DS4Windows - J2K
Hi guys

Love DS4, have been using it perfectly through USB but I've had lots of problems trying to get my controller to work with Bluetooth / wirelessly. I'm on Windows 7 Home (64).

I just bought this little device off Amazon http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B007Q...ge_o00_s00 to try and get Bluetooth working on my PC. I've installed it and updated drivers. The device thinks its working correctly. I'm not so sure.

When I open Devices and Printers I get an icon for a Wireless Controller that it's detected. If I click properties, there are four tabs: General, Hardware, Services, Bluetooth. To me, that means Windows must be aware of it. But there is no light on the PS4 controller and no games respond to it. DS4 is open and says No Controllers Connected on the Controllers tab. I've tried holding down Share and the PS button, as I'm told this is what sends out a Bluetooth signal, but nothing happens. I don't know how to make DS4 recognise that there is a controller there without using a USB.

Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks all.

Edit: Ok, I just figured this out...press the PS button to turn the controller on and BOOM it works! So obvious...but this never worked for me on InputMapper. Many thanks to DS4.

However, this leads me to my next question. Now that I've got it synched with my PC, how do I use my Dualshock for my PS4 again? I'm assuming I would need to use a USB so the PS4 can find it, or use Bluetooth link on the PS4, But if I do this, does that mean I need to resync the controller to the PC every time? It was such a pain to get it to sync in the first place I'm loathe to sever the connection now. Again, any tips / advice very welcome. Thanks guys.

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Yeah, a Bluetooth device can only be paired with one hub at a time. Well there are some ways device manufacturers get around that, but the DS4 doesn't. So you will just need to repair it when switching between PC and PS4.
(08-30-2015, 05:40 AM)mixt Wrote: I'm having trouble getting my controller connected. When I plug it in to USB I hear the chime and it pulses orange once. Nothing shows up in DS4 (controller list or log), and in Control Panel I see "Wireless Controller" catagorized as unspecified. I've tried uninstalling unused devices in Device Manager and reinstalling the DS4Windows drivers, but no dice. Any ideas?

Same problem here, ds4windows worked in windows 8.1, but now in win10 won't work at all. Sad
Please help
Does this not currently work on windows 10 because the tools recognizes my PS4 controller but it wont let me save any of the games i want to use through steam on the auto profile.

Nevermind im dumb
Does someone know how to enable touchpad as a mouse in games like mgs5 phantom pain? In some games it seem to work while in others not...
Disregard this post
EDIT: Found a simple solution
Instead of mapping Alt+Tab I mapped Alt+Esc, a shortcut I didn't even know existed
that seemed to have resolved my issue for the time being, I'm now able to cycle through open windows which is what I needed.

I still haven't been able to resolve the crashes I get when switching profiles, they're not there 100% of the time but definitely seem to occur quite often considering on Windows 7 I don't think I had any issues like that.

Overall it's a windows protection thing that won't let you emulate alt+tab
thank god for alt+esc

I can't map alt tab to the controller in Windows 8.1
this worked flawlessly in 7

- I tried macros that doesn't work
- I tried holding the button i have mapped as Alt(R1 or any other button) and hitting tab on the kayboard and the other way around to test it does not work
It appears individually the buttons work but not in combination, not at all in fact as i tried mapping the same functions alt and tab to different buttons on the controller and when pressed together they refuse to work.

In Windows 7 it was so simple, I'd hold R1, then hit R2 to cycle through the alt+tab menu

EDIT: Somehow now if I hold R1 and hit Tab on the keyboard it does work but it won't work with the controller, testing this further

EDIT2: If I hold alt on the keyboard but tab on the contrller nothing happens

EDIT3: Still nothing!
Restarted the computer
Changed cables
Tried every button combination possible on the controller

- Hitting alt on the controller and tab on the keyboard does work
- Hitting alt on the keyboard and tab on the controller does NOT work
- Trying to use alt AND tab on the controller again does NOT work

I don't know what else to do anymore

Do I need to edit anything in the 360 drivers? Is there anything i am missing

Edit 3: More trrrible hopeless news
Joy2Key reacts the same way, it won't execute the alt+tab command but it will register both button presses
individually the buttons work as alt and tab
if "alt" is held on the controller and tab pressed on the keyboard it works
if alt is held on the keyboard and "tab" is pressed on the controller nothing happens
if both "alt" and "tab" are used from the controller nothing happens

I can not be any more specific than this
this is a brand new Windows 8.1 installation
I installed this after installing Chrome for christ's sake

Edit 4: Some progress was made
I found incomprehensible for a regular guy like me info here:
and here:
I'm an artist not a programmer/computer guy so just reading that frustrates me lol
i'm trying to use this program so i can play MGS5 GZ with my ps4 controller. when i try to launch the program nothing happens. when i try to launch the updater it opens does nothing then if i try to launch the tool from that it still does nothing. i have read some posts about the window being in a odd place i can't seem to find it no matter how i look. i had tried several other things and also had a DS3 tool on before i started trying to make the PS4 one work. i was able to make it work for most all games tho MGS5 GZ it never worked on. when i try to run the program like i said it does nothing. it acts like it's going to open something or is but nothing ever happens. any help would be very grateful Smile
Hi ! First i have to say DS4Windows works perfectly with Windows 10 x64 for me (did not try to play games like Dark Souls though).
But i have an issue that seemed pretty easy to solve at the beginning but i can't find how to do it, even if i remember managing to do it on Windows 7 : i would like to disable the feature that launch Steam Big Picture when pressing the home button for 3-4 seconds.

Whenever i try to disconnect my DS4 from bluetooth, it launches Steam Big Picture and that's really annoying for how i use my controller. Does anyone found a solution to disable this option ?
(09-16-2015, 07:44 PM)Hyyerr Wrote: Hi ! First i have to say DS4Windows works perfectly with Windows 10 x64 for me (did not try to play games like Dark Souls though).
But i have an issue that seemed pretty easy to solve at the beginning but i can't find how to do it, even if i remember managing to do it on Windows 7 : i would like to disable the feature that launch Steam Big Picture when pressing the home button for 3-4 seconds.

Whenever i try to disconnect my DS4 from bluetooth, it launches Steam Big Picture and that's really annoying for how i use my controller. Does anyone found a solution to disable this option ?

You can disconnect by pressing PS button + option. No need to hold the ps button for 10seconds.

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