 dsll    a0,a0, 0x09
[  261.5683] 2cd0fc  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5683] 2cd100  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5683] 2cd104  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5683] 2cd108  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5683] 2cd10c  F8A10000 sqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a1)
[  261.5683] 2cd110  F8A20010 sqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a1)
[  261.5683] 2cd114  F8A30020 sqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a1)
[  261.5683] 2cd118  F8A40030 sqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a1)
[  261.5683] 2cd11c  26840600 addiu    a0,s4, 0x600
[  261.5683] 2cd120  26850400 addiu    a1,s4, 0x400
[  261.5683] 2cd124  0060302D daddu    a2, v1, zero
[  261.5683] 2cd128  0000182D daddu    v1, zero, zero
[  261.5683] 2cd12c  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5683] 2cd130  D8850040 lqc2    vf05, 0x  40(a0)
[  261.5683] 2cd134  4BC109FF vclip vf01xyz, vf01w
[  261.5683] 2cd138 *4BC529FF vclip vf05xyz, vf05w
[  261.5683] 2cd13c  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5683] 2cd140  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5683] 2cd144  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5683] 2cd148  4A0002FF vnop
[  261.5683] 2cd14c =48479000 cfc2    a3, ClipFlag
[  261.5683] 2cd150  30E20040 andi    v0,a3, 0x0040
[  261.5683] 2cd154  30E70001 andi    a3,a3, 0x0001
[  261.5683] 2cd158  10400021 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002CD1E0
[  261.5683] 2cd15c  00000000 nop
[  261.5684] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  261.5684] 2cd12c  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5684] 2cd130  D8850040 lqc2    vf05, 0x  40(a0)
[  261.5684] 2cd134  4BC109FF vclip vf01xyz, vf01w
[  261.5684] 2cd138 *4BC529FF vclip vf05xyz, vf05w
[  261.5684] 2cd13c  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5684] 2cd140  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5684] 2cd144  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5684] 2cd148  4A0002FF vnop
[  261.5684] 2cd14c =48479000 cfc2    a3, ClipFlag
[  261.5685] 2cd150  30E20040 andi    v0,a3, 0x0040
[  261.5685] 2cd154  30E70001 andi    a3,a3, 0x0001
[  261.5685] 2cd158  10400021 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002CD1E0
[  261.5685] 2cd15c  00000000 nop
[  261.5686] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  261.5686] 2cd29c  0005227A dsrl    a0,a1, 0x09
[  261.5686] 2cd2a0  00042278 dsll    a0,a0, 0x09
[  261.5686] 2cd2a4  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5686] 2cd2a8  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5686] 2cd2ac  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5686] 2cd2b0  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5686] 2cd2b4  F8A10000 sqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a1)
[  261.5686] 2cd2b8  F8A20010 sqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a1)
[  261.5686] 2cd2bc  F8A30020 sqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a1)
[  261.5686] 2cd2c0  F8A40030 sqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a1)
[  261.5686] 2cd2c4  26840400 addiu    a0,s4, 0x400
[  261.5686] 2cd2c8  26850600 addiu    a1,s4, 0x600
[  261.5686] 2cd2cc  0060302D daddu    a2, v1, zero
[  261.5686] 2cd2d0  0000182D daddu    v1, zero, zero
[  261.5686] 2cd2d4  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5686] 2cd2d8  D8850040 lqc2    vf05, 0x  40(a0)
[  261.5686] 2cd2dc  4BC109FF vclip vf01xyz, vf01w
[  261.5686] 2cd2e0 *4BC529FF vclip vf05xyz, vf05w
[  261.5686] 2cd2e4  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5686] 2cd2e8  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5686] 2cd2ec  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5686] 2cd2f0  4A0002FF vnop
[  261.5686] 2cd2f4 =48479000 cfc2    a3, ClipFlag
[  261.5686] 2cd2f8  30E20200 andi    v0,a3, 0x0200
