really sorry if this is a re-thread however does using pal games require a less demanding cpu?
i see some threads saying ntsc is actually better? 10 fps is kinda....a lot to me so yeah just wanna hear some answers Smile
alsoooo any news when the next version of pscx2 is out?

also thanks to all the people which helped me in the past!
eg: shadowlady, Bositman, jesalvein, MyDreamName, Livy, miseru99
love u guys, no homo Smile

oh and just an additional question, i bought the first onimusha game and it keeps skipping the cut scenes, quite lame, is there gonna be a fix for this? Tongue or is there already one?
gosh sorry for the questions, i shall shut up now Laugh Glare

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(08-05-2011, 04:05 PM)edgedaniel Wrote: really sorry if this is a re-thread however does using pal games require a less demanding cpu?
i see some threads saying ntsc is actually better? 10 fps is kinda....a lot to me so yeah just wanna hear some answers Smile
alsoooo any news when the next version of pscx2 is out?

also thanks to all the people which helped me in the past!
eg: shadowlady, Bositman, jesalvein, MyDreamName, Livy, miseru99
love u guys, no homo Smile

oh and just an additional question, i bought the first onimusha game and it keeps skipping the cut scenes, quite lame, is there gonna be a fix for this? Tongue or is there already one?
gosh sorry for the questions, i shall shut up now Laugh Glare

Cant really help much except say that Project Zero 2 (Fatal Frame 2 in the US) runs better in PAL than NTSC (about 4-7fps difference on my laptop).
:X I feel like writing similar stuff in "n"'th topic^_^; but gonna try to put most of it at once, but imho generally none is "better".

The only true reason why people say NTSC are better than PAL is that PAL versions are often just patched or badly ported NTSC versions. Meaning they run slower in "full speed" by those 10fps. - Soo in other words they would be exactly as NTSC ones slowed down a bit. Having such game usually means setting the speed(with turbo) to 120% gives same experience as NTSC, but leaving it at 100% makes the game slower than it originally was - obviously it gives no gain for emulation, but usually(bugs can be different among versions) also isn't worser for emulation.

If the game was rewriten for PAL it often have additional stuff like new items/enemies and such which is always nice. Most PAL games were released a bit later and do have bonuses(althrough NTSC-J sometimes have even bigger bonuses - like FFXII international). Also those games with rewritten engines are ment to work at full speed(same speed as with NTSC) on 50 fps - those are easier to emulate. Unfortunately I dunno about any list of such games.

Also rewritten engine means different glitches/bugs than in NTSC version, not always same fix works for both versions. Good example(unfortunately also only one I'm sure for working betterTongue) is Budokai Tenkaichi 3, in PAL version it had constantly flashing "light" in the background and had it for pretty long time, but when that glitch was fixed in the end it runs faster and requires about 20% slower pc to get to full speed which IS same as full speed of NTSCSmile.

NTSC is also often said as better for having "smoother" graphic with that 10fps more, but trully human eye cannot see it anyway soo it's rather psychological aspect of people thinking "more better". But for same thinking people PAL on the other hand have higher Native internal resolution which is always nice, through not really anything better with scalling in pcsx2 either.

In the end unless somebody every bother to do a list there will always be general assumption NTSC>PAL which actually rarely is true in cases where those bad ports get something broken(I think FFX PAL actually is such bad port - for stupid "fat" widescreen mode at least), as most of those PAL games that are only "slowed down" can be run on 60fps with emulator anyway and then it actually have same reqs as NTSC, and among those which are rewritten PAL is often better for emulation speed.

Assuming we have a pc that can run both versions at full speed and the game is playable in similar way(considering glitches in pcsx2) the better will be the one that has additional stuff/bonuses etc. as a bit slower or faster gameplay or internal resolution is easily adjusted in pcsx2 most of the time.

Considering low end pc's through I would say PAL are better and will try to explain why before somebody's cut my head off. Well even when it's just a bad port with changed speed 50fps in such bad port will give same speed as 50fps in NTSC. Soo like half od pal - 25fps would be same slow as 25fps in NTSC nothing really worser here, not counting any limits, which can be passed in pcsx2 anyway fps by fps they're emulated SAME(generally). While IF the game was properly converted or written with PAL in mind 25fps in it would be as 30fps in NTSC leading to 20% faster emulation. Ofc PAL = higher internal res, soo in cases of very weak GPU's in set with nice CPU - NTSC version can actually be slightly faster... but internal res can be set using "custom" to lower than native, meaning it doesn't really matter.

Like in above example - just couse in most cases it would give NO GAIN - doesn't really mean it's worser as people often assume. It would be simply same, no gain but also no loss, and in those more or less few cases which were rewriten PAL would be easier to emulate.

Unfortunately it's still imprefect emulation we're talking about and soo the speed isn't only matter, each and every game needs to be looked at a bit differently, they have different engines, use different effects, the difference between PAL and NTSC isn't really equal same in every title. Some times one version is playable, other crashes at the menu;].

It's also rare to have a possibility to test NTSC and PAL versions on exactly same pc, plus people tend to defend what they paid money for, and will most of the time say the version they bought is better, even if it means lying to prove it. Soo any kind of list pointing exact difference in different titles even if just based on emulation speed would be potentially very hard to do and the usefullness of such would be minimal only for people that plan to buy a game as it's hard to imagine somebody's wasting money on different game version just to gain a few fps more;P.
damnnn cant believe i read that all Smile
and cheers for the answers^^
and ffx is widescreen in ntsc???? i didnt no this!! Sad
0ther then the human eye cannot tell the difference between 50-60 fps thing it's a good summary. The human eye can perceive much higher then that though the persons individual threshold may vary. It also depends on what the difference in those frames are.
What about the PAL games at 60Hz ? I remember that in the end of the PS2 life, I was playing a lot of PAL games with the "60Hz" option, and it was said that it was exactly the same thing as what the americans had ... So maybe even some PAL games are 60 fps, which is reducing the difference further.
I remember a lot of us were furious when games were in "50Hz" cause it meant we would have a reduced resolution and some slowdowns (I remember a scandal with FFX, we nearly felt insulted by the Japanese, some magazines said Square thought we were still having old 50Hz tvs...) I don't know how relevant it is to "fps", but that sure sounds like that refresh rate and the frames per seconds are linked Smile

But what about the line number ? the PAL resolution is different from the NTSC one right ? I'm happy we managed to finally agree on a common HD format for the new generation, this NTSC vs PAL thingy was giving everyone serious headaches Laugh
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That ususaly shouldn't do any impact at the gamespeed. It only determines a country wide standard refresh rate <> frame rate therefor PAL only uses a differend syncron ratio which do match within the refresh rate.

Afaik, that's all about it.
Depends on the game, FFX was notorious for being slower (takes longer time to get from one point to another) not just the refresh rate, Digital Devil Saga was buggy mostly in the 50Hz option in PAL version probably because of sync issues (lazy port? good thing it had 60Hz option too for some versions...).

Having a higher resolution for PAL version is usually true in the PS2 but on PCSX2's side this makes little difference since most people will be using higher resolutions than the game's native anyway and some PAL games with that "higher resolution" just means having fat characters cause they just stretched the output (then again some people prefer to stretch 4:3 games to a 16:9 screen so they probably wouldn't be bothered about it Tongue2).

You can also set some PAL games to be running at 60Hz even if the originally weren't meant to by changing the PALframerate in pcsx2_vm.ini file and it may work for some games just fine, you could even set it to 100Hz for even smoother feeling (if your computer can handle it that is Tongue2) but for other games it wouldn't change the game's speed and just break sync in FMVs for example.
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