New user here, I have some questions
1) I have a intel e8400 3ghz cpu with 4 gig ddr2 ram and a geforce 250 gts 1 gig ram, how well will I be able to run this emulator?

2) I am looking to try jrpgs only. I want to run FFX-2, Persona 3 and Persona 4. How well do they run?

3) I heard that the Graphics card doesn't matter much, is this true?


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1) Pretty well
2) All the above mentioned games will run at pretty playable speeds, if not full speed and above Smile
3) It does to an extent, but not as much as CPU does, but your graphics card is very nice
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

thanks alot! Great work on the emu guys!

Now I just have to dig in on all the options (confusing)
this is why we have a guide

[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]


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