DS4Windows -- yet another DualShock 4 driver! (No longer under active development)
(05-24-2014, 11:56 PM)Jays2Kings Wrote: I'm very glad it's working for you now.

I did just run into an interesting issue with this new version: The hotplugging doesn't work with USB anymore. The same thing as before happens, where I have to stop and start the service to get it working if I plug and unplug the controller while DS4Windows is running. This isn't nearly as bad as the Bluetooth thing, but I just thought I'd point it out. Thanks again for all your hard work!

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(05-24-2014, 11:59 PM)Drossious Wrote: Awesome work. I just found out about this project and I see a lot of hope for it. I was previously using inhexter's version and just found out that he stopped development and that yours is the most up to date version to use.

some notes,
1* On Windows 8.1 I get a non trusted app warning, Windows does not like this and will not let it run without encountering a warning and forcing users to select "more info" then "run anyway"
2* To get the input to work in my favorite MMO I must right click and choose "run as administrator" or set that toggle in the properties page. Issue arises with the start with windows option, as that option will not start the ds4tool with administrator privileges, or if I have the "run as administrator" selected on the program's properties page then it will not start with windows
3* In the profile window there is no "Default" option for keybinds. I found it is easy to accidentally change bindings due to the way it pops up when a button is press, a minor issue that only affected me cause I was being stupid, I'm sure
4* There are no keybinds for mouse wheel tilt (yeah I know, nobody uses anyway)
5* The mouse speed is crazy fast, and there is no setting that seems to be slow enough to make this usable

6** Request for the keybind page: I would like to set up macros or multiple actions, for example I would like to set a button to press number 3 then mouse 1, a combo I use often in my favorite mmo to cast an aoe spell (3 selects spell, mouse one sets it to cast). Nothing complicated or in depth is expected here, I use xpadder and xmouse for my macros and that one change (assuming mouse speed was reasonable) would eliminate the need to run xpadder completely and possibly xmouse as well.

I broke your post down into numbers
for part 1: This is something I can't fix without going through microsoft I believe. Once you allow it to run anyway, it will never show up again.
2) That's weird that input only works in admin mode (actually know that I think about it, that only happens when a program [like Windows Task Manager or a program installer] needs admin permissions itself). What I mean is I guess that mmo always ask for admin privileges (which is just terrible design). I hate to say there's no way to have it start with windows and have admin rights at start, without the tool always asking for admin rights at start, and that would be unfair for others. Sorry to say, but the only solution is you manually starting the ds4windows in admin mode.
3)I could see that being a slight problem, I'll consider a revert option to set it back to the default 360 bindings.
4)I didn't see a way to add wheel tilt, on top of that it may get a bit cluttered. On top of that "on top of that," many game don't really use wheel tilt.
5)Is that for the sticks or the buttons, the buttons can be adjusted, but I'll have to add sensitivity to the sticks later.

6) Macros will be a bit down the road, if it all. It's not an easy task to set it up. At best I make it possible to press multiple buttons at once, but the true idea of marcos (haveing press a button, then a delay for the next), that may not happen ever.

(05-25-2014, 12:14 AM)pedrovay2003 Wrote: I did just run into an interesting issue with this new version: The hotplugging doesn't work with USB anymore. The same thing as before happens, where I have to stop and start the service to get it working if I plug and unplug the controller while DS4Windows is running. This isn't nearly as bad as the Bluetooth thing, but I just thought I'd point it out. Thanks again for all your hard work!

I think I could fix that, I'll release another version in like an hour.
EDIT: Actually could you tell me what happens and what you see when you try hotplugging, before you start and stop it?
Actually I'm gonna push the new build before I tackle that hotplug issue:

For those coming from 7.6:
if you were having the "Connecting..." issue, it's now fixed, I think...
Pushing the Right stick down also works correctly now.
For those coming from beta (and 7.6):
In options,when changing values on the lightbar sliders, a tooltip shows up to the side showing the number.
The lightbar now only fades out when idle when half the idle time has passed.

The update is live too.

Attached Files
.zip   DS4Tool - J2K (v7.7).zip (Size: 667,29 KB / Downloads: 145)
(05-24-2014, 11:59 PM)Drossious Wrote: just noticed i am using Jays2King's 7.6, which does seem to differ from jhebbel's builds, though i have not tested how they differ exactly

Right now not much of a difference, j2k has a lot more time to put towards this project than I do so hes been spearheading most of the new features, I've been mainly focusing on bug fixes and UI mods and have not released a version since I took on the goal of overhauling some of the code and GUI because its a big task (hopefully to be released tomorrow or mon). J2k has some deadzone options for the sticks which is cool, im planning on releasing an auto profile switcher based on what app is running (see ss) as well as separating the controller and the profile objects allowing the tweaking and editing of a profile without it need to be assigned to a controller, and a few other things like that. Besides that the only real differences between me and j2k's version is his is designed with portability in mind (can be run from usb stick) whereas Im aiming for a full install and software model, for the most part the inner workings are very similar though.

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Version 7.7 actually fixed the USB hotplugging issue I was having, but now none of my settings are saved; colors, scrolling, etc. all reset every time I start the program.
(05-25-2014, 02:02 AM)pedrovay2003 Wrote: Version 7.7 actually fixed the USB hotplugging issue I was having, but now none of my settings are saved; colors, scrolling, etc. all reset every time I start the program.

