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(06-08-2014, 03:49 PM)shinra358 Wrote: Taskbar takes the foreground from games sometimes. If it were to take it, then you wouldn't be able to move on a game. Other programs have notification icons that push the game to the background. PCSX2 goes to the background sometimes when turning in on because of my Bins program on the taskbar. I also keep my browser on most of the time minimized and that has an email notification message that pops up that pushes what you are doing to the background for as long as it's up. When that happens and you are playing a game with just a foreground option, your controller would probably be non-responsive until it goes away and sometimes it would for your game to the background for good and you would have to click on it with the mouse. But you wouldn't be able to without getting up because you then wouldn't be able to use the trackpad to refocus the game. That would be a counter claim.

So that is why I think that the checkbox option would be safer if you wanted to add that in there.

Taskbar may show up, but it doesn't take control, if this were true then you wouldn't be able to move anyway because active window captures input of HID devices anyway. To clarify, on top does not mean active.
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(06-08-2014, 01:20 PM)jhebbel Wrote: Well if there is anybody out there like me that usually has multiple things running at one and not just a game it may cause conflict, I have a mapping for my media player and my web browser and for games and I commonly have a movie or a website open on a different screen whilst playing a game, so how else would the application know which profile should have the priority at a given time?

Yeah i agree, this is how i have it as well and most of my friends who i play with. When using auto profiles in xpadder for example, it runs my XBMC profile when its on top, then if i load a game, steam, movie, internet etc from XBMC it will auto switch to that profile. I cant think of the point of 'auto' profiles if it wasnt for exactly this kind of use.

Incidentally, i still use xpadder for button assignment but only because of the extra features it has such as the 'set selectors', as well as other useful features like hold zones, tap timers, distance zones, cycle stops etc. Do any of yous think you would be interested in including that kind of functionality in the future? If it had this i could give up on xpadder, and just use the ds4 tool. Unfortunately as it is, i cant make use of all the cool stuff you guys are adding because its perhaps not quite comprehensive enough as yet to allow me to forgo xpadder. Plus its a pain when the ds4 tool crashes or disconnects and because xpadder is still active i cant get it to re sync - I have to shut down xpadder and restart everything which can be frustrating at times.
(06-08-2014, 04:32 PM)marcoboyle Wrote: Yeah i agree, this is how i have it as well and most of my friends who i play with. When using auto profiles in xpadder for example, it runs my XBMC profile when its on top, then if i load a game, steam, movie, internet etc from XBMC it will auto switch to that profile. I cant think of the point of 'auto' profiles if it wasnt for exactly this kind of use.

Incidentally, i still use xpadder for button assignment but only because of the extra features it has such as the 'set selectors', as well as other useful features like hold zones, tap timers, distance zones, cycle stops etc. Do any of yous think you would be interested in including that kind of functionality in the future? If it had this i could give up on xpadder, and just use the ds4 tool. Unfortunately as it is, i cant make use of all the cool stuff you guys are adding because its perhaps not quite comprehensive enough as yet to allow me to forgo xpadder. Plus its a pain when the ds4 tool crashes or disconnects and because xpadder is still active i cant get it to re sync - I have to shut down xpadder and restart everything which can be frustrating at times.
That kind of falls under the idea J2K was toying with to make macro commands, not sure how far hes gotten with that but I assume sleeps and cycle counts could be done, as for me I haven't touched this stuff yet because my plate has been full with a lot of other stuff and when I do get into it I want to make sure I have enough time to code it properly and include all the little features like what you described. In fact between me and J2K id like to develop a standard so our profiles can remain inter swappable, it will require a lot more time, effort, and communication than I can put in this week though. Only reason im still even on these forums this week is until tomorrow I spend most my day in the hotel room recovering from the night before lol.

Though I dont use xpadder so I am not too familiar with it, cant you just map xpadder to the x360 controller and not the DS4 and thus not have issues with restarts and such since the x360 controller remains static now (since electros newer builds)?
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@Jheb, so you're saying that if you just implement it to the foreground, and I only use it for games, and I only play one game at a time, and I have a notepad document open and it is in the foreground, that I will still be able to play the game in the background while I look at the document that's in the foreground at the same time?

And what about having two games up to try to compare framedata, attack data, etc. between the 2 versions of a character?
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OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
(06-08-2014, 04:48 PM)shinra358 Wrote: @Jheb, so you're saying that if you just implement it to the foreground, and I only use it for games, and I only play one game at a time, and I have a notepad document open and it is in the foreground, that I will still be able to play the game in the background while I look at the document that's in the foreground at the same time?
First off, how could you play the game if you cant see it lol second you are still confusing foreground with active window, I know what you are trying to say and trust me, thats not how this stuff works. The fact is if your game was not the active window you would not be able to play it anyway because only the active window receive the input from HID devices, it does not simultaneously stream to all at once or that would cause a nightmare, additionally games don't "capture" anymore because likewise that caused a nightmare. Trust me, there are reasons things are done the way they are in the industry and they dont always make complete sense unless you are a developer.
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If I'm looking at a walkthrough, then I would either have the game in windowed mode or have the walkthrough on a dual monitor setup.

