LilyPad 0.10.0
Thanks for this awesome plugin !
But there is one annoying bug - why Lilypad stop working with Resident Evil 4 ??? SSSPSX working fine with RE4 but doesn't support savestates Sad
Excl The man will die, but not his ideas Excl

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Beats me. First I've heard of it. Feel free to look into the issue yourself, if you're that curious. I don't have the game, myself.

Edit: By the way... Anyone who thinks this is an odd attitude to take, I've learned that in general, working with the average end user to resolve problems is a complete waste of my time. Most vanish after a few messages. Only really worth the time to work with those who can (And do) provide useful information unprompted.
Sorry that I don't have more useful info about RE4 issue, so I just report this bug.
Anyway I like Lilypad, it's flexible and support savestates Smile
Excl The man will die, but not his ideas Excl
Obviously not a personal indictment, just got sick of exchanging a couple messages and never hearing back. It's probably just one message where I return a slightly different value... If you are using the SVN version, make sure multitap disabled, some games may not like it (Even ones that can happily run with a real multitap connected). Short of having the game, not a whole lot I can do. Most of the messages I respond to differently, I respond to differently for a reason. For a number of controller input/output logs I've found online, LilyPad responds exactly correct, while the other pad plugins don't.
I dont know why but for some reason everytime I set the lilypat it resets it self,I save the file & load it & it seems to load great but if i press ok & open it again it's set to how it was before I edited it
Bump for new release. Been a while since my last official release, so thought it was about time. Anyone wondering about the 0.10.0 number, 1.0.0 will be the first version that supports the new plugin interface (Which has yet to be fully hashed out, and needs to be supported Pcsx2 side, first, as well).

The two most nifty changes are DualShock 3 support via HID and Multi-tap support (Which has, admittedly, been supported a while through SVN builds). As I read from DS3's directly, that means I can read the full analog values of all buttons that support it. I also support tilt axes. libusb is required to initialize the controllers (link in first post, just before the changelog). Multi-tap support won't work in the latest wxWidgets builds, because enabling it is going to be moved over the Pcsx2 gui, allowing it to support more than 2 memory cards as well. DS3 support is still pretty preliminary, so don't blame me if your DS3 explodes. That having been said, given all the random poorly formatted messages I've sent to mine, I don't think it's terribly likely anything will go wrong that unplugging the DS3 won't fix.
Great, always wondered why the official plugin thread was kinda outdated :P
Core i5 3570k -- Geforce GTX 670  --  Windows 7 x64
A combination of laziness and thinking the new plugin API would be implemented sooner. Mostly laziness.
lol, well thank you for the update and great work.
Core i5 3570k -- Geforce GTX 670  --  Windows 7 x64

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