PCSX2 Hangs/Error when Codebreaker Code is Activated
@ rama it depends where u live buddy Wink f.e. here in the netherlands it isn't illegal aslong you only use it for your own use Smile But meh heh. Btw sleepingmonster may I recommend that u upgrade PCSX to it's so much more stable and most games run even faster.

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I believe games and software are still illegal to download in the netherlands, music and movies are legal though.
CPU: C2D E8400 @ 3.6
GPU: GTX 560Ti 2Gb
MOB: Asus P5QL
RAM: Crucial 4Gb
OS: Windows 7 64bit/XP 32bit
@ Gamer nope they aren't though the EU want us to belief they are lol why do u think u need to pay Author rights on DVD's and not to mention pretty soon on Hard Drives even. They want to do it like that so they can't be illegalized, but eitherway I'll stop now before we drift too far off from the topic. I just wanted to share my thoughts!
I'm not against author's rights, it's the IP that bugs me, if not for any other reason, because the author is not commonly the 'owner' of the rights.

But that's not the whole thing, IP 'rights' are outrageous, Nothing else can state "all rights reserved" without boundaries and frontiers... it's just... stupid.

IP rights kills the freedom, it kills creativity (don't let it fool you that it promotes creativity). I don't need more than an original successful opus 'sequel' to illustrate the point.

In the end, IP right is a kind of piracy in itself.

PS: It's understandable the producer wants to make profit from the product, but it should not mean perpetuation (man is still wise and not allowed it happening). It's just fair, yet more important, is necessary the work needs to be paid. It's a natural rule. The error is only in the abuse.
Imagination is where we are truly real
Sorry for the long reply. Found now a working code.

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