KH2FM Randomizer Trouble -- Issue with pnach?
Hey all;

I have followed necessary documentation to patch a KH2FM iso so that it can be "randomized". i can go into more detail here if needed, but i feel that this process has been done correctly so it is likely not the culprit. but, i am having an issue and I am not sure how to debug further. i have downloaded 2 pnach files ; one is a so-called Garden of Assemblage pnach and one is the randomized seed data, etc. I am noticing an issue with the former pnach. I will upload the emuLog in a subsequent post; for some reason i am unable to upload a file directly it seems so i may end up posting it as a text dump. my apologies for that
Anyway, i see a lot of TLB miss codes, underflow errors, 8bit read errors, things of that nature -- this happens when the `Playstation 2` splashscreen comes up, and the game does not progress farther than that. I have tried editing the pnach files to use `word` instead of `extended` in the second to last column. This allows the game to boot past the splash screen, but when i try to start a new game i get an error about an undefined syscall. i am at a loss; i have checked with the KH2FM randomizer discord and it seems like (now) i am doing everything properly -- but i imagine the logs have some information vital for debugging that will help me identify where my error is. the problem is, i am pretty much a novice with PCSX2 so i am not sure what i should be trying to parse from the logs. i have also tried various permutations of things -- different patches, different bios settings, disabling speedhacks, etc, to no avail. any help is appreciated!

i am on fedora 33, PCSX version is 1.6.0
emuLog to follow in the next post. i can also post the emulog from when i try to run with the modified pnach (changing `extended` to `word`) but since the pnach files are supposed to work as is, i will start there

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trying to upload the emulog (i had to downsample because the file was too big, hopefully it is not missing too much info)
ok sorry that took so long. i truncated the file quite a bit to get it to upload, please let me know if you need me to fix this and upload a more complete file:

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.txt   abridged_pcsx2logs.txt (Size: 80,22 KB / Downloads: 142)

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