[  261.5686] 2cd2fc  30E70008 andi    a3,a3, 0x0008
[  261.5686] 2cd300  10400021 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002CD388
[  261.5686] 2cd304  00000000 nop
[  261.5687] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  261.5687] 2cd2d4  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5687] 2cd2d8  D8850040 lqc2    vf05, 0x  40(a0)
[  261.5687] 2cd2dc  4BC109FF vclip vf01xyz, vf01w
[  261.5687] 2cd2e0 *4BC529FF vclip vf05xyz, vf05w
[  261.5687] 2cd2e4  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5687] 2cd2e8  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5687] 2cd2ec  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5687] 2cd2f0  4A0002FF vnop
[  261.5687] 2cd2f4 =48479000 cfc2    a3, ClipFlag
[  261.5688] 2cd2f8  30E20200 andi    v0,a3, 0x0200
[  261.5688] 2cd2fc  30E70008 andi    a3,a3, 0x0008
[  261.5688] 2cd300  10400021 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002CD388
[  261.5688] 2cd304  00000000 nop
[  261.5689] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  261.5689] 2cd444  0005227A dsrl    a0,a1, 0x09
[  261.5689] 2cd448  00042278 dsll    a0,a0, 0x09
[  261.5689] 2cd44c  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5689] 2cd450  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5689] 2cd454  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5689] 2cd458  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5689] 2cd45c  F8A10000 sqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a1)
[  261.5689] 2cd460  F8A20010 sqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a1)
[  261.5689] 2cd464  F8A30020 sqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a1)
[  261.5689] 2cd468  F8A40030 sqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a1)
[  261.5689] 2cd46c  26840600 addiu    a0,s4, 0x600
[  261.5689] 2cd470  26850400 addiu    a1,s4, 0x400
[  261.5689] 2cd474  0060302D daddu    a2, v1, zero
[  261.5689] 2cd478  0000182D daddu    v1, zero, zero
[  261.5689] 2cd47c  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5689] 2cd480  D8850040 lqc2    vf05, 0x  40(a0)
[  261.5689] 2cd484  4BC109FF vclip vf01xyz, vf01w
[  261.5689] 2cd488 *4BC529FF vclip vf05xyz, vf05w
[  261.5689] 2cd48c  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5689] 2cd490  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5689] 2cd494  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5690] 2cd498  4A0002FF vnop
[  261.5690] 2cd49c =48479000 cfc2    a3, ClipFlag
[  261.5690] 2cd4a0  30E20100 andi    v0,a3, 0x0100
[  261.5690] 2cd4a4  30E70004 andi    a3,a3, 0x0004
[  261.5690] 2cd4a8  10400021 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002CD530
[  261.5690] 2cd4ac  00000000 nop
[  261.5690] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  261.5690] 2cd47c  D8810000 lqc2    vf01, 0x   0(a0)
[  261.5690] 2cd480  D8850040 lqc2    vf05, 0x  40(a0)
[  261.5690] 2cd484  4BC109FF vclip vf01xyz, vf01w
[  261.5690] 2cd488 *4BC529FF vclip vf05xyz, vf05w
[  261.5690] 2cd48c  D8820010 lqc2    vf02, 0x  10(a0)
[  261.5690] 2cd490  D8830020 lqc2    vf03, 0x  20(a0)
[  261.5690] 2cd494  D8840030 lqc2    vf04, 0x  30(a0)
[  261.5690] 2cd498  4A0002FF vnop
[  261.5690] 2cd49c =48479000 cfc2    a3, ClipFlag
[  261.5690] 2cd4a0  30E20100 andi    v0,a3, 0x0100
[  261.5690] 2cd4a4  30E70004 andi    a3,a3, 0x0004
[  261.5690] 2cd4a8  10400021 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002CD530
[  261.5690] 2cd4ac  00000000 nop
[  306.3982] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  306.3982] 2dd060  D8680000 lqc2    vf08, 0x   0(v1)
[  306.3982] 2dd064  D8690010 lqc2    vf09, 0x  10(v1)
[  306.3982] 2dd068  D86A0020 lqc2    vf10, 0x  20(v1)
[  306.3982] 2dd06c  D86B0030 lqc2    vf11, 0x  30(v1)
[  306.3982] 2dd070  70007008 paddw    t6, zero, zero
[  306.3982] 2dd074  3C0E3F80 lui    t6, 0x3F80
[  306.3982] 2dd078  700E77C9 prot3w    t6, t6
