PCSX2 development plan,thoughts,contributions
Sorry about causing this, I just wanted to point out my experience and viewpoint. When Avih mentioned it being easy to uninstall, etc. I had to try it. I have no intention of causing "flame wars" or fights, I think civil discussion, even if it sometimes gets emotionally charged, is fine. If the toolbar is going to be gone, so be it, there are other more pressing issues going forward.

Please don't take anything as an insult, these are just opinions meant to be portrayed in a constructive manner.

1: I've been trying to report issues for this emulator, but doing so is a total pain right now. The information is spread out quite a bit, and every time I mention or report something, I miss some thread, a wiki page, or something that has a work-around or solution. It's frustrating for me, as a user, to have to look around for 15 - 20 minutes trying to find something not knowing if it exists. You really can't expect users to find stuff on the forums without a better search function, and the Wiki/compatibility lists sometimes have DIFFERENT NAMES for games! That makes searching for them a pain.

2: Inaction is a problem. There's rarely any posts on the front page of the website. If the developers are that busy (which is possible) then the project has serious issues. PCSX2 can feel dated for some people because of the lack of posts, informational writing and updates. I feel like Dolphin's website had an identity issue at some point too, but we're working hard on creating better user/developer interaction through blog posts and articles on the main page. The system works nicely, but it has to be updated. When 4 months pass with nothing mentioned... (and while the buildbot was down) it can make the emulator feel like it's dead and drive away interest. Small updates or big updates, keeping the users engaged is always important. Writers don't need to be coders!

3: Plugin Issue reports on the forums. If the plugins are included with the emulator, I think their issues should be considered the same way as regular issues. I have a problem with this, because sometimes graphical issues can be caused by wrong CPU emulation (and I can attest to that in Dolphin) and there's no way to really tell. If all the plugins get it wrong, sure, maybe it's a CPU issue, but maybe all of them get it wrong, too! There's no way to tell.

4: Some streamlined way of testing. Dolphin has these things called fifologs. Fifologs are these magical little files that let me test graphical issues on Dolphin and Console and between backends within a minute. It helps with the above issue of telling CPU problems from GPU problems (If the bug shows up on console, it's a CPU problem since it's using Dolphin's CPU calculation, while if it's gone, it's a GPU emulation problem.) Having that for testing issues is huge, and honestly has helped me with hundreds of possible issues. Without that, testing issues between PCSX2 and Console can take hours (uuuugh.) There are little changes that are really great for testing too; such as having memory card files stored in folders instead of raw files. I can literally drag my Dolphin save file right onto my SD card and import it for GC games with no trouble. I don't even know if PCSX2 itself has the capability to extract saves from its memory cards based on looking it through. The memory card manager doesn't seem to have much functionality. Requiring a third party program just makes things that little bit harder that can deter possible testers.

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All I can really address here is part of point 1. The wiki is maintained by users, and there really never were guidelines that I know of. The compatibility list is maintained by admins and mods and is standardized to http://www.sonyindex.com/

Also, as far as I know, we don't discount plugin issues, we just like them to be in the correct place.
[Image: XTe1j6J.png]
Gaming Rig: Intel i7 6700k @ 4.8Ghz | GTX 1070 TI | 32GB RAM | 960GB(480GB+480GB RAID0) SSD | 2x 1TB HDD
(07-13-2014, 10:04 AM)JMC47 Wrote: 1: I've been trying to report issues for this emulator, but doing so is a total pain right now. The information is spread out quite a bit, and every time I mention or report something, I miss some thread, a wiki page, or something that has a work-around or solution. It's frustrating for me, as a user, to have to look around for 15 - 20 minutes trying to find something not knowing if it exists. You really can't expect users to find stuff on the forums without a better search function, and the Wiki/compatibility lists sometimes have DIFFERENT NAMES for games! That makes searching for them a pain.

More effective automatic setting alterations by game than PCSX2 currently has could definitely fix some of these issues as I'm sure you're aware since Dolphin does it. If a specific game needs clamping set to higher than normal then despite the default being normal, an override could alter that on the fly and save testers/users some time wondering if it's an unfixable bug or something they need to find a workaround for. No idea if something like this is eventually planned for PCSX2 or not though.
My biggest concern is that the plugin issues are separate from non-plugin issues. And on top of that, I don't know what's causing some issues, so how am I supposed to know where to post? If the bug happens in hardware/software renderers, it could still be a bug in the plugin, but it could also be a CPU bug.
We're working on a documentation wiki. That could be a good place to collect bugs.
I feel your pain about the wiki JMC47, But know there is at least myself that is working on improving it. I certainly could use a hand if you wouldn't mind it. I spend probably 2 or 3 hours a week getting various games working on my PC than i update the wiki accordingly Though i admit, I've only played through a few games to completion and since i avoid using EE cycle rate and VU cycle stealing hacks. I can't say i can attest to their impact. I'd be happy to work on a standard with you (as it currently has none) and improve the wiki further.
Intel Core i7-8700k @5ghz
G.Skill 16GB DDR4 @3600mhz
GeForce GTX 1080 8GB
Windows 10 x64
(07-13-2014, 06:02 PM)hellbringer616 Wrote: I feel your pain about the wiki JMC47, But know there is at least myself that is working on improving it. I certainly could use a hand if you wouldn't mind it. I spend probably 2 or 3 hours a week getting various games working on my PC than i update the wiki accordingly Though i admit, I've only played through a few games to completion and since i avoid using EE cycle rate and VU cycle stealing hacks. I can't say i can attest to their impact. I'd be happy to work on a standard with you (as it currently has none) and improve the wiki further.

Yeah, about that... I registered today just out of pity for the wiki and started editing it. It was in a miserable state when I started.

This is the first page I edited. Can you tell what's wrong from the template? The template only has space for 2 testers at most, 1 Windows tester and 1 Linux tester. In order to update the game, I had to overwrite the test config of the previous guy which has remained since 0.9.8 so it was still kind of fine. But suppose somebody else with a different config on Windows yielded a different result, they'd have to ovewrite my config, which overwrite what I have to comment about it. That's not fine, my result was recent and pretty relevant, yet it had to make way for the new tester. And that's just the PCSX2 config, Hardware specs only have 1 place (which specs yields which results here again?).

I can bet this is why people are so hesitant when it comes to update the wiki, and I feel like if I'm not addressing the elephant in the room, this wiki will remain in this state forever. If you're looking to replace this template, please do it like the Dolphin wiki: a table that lists the emulator version, the specs, the comment and the tester's name, each in their own table entries.
I'm gonna make a thread regarding the PCSX2 wiki, where potential contributors and people interested can discuss. I will post a link in a sec.
[Image: XTe1j6J.png]
Gaming Rig: Intel i7 6700k @ 4.8Ghz | GTX 1070 TI | 32GB RAM | 960GB(480GB+480GB RAID0) SSD | 2x 1TB HDD
Done: http://forums.pcsx2.net/Thread-PCSX2-Wik...ion-thread

Please take wiki discussion here.
[Image: XTe1j6J.png]
Gaming Rig: Intel i7 6700k @ 4.8Ghz | GTX 1070 TI | 32GB RAM | 960GB(480GB+480GB RAID0) SSD | 2x 1TB HDD
And the toolbar is gone.

[Image: gmYzFII.png]
[Image: dvedn3-5.png]

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