So is that a yes or a no to the question?

"The fact is if your game was not the active window you would not be able to play it anyway"

So a notepad or a web browser would not be considered an active window? I just turned on 2 random steam games at the same time and put them in windowed mode. The controller controls both of the games at the same time. Also, all emus and pc games allow you to play when they are in the background (not the active window).
Model: Clevo P570WM Laptop
GPU: GeForce GTX 980M ~8GB GDDR5
CPU: Intel Core i7-4960X CPU +4.2GHz (12 CPUs)
Memory: 32GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3L 1600MHz, 4x8gb
OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
(06-08-2014, 05:05 PM)shinra358 Wrote: If I'm looking at a walkthrough, then I would either have the game in windowed mode or have the walkthrough on a dual monitor setup.

So is that a yes or a no to the question?

"The fact is if your game was not the active window you would not be able to play it anyway"

So a notepad or a web browser would not be considered an active window? I just turned on 2 random steam games at the same time and put them in windowed mode. The controller controls both of the games at the same time. Also, all emus and pc games allow you to play when they are in the background (not the active window).

https://code.google.com/r/brianfundakows...ce/browse/ heres the code so you can develope your own.

I'm personally sticking to the industry standard and what is most beneficial to the most users.
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I don't understand why you are raging? I asked a legit question in the sincerest way possible in hopes that you would answer but it seems like you are taking offense. At first you said that both programs do what the person was asking about. J2K came in and said that they happen in general. I came in thinking I was agreeing with you 2. But you came in and flipped the script and started rooting on the other side. Then I said maybe ppl have uses for both ways so I suggested a togglable option. Then you take offense. I don't get it.

You told one guy that the users are the beta testers but sometimes you don't like when ppl say even nice things. Also sometimes, seems like you talk nicer to ppl that throw insults and are standoffish to ppl who talk normal. Why?

I mean geez, I thought I was doing what I was supposd to do. I even asked if anyone wanted donations and actually gave a donation to the person ya'll told me to give it to. Not to mention I thumbed ya'll up multiple times. I thought we were having a normal convo. From this, it's like impossible to say that I was rude or something.
Model: Clevo P570WM Laptop
GPU: GeForce GTX 980M ~8GB GDDR5
CPU: Intel Core i7-4960X CPU +4.2GHz (12 CPUs)
Memory: 32GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3L 1600MHz, 4x8gb
OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Nobody is "raging" whatever that means. You have made very useful suggestions, but many times when I see your posts, both here and in other development threads, your comments come off more as complaints. There is a difference between reporting Biggs and trying to curb developers to do as you see best rather than as they see best or is common practice. Which given that you dont pay for the software is kind of ridiculous. I have no problem listening to feature requests and more than a few of them have made it into both my and j2is versions, but when you start to make requests that are in obvious conflict of what the developer intends and what the majority will likely want, then I respectfully send you the code and wish you luck on developing exactly what suits your needs best.
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"your comments come off more as complaints"

not once have I been rude to anyone in these threads. haven't been trying to curb anyone's anything. you said something about 'devs don't do something this way'. I just pointed out that in every game or emu I own, they do what you said they didn't do. I played both sides of the field. You were on one side, then switched to another. All I was doing was joining in on the convo because you said that you couldn't see a point in one way. I gave examples on how other ppl do it or would see it. If I was just looking out for just myself, I would have said "this way is stupid and this way isn't'. but instead I said 'I see how a person would use it this way and I see how a person would use it another way'. To be honest, I really think you misread something I posted again. You've been getting offended quite often when I speak I've seen for the longest. But I just never said anything about it because I was thinking 'well maybe he misread'. When somebody says 'here's the code, do it yourself', that's obvious that you are mad about something considering ppl already know where the source code is. And I've seen plenty of devs who get pissed because ppl find alot of issues with what they made and forget what a thread's purpose is supposed to be. And if you didn't want suggestions, what would be the purpose of any thread.

not once have i said 'i don't appreciate' and I do believe I gave compliments one time or another. you also said at one point that 'well nobody else is experiencing an issue'. that's probably because they haven't had a particular setup that would cause something or because you may get mad for them talking too much in a thread (like it seems here). So sorry if I talk too much bro. I mean you do have your thread. I kinda stuck to this thread because the 2 versions in this thread don't have installers. So if you got offended by something I said, then I didn't mean it to be read or interpreted that way and I didn't want any trouble nor intended to hurt anyone's feelings.
Model: Clevo P570WM Laptop
GPU: GeForce GTX 980M ~8GB GDDR5
CPU: Intel Core i7-4960X CPU +4.2GHz (12 CPUs)
Memory: 32GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3L 1600MHz, 4x8gb
OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate

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