[  306.3982] 2dd07c  70006808 paddw    t5, zero, zero
[  306.3982] 2dd080  71C064C8 ppacw    t4, t6, zero
[  306.3982] 2dd084  9662000A lhu    v0, 0x   A(s3)
[  306.3982] 2dd088  96630008 lhu    v1, 0x   8(s3)
[  306.3982] 2dd08c  0002117C dsll32    v0,v0, 0x05
[  306.3983] 2dd090  00435825 or    t3,v0, v1
[  306.3983] 2dd094  340A8000 ori    t2,zero, 0x8000
[  306.3983] 2dd098  84C20010 lh    v0, 0x  10(a2)
[  306.3983] 2dd09c  84C30012 lh    v1, 0x  12(a2)
[  306.3983] 2dd0a0  70621488 pextlw    v0, v1, v0
[  306.3983] 2dd0a4  0040602D daddu    t4, v0, zero
[  306.3983] 2dd0a8  48ACA000 qmtc2    t4, vf20
[  306.3983] 2dd0ac  4B94A13D vitof4.xy vf20, vf20
[  306.3983] 2dd0b0  48ACC000 qmtc2    t4, vf24
[  306.3983] 2dd0b4  4B98C13D vitof4.xy vf24, vf24
[  306.3983] 2dd0b8  4BF4E1BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf28,vf20x
[  306.3983] 2dd0bc  4BF4E8BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf29,vf20y
[  306.3983] 2dd0c0  4BF4F0BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf30,vf20z
[  306.3983] 2dd0c4 *4BF4FD0B vmaddw.xyzw vf20, vf31, vf20w
[  306.3983] 2dd0c8  4BF403BC vdiv Q, vf00w, vf20w
[  306.3983] 2dd0cc =48428800 cfc2    v0, MACflag
[  306.3983] 2dd0d0  30420011 andi    v0,v0, 0x0011
[  306.3983] 2dd0d4  144000AC bne    v0, zero, ->$0x002DD388
[  306.3983] 2dd0d8  4BF841BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf08,vf24x
[  306.3984] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  306.3985] 2dd0dc  4BF848BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf09,vf24y
[  306.3985] 2dd0e0  4BF850BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf10,vf24z
[  306.3985] 2dd0e4  4BF85E0B vmaddw.xyzw vf24, vf11, vf24w
[  306.3985] 2dd0e8  4A0003BF vwaitq
[  306.3985] 2dd0ec  4BC0A51C vmulq.xyz vf20,vf20,Q
[  306.3985] 2dd0f0  4BF803BC vdiv Q, vf00w, vf24w
[  306.3985] 2dd0f4  84C20014 lh    v0, 0x  14(a2)
[  306.3985] 2dd0f8  84C30016 lh    v1, 0x  16(a2)
[  306.3985] 2dd0fc  70621488 pextlw    v0, v1, v0
[  306.3985] 2dd100  0040602D daddu    t4, v0, zero
[  306.3985] 2dd104  48ACA800 qmtc2    t4, vf21
[  306.3985] 2dd108  4B95A93D vitof4.xy vf21, vf21
[  306.3985] 2dd10c  48ACC800 qmtc2    t4, vf25
[  306.3985] 2dd110  4B99C93D vitof4.xy vf25, vf25
[  306.3985] 2dd114  4A0003BF vwaitq
[  306.3985] 2dd118  4A40C51C vmulq.z vf20,vf24,Q
[  306.3985] 2dd11c  4BF5E1BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf28,vf21x
[  306.3985] 2dd120  4BF5E8BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf29,vf21y
[  306.3985] 2dd124  4BF5F0BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf30,vf21z
[  306.3985] 2dd128 *4BF5FD4B vmaddw.xyzw vf21, vf31, vf21w
[  306.3985] 2dd12c  4BF503BC vdiv Q, vf00w, vf21w
[  306.3985] 2dd130 =48428800 cfc2    v0, MACflag
[  306.3985] 2dd134  30420011 andi    v0,v0, 0x0011
[  306.3985] 2dd138  14400093 bne    v0, zero, ->$0x002DD388
[  306.3985] 2dd13c  4BF941BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf08,vf25x
[  306.3985] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  306.3986] 2dd140  4BF948BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf09,vf25y
[  306.3986] 2dd144  4BF950BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf10,vf25z
[  306.3986] 2dd148  4BF95E4B vmaddw.xyzw vf25, vf11, vf25w
[  306.3986] 2dd14c  4A0003BF vwaitq
[  306.3986] 2dd150  4BC0AD5C vmulq.xyz vf21,vf21,Q
[  306.3986] 2dd154  4BF903BC vdiv Q, vf00w, vf25w
[  306.3986] 2dd158  84C20018 lh    v0, 0x  18(a2)
[  306.3986] 2dd15c  84C3001A lh    v1, 0x  1A(a2)
[  306.3986] 2dd160  70621488 pextlw    v0, v1, v0
[  306.3986] 2dd164  0040602D daddu    t4, v0, zero
[  306.3986] 2dd168  48ACB000 qmtc2    t4, vf22
[  306.3986] 2dd16c  4B96B13D vitof4.xy vf22, vf22
[  306.3986] 2dd170  48ACD000 qmtc2    t4, vf26
[  306.3986] 2dd174  4B9AD13D vitof4.xy vf26, vf26
[  306.3986] 2dd178  4A0003BF vwaitq
[  306.3986] 2dd17c  4A40CD5C vmulq.z vf21,vf25,Q
[  306.3986] 2dd180  4BF6E1BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf28,vf22x