Are you clicking the save profile button at top? the GUI as mentioned is not very intuitive, both of us are working on small things like this.
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(05-25-2014, 02:03 AM)jhebbel Wrote: Are you clicking the save profile button at top? the GUI as mentioned is not very intuitive, both of us are working on small things like this.

Yeah, I'm clicking to save the profile. It worked great in 7.6, but in 7.7, it just resets the settings whenever the controller is disconnected and reconnected, or the program is stopped and started again. But, like I said, the connection issue, both wired and wireless is gone now, so that's fantastic.
(05-25-2014, 02:02 AM)pedrovay2003 Wrote: Version 7.7 actually fixed the USB hotplugging issue I was having, but now none of my settings are saved; colors, scrolling, etc. all reset every time I start the program.

That doesn't make sense, I didn't do anything to hotplug, and I didn't change how saving and loading the settings work either.

Could you put "%appdata%\ds4tool" into windows explorer and tell me if there's profiles.xml is there and updating? I know that's kinda vague but I'm not really sure what's broken there, if that's even the problem.
(05-25-2014, 12:28 AM)Jays2Kings Wrote: 2) That's weird that input only works in admin mode (actually know that I think about it, that only happens when a program [like Windows Task Manager or a program installer] needs admin permissions itself). What I mean is I guess that mmo always ask for admin privileges (which is just terrible design). I hate to say there's no way to have it start with windows and have admin rights at start, without the tool always asking for admin rights at start, and that would be unfair for others. Sorry to say, but the only solution is you manually starting the ds4windows in admin mode.

5)Is that for the sticks or the buttons, the buttons can be adjusted, but I'll have to add sensitivity to the sticks later.

6) Macros will be a bit down the road, if it all. It's not an easy task to set it up. At best I make it possible to press multiple buttons at once, but the true idea of marcos (haveing press a button, then a delay for the next), that may not happen ever.

2) you are exactly right. to run voice software it has to be run as admin for the push to talk button to work. but i did notice that the macro software i use - xmouse - does start on system startup, and works in the game. the developer of that program points to SetWindowsHookEx function http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/...85%29.aspx

5) it is the movement of the mouse via the analog sticks that is way too fast, i tap the stick to the right and the mouse shoots across the screen. i do look forward to you looking into this in the future

6) triggering more than one button at the same time would work well for most people including myself. i don't use macros to do time delayed actions at all, but to facilitate playing a game that has too many buttons (i.e. i can press 4,5,6 by pressing X and if 4 is on cooldown and 5 can't be cast because i'm moving then 6 will cast). my desires aside, i figure a few people would gain a benefit from just being able to use shift + some button

and please don't take my notes as a rant on what you should do. i have been using the ds4tool since 1.1 along with xpadder and xmouse to expand the number of games i can use a ps4 controller on. everything works quite well and had i not learned of your updates i would have still been very happy. i only wish to see points 5 & 6 so i can drop some of the bloat. everything works perfectly well right now and i know that if you never add macros ill still be able to cope quite well.

love the work your doing to improve a dead project. i anticipate jhebbel's ui improvements will be a huge boon as well, from what i see of upcoming changes (is that application sensing profile changes?) it looks to me like i could very soon configure and forget and no longer have to go in run other software or manually change profiles for each game i want to play. you guys are awesome, thank you.
Jay, the dead zone problem is fixed now, awesome! Just a few problems as others mention, I will just list them in points.

1) Profile Saving Doesn't work but only applies to battery light settings. The control are saved and loaded properly on reconnect, just the lights... you have to edit and set it again.
(Update 1: It seems that touchpad settings are not saved too. At least the checkboxes for slide, scroll & tap, but the values are saved and respected.

2) Currently using this with FFXIV, when I reconnect the controller in FFXIV in-game, it doesn't detect any input until I restart the game. However when testing with Xinput Test... its definitely reconnected back as Controller 1 and inputs are being detected there. Not sure if this is a game issue. Both shared and exclusive mode is the same, but the game is definitely detecting the game controller and setting it correctly.
(Update 1: I found what the issue is. Somehow the game requires me to recalibrate the controller. Problem is caused by the built-in touchpad support in FFXIV, probably conflict with yours. But no issue, I just disabled the touchpad support in-game and it works brilliantly now. No problem with reconnecting & detection anymore!)

((Update 2: It seems that sometimes when I reconnect, it connects as Controller 2 instead of Controller 1 then it doesn't work again. When it first connects, it connects as Controller 1 but stuck at connecting, so the bluetooth fix will reconnect it but that result in it reconnecting as Controller 2. And no amount of turning on and off or waiting inbetween can resolve it. Sometimes it becomes Controller 3 after much on/off attempts)

(Update 3: I was mistaken about the waiting. If I wait say 2 mins after its turn off then on it again, it reconnects as controller 1 properly and the game picks it up without issue ^_^)

3) On the issue of macro that someone raised, I believe just having the ability to have multiple keys pressed at the same time with just 1 button would serve the purpose well. There's no need for a true macro option =D

4) The LED brightness issue, I'm not too sure what the issue is. For now if I wanna dim the LED, i just set my colors to around 10 or 20 value and that dims it enough for me o.O. But for the idle lights fade out, I would prefer that it flash instead of fade out after half the idle time or set to another color for idle so I won't get confused that its turn off.

P.S: Those with admin rights issue can disable UAC in Windows if not mistake so everything runs as admin without the need to right click and Run As Administrator.

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