Only the first Devil May Cry is slow... Why?
DMC1 is a buggy game with PCSX2. When a game abuses slow code in PCSX2, you'll get bad speeds no matter what PC you have. Also there is no way in hell you got full speed with Shadow of the Colossus at x3 scaling with that PC, just saying Tongue
[Image: newsig.jpg]

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I did try another image with no luck, it's still slow. I did try the MTVU hack several times with no luck but yeah, it is a quad core. So is the desktop.

I am mostly trying this on the 3.1 GHz quad-core desktop I mentioned in my first post. I only mentioned that I tried it on the laptop to demonstrate that it was not just my deskyop.

I knew exactly what I was getting when I bought that laptop and I got it cheap, no need to apologize. Although, that "ancient laptop" has run every PS2 game I thrown at it except DMC1 at x3 resolution without any trouble.
I never tried Shadow of the Colossus on the laptop but I did get full speed X3 res on the desktop. Sorry if the 2 computers is confusing.

I do understand DMC 1 is old and was probably just not written very well back in the early PS2 days and would write it off as that except I have seen videos and heard reports of it being played full speed on machines much weaker than either of the 2 I am trying it on so I was just making sure there was not some obscure setting or something I was missing.

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