[  306.3986] 2dd184  4BF6E8BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf29,vf22y
[  306.3986] 2dd188  4BF6F0BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf30,vf22z
[  306.3986] 2dd18c *4BF6FD8B vmaddw.xyzw vf22, vf31, vf22w
[  306.3986] 2dd190  4BF603BC vdiv Q, vf00w, vf22w
[  306.3986] 2dd194 =48428800 cfc2    v0, MACflag
[  306.3986] 2dd198  30420011 andi    v0,v0, 0x0011
[  306.3986] 2dd19c  1440007A bne    v0, zero, ->$0x002DD388
[  306.3986] 2dd1a0  4BFA41BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf08,vf26x
[  306.3988] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  306.3988] 2dd098  84C20010 lh    v0, 0x  10(a2)
[  306.3988] 2dd09c  84C30012 lh    v1, 0x  12(a2)
[  306.3988] 2dd0a0  70621488 pextlw    v0, v1, v0
[  306.3988] 2dd0a4  0040602D daddu    t4, v0, zero
[  306.3988] 2dd0a8  48ACA000 qmtc2    t4, vf20
[  306.3988] 2dd0ac  4B94A13D vitof4.xy vf20, vf20
[  306.3988] 2dd0b0  48ACC000 qmtc2    t4, vf24
[  306.3988] 2dd0b4  4B98C13D vitof4.xy vf24, vf24
[  306.3988] 2dd0b8  4BF4E1BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf28,vf20x
[  306.3988] 2dd0bc  4BF4E8BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf29,vf20y
[  306.3988] 2dd0c0  4BF4F0BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf30,vf20z
[  306.3988] 2dd0c4 *4BF4FD0B vmaddw.xyzw vf20, vf31, vf20w
[  306.3988] 2dd0c8  4BF403BC vdiv Q, vf00w, vf20w
[  306.3988] 2dd0cc =48428800 cfc2    v0, MACflag
[  306.3988] 2dd0d0  30420011 andi    v0,v0, 0x0011
[  306.3988] 2dd0d4  144000AC bne    v0, zero, ->$0x002DD388
[  306.3988] 2dd0d8  4BF841BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf08,vf24x
[  316.5443] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  316.5443] 2de684  87220000 lh    v0, 0x   0(t9)
[  316.5443] 2de688  87230002 lh    v1, 0x   2(t9)
[  316.5443] 2de68c  70621488 pextlw    v0, v1, v0
[  316.5443] 2de690  0040602D daddu    t4, v0, zero
[  316.5444] 2de694  48ACA000 qmtc2    t4, vf20
[  316.5444] 2de698  4B94A13D vitof4.xy vf20, vf20
[  316.5444] 2de69c  48ACC000 qmtc2    t4, vf24
[  316.5444] 2de6a0  4B98C13D vitof4.xy vf24, vf24
[  316.5444] 2de6a4  4BF4E1BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf28,vf20x
[  316.5444] 2de6a8  4BF4E8BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf29,vf20y
[  316.5444] 2de6ac  4BF4F0BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf30,vf20z
[  316.5444] 2de6b0 *4BF4FD0B vmaddw.xyzw vf20, vf31, vf20w
[  316.5444] 2de6b4  4BF403BC vdiv Q, vf00w, vf20w
[  316.5444] 2de6b8 =48428800 cfc2    v0, MACflag
[  316.5444] 2de6bc  30420011 andi    v0,v0, 0x0011
[  316.5444] 2de6c0  144000AD bne    v0, zero, ->$0x002DE978
[  316.5444] 2de6c4  4BF841BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf08,vf24x
[  316.5470] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  316.5470] 273348  27BDFFF0 addiu    sp,sp, -0x10
[  316.5470] 27334c  3C040038 lui    a0, 0x0038
[  316.5470] 273350  AFA20000 sw    v0, 0x   0(sp)
[  316.5470] 273354  24842B20 addiu    a0,a0, 0x2B20
[  316.5470] 273358  8C4B0000 lw    t3, 0x   0(v0)
[  316.5470] 27335c  34028000 ori    v0,zero, 0x8000
[  316.5470] 273360  48C22800 ctc2    v0, vi05
[  316.5470] 273364  8D650014 lw    a1, 0x  14(t3)
[  316.5470] 273368  8D670004 lw    a3, 0x   4(t3)
[  316.5470] 27336c  8D680000 lw    t0, 0x   0(t3)
[  316.5470] 273370  78890020 lq    t1, 0x  20(a0)
[  316.5470] 273374  D8FF0010 lqc2    vf31, 0x  10(a3)
[  316.5470] 273378  4A2AFFDA vmulz.w vf31,vf31,vf10z
[  316.5470] 27337c  4A3F0547 vsubw.w vf21, vf00, vf31w
[  316.5470] 273380  4BEB09BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf01,vf11x
[  316.5470] 273384  4BEB10BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf02,vf11y
[  316.5470] 273388  4BEB18BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf03,vf11z
[  316.5470] 27338c  4BEB22CB vmaddw.xyzw vf11, vf04, vf11w
[  316.5470] 273390  4BEB03BC vdiv Q, vf00w, vf11w
