Compilation How to remove Bi-Linear Filtering - Street Fighter Alpha - Soft Rendering
And a very good day to you,


I am trying to compile PCSX2 and remove the Software Rendering - Bi-Linear Filtering option so that in Street Fighter Alpha 3, the Graphics and Sprites do not look blury but has hard edges ...

Does anyone know where I can set or configure the source code to do this ?

The reason for this is because, SFA3 does not run on Hard Ware Rendering mode

It only works in Software Rendering mode

And in Software Rendering mode, the Bi-Linear Filtering option is switched on

And this gives the graphics and sprites a very burly look ... the edges of the graphics are all blur out

I was wondering if I can switch off this Bi-Linear Filtering option in the source code and then re-compile the source to get the PCSX2 binaries ... that it will run SFA3 without the blury look and feel ...

Secondly where can I download the latest Source Code of PCSX2 ???

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you and best regards as always.

Dr. David Bowman

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As for what you wanna do, not sure. Shouldn't be too hard though.
[Image: XTe1j6J.png]
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- You need to find the software rendering bilinear enabled flag handling and override that, since the game itself enables it and GSdx just does as it's told.
- You'll then find that on the PS2, 2D games tend to look very bad because of interlacing tricks / artifacts as well. So as a second step you should check
if any of the interlace options produce a sharper image. There's 6 modes and you can test them with F5 while in-game.

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