Celsius - FFX-2 Save game editor
There appears to be some strange behaviour with the number of Views displayed at the Forum Level. This thread has jumped from around 6000 a couple of days ago to 40000 currently. fuzzymillipede's FFX editor jumped from around 160000 a couple of days ago to 256000 currently.

Potentially caused by problems experienced on Saturday ? I certainly couldn't access the site for an extended period.

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No idea what could have gone wrong Wacko I rebuilt the thread views counters but it seems nothing changed....
[Image: newsig.jpg]
This topic is at 50k views now and FFXED is at 288k. Perhaps it is a malicious attack to overload the forums?
I don't think it's a malicious attack. I've had a browser open on the forum page, when 'User(s) browsing this forum:' is just me, the View count does not change between refreshes of the browser. Would expect the View count to be continually changing for a malicious attack.

The rate of change of View count seems to be related to the number of pages in a Thread. (eg FFXED thread seems to rising at approx 4x this thread, page count 37 for FFXED, 9 for this). All threads have been rising at a dramatic rate, not just the 2 mentioned.

I've only noticed this since Saturday, possibly a fix applied for some other problem has messed up the way View count is monitored/calculated.

These are just my observations, thought they might be worth considering.
How do i replace abilities so i can have this combination on Yuna:
00. Attack
01. Trigger Happy
02. 10,000 Needles
03. Big Bang
04. Chef's Knife
05. Soul Spring
06. Supercollider
07. Tail Beam
08. Thrust Kick
09. Ultima
10. Darkness
11. Drain
12. Death
13. Vajra
14. Trigger Happy Lv.2
15. Trigger Happy Lv.3
Jandazekon - short answer -> You can't, game mechanics do not allow creation of custom Dresspheres.

long answer -> if you mean 'how do I have these abilities available during batlle', most of these can be used during battle. Some of these are not available marked with (??)

00. Attack -> Gunner / Gun Mage / Dark Knight
01. Trigger Happy -> Gunner
02. 10,000 Needles -> (??) Boss only, can't be learned [1000 Needles -> Blue Mage]
03. Big Bang -> (??) Boss only, can't be learned
04. Chef's Knife -> (??) Boss only, can't be learned
05. Soul Spring -> Item, use during battle
06. Supercollider -> (??) Boss only, can't be learned
07. Tail Beam -> (??) [Bruiser Tail, Tail Smash, Crushing Tail, Tyrant Tail, Megaton Tail -> Boss only, can't be learned]
08. Thrust Kick -> (??) YAU-28, YAU-71 only, can't be learned
09. Ultima -> Requires Megiddo GG
10. Darkness -> Dark Knight
11. Drain -> Dark Knight
12. Death -> Dark Knight
13. Vajra -> (??) Machina Maw (Rikku Only)
14. Trigger Happy Lv.2 -> Gunner
15. Trigger Happy Lv.3 -> Gunner

So you would configure Megiddo GG with Gunner, Gun Mage and Dark Knight Dresspheres. (+ Black Mage for casting Ultima). Equip Megiddo on Yuna. During battle Dressphere change to what is required to use the ability you want. (Pass through Green, Red, Yellow to unlock Ultima).
(09-14-2011, 10:51 PM)Scarlet.Crush Wrote: Game mechanics do not allow creation of custom Dresspheres.
How do i mod the game so i can use any ability in battle = permanent hack.
How do i get infinite Trigger Happy time?
Jandazekon - download Cheat Engine (or similar that can attach a debugger to PCSX2). Find the code which performs the function you wish to modify the behaviour of, analyze the data that it uses within the area reserved for PS2 main memory. Modify the code and/or data to give the effect you desire. [Somewhat simplified answer, but would be your starting point]

For something like 'Infinite Trigger Time' this may be somewhat trivial - find the Counter which corresponds to Trigger Time and 'freeze' it at a particular value (either in CE, a .pnach or a custom executable). Be aware that this Counter (or block of memory that it resides in) may have other uses within the game engine.

Modding the game mechanics as a permanent hack would be an extremely non-trivial task. TBH the difficulty of the game simply does not warrant the time/effort that would be required.
I already have cheat engine before. It's the old version 5.6.1.

Cheating experience and increase makes new level without battle.
Increasing experience Increases both hp and mp + all stats. If having 99999 hp at level 1.
Then max hp decreases if level up or too much experience.

Cheating hp in battle to be infinite hp can go above 9999. But if a enemy attacks you with 9999 damage.
You die because the hp jumps too fast between 0300/9999/0300/9999. A 9999/0000/9999 will happen.
And the cheat only works for one battle = It's not static.

Cheating the Trigger Happy time to be infinite. Works only for one battle = It's not static.

Cheating current ability. Finding out the invisible number of current ability.
All abilites is in a invisible table that is not accessible. Any enemy uses specific abilities from there.
Jandazekon - the question then is what do you want to achieve? I use cheats in 2 distinct ways.

1. General game play - remove tedious repetitive tasks. (mainly Grinding Levels and Farming).
2. Writing an editor - mapping what is available within the game.

FFX-2 is a rather easy game, there is only 1 boss I can think of that requires any real strategy to defeat.

While mapping for Celsius my config was primarily using chars equipped with Lady Luck DS, The End GG, Iron Duke + Key To Success Accessories, all from a save transfered from my PS3. With this config and a decent supply of items the game provides zero challenge. The 1 boss mentioned above being the only exception (you'll know who he is if you've played the game extensively).

For the boss mentioned, if you are properly leveled with appropriate gear/items/strategy you can have 20k+ HP, be dealing 50k+ damage with each character per round while taking minimal damage. All without resorting to the kind of cheats you mentioned. To me this is the reason for playing the game - finding how to use what is available within the game engine to the best effect.

Yes, some mobs can one-shot your characters - easily dealt with by popping a Phoenix Down / Mega Phoenix.

If what you want is all chars invincible and being able to one-shot all enemies, then good luck to you. I can't help with that since I don't investigate games in a manner that yields that sort of information.

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