[  316.5470] 273394  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5470] 273398  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5470] 27339c  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5470] 2733a0  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5470] 2733a4  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5470] 2733a8  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5470] 2733ac  4BC05ADC vmulq.xyz vf11,vf11,Q
[  316.5470] 2733b0  4BF134AA vmul.xyzw vf18, vf06, vf17
[  316.5470] 2733b4  4B9F597D vftoi4.xy vf31, vf11
[  316.5470] 2733b8  4A7F597C vftoi0.zw vf31, vf11
[  316.5471] 2733bc  48C08000 ctc2    zero, Status
[  316.5471] 2733c0  4BA0582C vsub.xyw vf00, vf11, vf00
[  316.5471] 2733c4 *4B8B502C vsub.xy vf00, vf10, vf11
[  316.5471] 2733c8  7D090000 sq    t1, 0x   0(t0)
[  316.5471] 2733cc  4BDA917C vftoi0.xyz vf26, vf18
[  316.5471] 2733d0  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5471] 2733d4  F91A0010 sqc2    vf26, 0x  10(t0)
[  316.5471] 2733d8  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5471] 2733dc =48438000 cfc2    v1, Status
[  316.5471] 2733e0  306200C0 andi    v0,v1, 0x00C0
[  316.5471] 2733e4  10400002 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002733F0
[  316.5471] 2733e8  00000000 nop
[  316.5471] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  316.5471] 2733f0  F91F0020 sqc2    vf31, 0x  20(t0)
[  316.5471] 2733f4  4BEC09BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf01,vf12x
[  316.5471] 2733f8  4BEC10BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf02,vf12y
[  316.5471] 2733fc  4BEC18BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf03,vf12z
[  316.5472] 273400  4BEC230B vmaddw.xyzw vf12, vf04, vf12w
[  316.5472] 273404  4BEC03BC vdiv Q, vf00w, vf12w
[  316.5472] 273408  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5472] 27340c  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5472] 273410  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5472] 273414  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5472] 273418  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5472] 27341c  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5472] 273420  4BC0631C vmulq.xyz vf12,vf12,Q
[  316.5472] 273424  48C08000 ctc2    zero, Status
[  316.5472] 273428  4BA0602C vsub.xyw vf00, vf12, vf00
[  316.5472] 27342c  4B8C502C vsub.xy vf00, vf10, vf12
[  316.5472] 273430  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5472] 273434 *4A800560 vaddq.y vf21,vf00,Q
[  316.5472] 273438  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5472] 27343c  4BF4633C vmove.xyzw, vf20, vf12
[  316.5472] 273440  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5472] 273444 =48428000 cfc2    v0, Status
[  316.5472] 273448  304200C0 andi    v0,v0, 0x00C0
[  316.5472] 27344c  00621825 or    v1,v1, v0
[  316.5472] 273450  4B8B67EC vsub.xy vf31, vf12, vf11
[  316.5472] 273454  4B9FFFAA vmul.xy vf30, vf31, vf31
[  316.5472] 273458  4B1EF781 vaddy.x vf30, vf30, vf30y
[  316.5472] 27345c  4A1E03BD vsqrt Q, vf30x
[  316.5472] 273460  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5472] 273464  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5472] 273468  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5472] 27346c  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5472] 273470  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5472] 273474  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5472] 273478  4B0007A0 vaddq.x vf30,vf00,Q
[  316.5473] 27347c  4A7E03BC vdiv Q, vf00w, vf30x
[  316.5473] 273480  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 273484  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 273488  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 27348c  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 273490  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 273494  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 273498  4B80FB9C vmulq.xy vf14,vf31,Q
