PSOne Widescreen Patches
Croc 2 Widescreen GameShark Code NTSC-U:
80014C64 C410
80014C66 0801
80071040 0000
80071042 8488
80071044 0000
80071046 0000
80071048 4821
8007104A 0108
8007104C 4021
8007104E 0128
80071050 4083
80071052 0008
80071054 0000
80071056 A488
80071058 0004
8007105A 8488
8007105C 0000
8007105E 0000
80071060 4821
80071062 0108
80071064 4021
80071066 0128
80071068 4083
8007106A 0008
8007106C 4B24
8007106E 0C01
80071070 0004
80071072 A488
80071074 531B
80071076 0800
80071078 0000
8007107A 0000

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Looks like the code is not working properly. When I rotate the camera in gameplay it warps everything into a flat plane.

@demilich there was a problem with the code on accurate emulators, would you recopy the code and try it again.

You should create Eyefinity hacks, can you create some If these bases in your ws hacks?

That works, thanks for sharing the code.

Do you think you could give WWF Smackdown NTSC U or MGS VR Missions NTSC U a try? I feel it will be a game with 20+ lines of code for widescreen.
Any chance to do widescreen for Soul Edge? I see dithering patch for SE and now i wanna blow up for "wide" code/rom patch to complete PSP's eboot.
If anyone could translate that Croc 2 widescreewi code to hex idI be forever in debt.
@Esppiral you will have to patch CROC2.EXE in the US Version of Croc 2 for this.

First, you have to patch the 4 bytes at 0x5464 in CROC2.exe with 10 C4 01 08.

Then replace the bytes from 0x61840 to 0x6187B of CROC2.EXE with 00 00 88 84 00 00 00 00 21 48 08 01 21 40 28 01 83 40 08 00 00 00 88 A4 04 00 88 84 00 00 00 00 21 48 08 01 21 40 28 01 83 40 08 00 24 4B 01 0C 04 00 88 A4 1B 53 00 08 00 00 00 00 .

Finally save CROC2.EXE and inject into the ISO again.
Tnak you so much! it works like a charm on my vita I love this game, can the same be done for Croc (1)?

Can anyone know How to convert ws gameshark cheats to ppf patches? I've see some ppf patches in the library of ws cheats.

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