[  316.5473] 27349c  4BF134AA vmul.xyzw vf18, vf06, vf17
[  316.5473] 2734a0  4BF9917C vftoi0.xyzw vf25, vf18
[  316.5473] 2734a4  4BE937E8 vadd.xyzw vf31, vf06, vf09
[  316.5473] 2734a8  4BE0FFD0 vmaxx.xyzw vf31, vf31, vf00x
[  316.5473] 2734ac  4BE7F996 vminiz.xyzw vf06, vf31, vf07z
[  316.5473] 2734b0  4BF134AA vmul.xyzw vf18, vf06, vf17
[  316.5473] 2734b4  4BF8917C vftoi0.xyzw vf24, vf18
[  316.5473] 2734b8  D8FF0000 lqc2    vf31, 0x   0(a3)
[  316.5473] 2734bc  4BFF09BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf01,vf31x
[  316.5473] 2734c0  4BFF10BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf02,vf31y
[  316.5473] 2734c4  4BFF18BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf03,vf31z
[  316.5473] 2734c8  4BFF234B vmaddw.xyzw vf13, vf04, vf31w
[  316.5473] 2734cc  4BED03BC vdiv Q, vf00w, vf13w
[  316.5473] 2734d0  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 2734d4  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 2734d8  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 2734dc  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 2734e0  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 2734e4  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 2734e8  4BC06B5C vmulq.xyz vf13,vf13,Q
[  316.5473] 2734ec  48C08000 ctc2    zero, Status
[  316.5473] 2734f0  4BA0682C vsub.xyw vf00, vf13, vf00
[  316.5473] 2734f4  4B8D502C vsub.xy vf00, vf10, vf13
[  316.5473] 2734f8  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 2734fc  4A400560 vaddq.z vf21,vf00,Q
[  316.5473] 273500  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 273504  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 273508  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 27350c  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 273510  48428000 cfc2    v0, Status
[  316.5473] 273514  304200C0 andi    v0,v0, 0x00C0
[  316.5473] 273518  0002113A dsrl    v0,v0, 0x04
[  316.5473] 27351c  00621825 or    v1,v1, v0
[  316.5473] 273520  4B8C6FEC vsub.xy vf31, vf13, vf12
[  316.5473] 273524  4B9FFDEA vmul.xy vf23, vf31, vf31
[  316.5473] 273528  4B17BDC1 vaddy.x vf23, vf23, vf23y
[  316.5473] 27352c  4A1703BD vsqrt Q, vf23x
[  316.5473] 273530  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 273534  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 273538  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 27353c  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 273540  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 273544  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 273548  4B0005E0 vaddq.x vf23,vf00,Q
[  316.5473] 27354c  4A7703BC vdiv Q, vf00w, vf23x
[  316.5473] 273550  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 273554  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 273558  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 27355c  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 273560  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 273564  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5473] 273568  4B80FF5C vmulq.xy vf29,vf31,Q
[  316.5473] 27356c  4B10AFC3 vaddw.x vf31, vf21, vf16w
[  316.5473] 273570  4B00FD50 vmaxx.x vf21, vf31, vf00x
[  316.5473] 273574  4B9D77E8 vadd.xy vf31, vf14, vf29
[  316.5473] 273578  4B9FFDEA vmul.xy vf23, vf31, vf31
[  316.5473] 27357c  4B17BDC1 vaddy.x vf23, vf23, vf23y
[  316.5473] 273580  4A1703BD vsqrt Q, vf23x
[  316.5473] 273584  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5474] 273588  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5474] 27358c  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5474] 273590  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5474] 273594  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5474] 273598  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5474] 27359c  4B0005E0 vaddq.x vf23,vf00,Q
[  316.5474] 2735a0  4A7703BC vdiv Q, vf00w, vf23x
[  316.5474] 2735a4  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5474] 2735a8  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5474] 2735ac  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5474] 2735b0  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5474] 2735b4  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5474] 2735b8  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5474] 2735bc  4B80FFDC vmulq.xy vf31,vf31,Q
[  316.5474] 2735c0  4BFEFB3D vmr32.xyzw, vf30, vf31
[  316.5474] 2735c4  4A9F8798 vmulx.y vf30,vf16,vf31x
[  316.5474] 2735c8  4B95F798 vmulx.xy vf30,vf30,vf21x
[  316.5474] 2735cc  4B95F79B vmulw.xy vf30,vf30,vf21w
[  316.5474] 2735d0  4B95F799 vmuly.xy vf30,vf30,vf21y
[  316.5474] 2735d4  4B07F798 vmulx.x vf30,vf30,vf07x
[  316.5474] 2735d8  4A87F799 vmuly.y vf30,vf30,vf07y
[  316.5474] 2735dc  4B8EEB3C vmove.xy, vf14, vf29
[  316.5474] 2735e0  4A950542 vaddz.y vf21, vf00, vf21z
[  316.5474] 2735e4  4B9E6528 vadd.xy vf20, vf12, vf30
[  316.5474] 2735e8  4B9FA17D vftoi4.xy vf31, vf20
[  316.5474] 2735ec  4A7FA17C vftoi0.zw vf31, vf20
[  316.5474] 2735f0  48C08000 ctc2    zero, Status
[  316.5474] 2735f4  4BA0A02C vsub.xyw vf00, vf20, vf00
[  316.5474] 2735f8  4B94502C vsub.xy vf00, vf10, vf20
[  316.5474] 2735fc  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5474] 273600  4BDAC33C vmove.xyz, vf26, vf24
[  316.5474] 273604  F91A0030 sqc2    vf26, 0x  30(t0)
[  316.5474] 273608  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5474] 27360c  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5474] 273610  48428000 cfc2    v0, Status
[  316.5474] 273614  304200C0 andi    v0,v0, 0x00C0
[  316.5474] 273618  00621825 or    v1,v1, v0
[  316.5474] 27361c  10600003 beq    v1, zero, ->$0x0027362C
[  316.5474] 273620  00000000 nop
[  316.5483] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to github.com/pcsx2/pcsx2.
[  316.5483] 273c78  27BDFFF0 addiu    sp,sp, -0x10
[  316.5483] 273c7c  3C0B0038 lui    t3, 0x0038
[  316.5483] 273c80  AFA20000 sw    v0, 0x   0(sp)
[  316.5483] 273c84  256B2B20 addiu    t3,t3, 0x2B20
[  316.5483] 273c88  8C440000 lw    a0, 0x   0(v0)
[  316.5483] 273c8c  8C830000 lw    v1, 0x   0(a0)
[  316.5483] 273c90  AC830020 sw    v1, 0x  20(a0)
[  316.5483] 273c94  8C4A0000 lw    t2, 0x   0(v0)
[  316.5483] 273c98  34028000 ori    v0,zero, 0x8000
[  316.5483] 273c9c  48C22800 ctc2    v0, vi05
[  316.5483] 273ca0  8D450014 lw    a1, 0x  14(t2)
[  316.5483] 273ca4  8D470004 lw    a3, 0x   4(t2)
[  316.5483] 273ca8  8D480000 lw    t0, 0x   0(t2)
[  316.5483] 273cac  79690020 lq    t1, 0x  20(t3)
[  316.5483] 273cb0  8D430038 lw    v1, 0x  38(t2)
[  316.5483] 273cb4  4BF134AA vmul.xyzw vf18, vf06, vf17
[  316.5483] 273cb8  4B9F617D vftoi4.xy vf31, vf12
[  316.5483] 273cbc  4A7F617C vftoi0.zw vf31, vf12
[  316.5483] 273cc0  48C08000 ctc2    zero, Status
[  316.5483] 273cc4  4BA0602C vsub.xyw vf00, vf12, vf00
[  316.5483] 273cc8 *4B8C502C vsub.xy vf00, vf10, vf12
[  316.5483] 273ccc  7D090000 sq    t1, 0x   0(t0)
[  316.5483] 273cd0  4BDA917C vftoi0.xyz vf26, vf18
[  316.5483] 273cd4  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5483] 273cd8  4A0002FF vnop
[  316.5483] 273cdc  F91A0010 sqc2    vf26, 0x  10(t0)
[  316.5483] 273ce0 =48428000 cfc2    v0, Status
[  316.5484] 273ce4  304200C0 andi    v0,v0, 0x00C0
[  316.5484] 273ce8  10400003 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x00273CF8
[  316.5484] 273cec  00621825 or    v1,v1, v0
[  342.3676] (VMManager) Pausing...
[  343.6383] Add 335 seconds play time to SLUS-20672 -> now 9144
[  343.9124] Skipping updating pipeline cache 'C:\Users\xxx\Downloads\pcsx2-v1.7.5224-windows-x64-Qt\cache\vulkan_pipelines.bin' due to no changes.
[  343.9604] Scanning C:\Users\xxx\Documents\My Games
[  345.9819] Releasing host memory for virtual systems...
And you said pressing f9 solves it ?
Can you please attach the full file ?

edit : i'm interested in the gsdump too
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
(11-23-2023, 10:22 PM)jesalvein Wrote: And you said pressing f9 solves it ?
Can you please attach the full file ?

edit : i'm interested in the gsdump too

On the current stable release of PSCX2 (1.6.0), FMVs play with a black bar covering the video itself. Pressing F9 solves that issue and the FMV plays normally with no black bars on or around the video.

On the nightly release, FMVs are played in software rendering mode automatically. The video itself looks fine, but there is a black bar at the bottom as shown in the screenshots that I attached. It looks like the actual resolution is different between movie and gameplay.

It won't let me post the link for the gsdump here, but I can try sending it through PM! (edit: it won't let me, sorry)
Hi there,

I had some free time to check through previous nightly versions and identified this issue as appearing for the first time in PCSX2-v1.7.2603. The black bar appears from this version onwards, but does not exist in v1.7.2602 or previous versions (going back to stable release v1.6.0).

The pull request (github.com/PCSX2/pcsx2/pull/5810) seems to address an identical issue with black bars appearing below other games. However, there was no black bar below FMVs in Final Fantasy X-2 prior to this update. I'm not sure if this is a true bug, or if I am simply missing an option that would let me crop FMVs properly.

Thanks again for any help with this!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
The old version was wrong, if you look at the following screenshots (one of my actual PS2 and one of the new PCSX2 with screen offsets enabled, plz ignore the aspect ratio), the picture has a gap top and bottom, it was never intended to fill the whole screen, it was supposed to be letterboxed.

The only issue is when screen offsets are not enabled, the picture isn't shifted down correctly, so you get just a gap at the bottom, but the old behaviour was more incorrect.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=78896]

[Image: attachment.php?aid=78897]

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

Thanks for checking this! I don't have a capture card, so I can't confirm how it's supposed to look apart from comparing to other people's PS2 feeds.

If I select the screen offsets option, FMVs do look better (shown in the first two pictures), but the non-FMV parts of the game get a black bar at the bottom instead (shown in the third and fourth images, using vertical stretch to highlight the issue), and shadows and other effects in battle look way worse (shown in the last two pictures; seems like a deinterlacing issue).

Are there different options that I should be changing? Or is there a way to apply the screen offset only to FMVs?

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

There isn't, I'm afraid, but screen offsets on PS2 games are rarely actually lined up, so they are off slightly, you wouldn't notice this on an actual TV.

The actual picture quality can look worse as you noted, since it's resampling to a different size, it gets a little blurry, it's maybe something we can work on in the future, we'll see. Upscaling mitigates this a bit, I believe.
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

The blurry image was the one without screen offsets. The image actually becomes sharper using screen offsets, but then the interlacing gets messed up: the shadows in battle are black stripes instead of solid grey, and other visual effects also suffer. For some reason, checking and then unchecking "anti blur" so it becomes a dark unchecked box mostly fixes this.

Having played the game a few times, there were some interesting emulation errors on the stable release:
  1. A boss from chapter one, Boris, always appeared backwards at the start of the fight, meaning that he could be defeated more easily with back-attack damage. Valefor also started backwards every time although this could not be exploited. Yuna started backwards in both these fights as well. These things do not happen on PS2 and no longer occur on PCSX2 1.7.x either.
  2. Directional controls inverted in the "tetris" room in Zanarkand, meaning you would have to press down in order to move up, and so on. This is also fixed on 1.7.x.
  3. The menu cursor in battle sounded unusually high-pitched before; on version 1.7.x, it's truer to how the game sounds on PS2.
It's wild that actual gameplay and RNG elements were different in the stable release. Nightly is definitely truer to the PS2 experience even if the graphics feel a little worse.

I'll include an image of my game graphics settings in case others want to use them, but this bug report can probably be considered (mostly) resolved.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

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