Pcsx2 hardware
New to the forum chaps, don't shoot me if I sound like an idiot! Lol

I've been messing around with pcsx2 for a few years on and off, I had it on my old gaming rig (phenom ii 960t @4ghz, hd6970 2gb, 8gb ram)

I always struggled to get it to run properly, more so gran turismo 4.

Now I know it's probably one of the most demanding PS2 games around, with lots of pretty stuff.

Despite the pretty serious overclock on a water cooling system, and a, at the time, flagship GPU, I always struggled with stability/frame rates. Even at native resolution...

I sold my gaming rig, due to financial issues at the time, but now I'm planning to build a new system with ryzen goodies and such.

What I would like is a few pointers as to what hardware likes pcsx2 and such.

I do have a laptop, (core 2 duo t7500, 4gb ram, some crappy intel Gma thing) which I have been fiddling with, have been trying to get gran turismo 3 a spec to run on it. And she don't want to play ball at all.

Now I'm not expecting miracles, but as a shot in the dark, any chance I'm gonna get it to run half decent on the laptop for the time being? 

Also, what kind of settings would I expect to use to get it to run half decent? I can't seem to find much info on this game on pcsx2..

Thanks all!

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I'm afraid that your laptop is just too weak. The t7500 has a single thread performance of under 800, where roughly double that would be required to run GT3 comfortably at full speed. Not having a dedicated GPU doesn't help either, making the game unplayable with both hardware and software renderers.

You're better off just playing it on your PS2.
Fair enough, thanks mate, I wasn't expecting any less lol, it is a right turn of a laptop apart from the SSD.

What kinda CPU would I want for it to run nicely? Lots of threads or fewer, stronger cores?
(02-16-2018, 05:06 PM)SomethingClever23 Wrote: Fair enough, thanks mate, I wasn't expecting any less lol, it is a right turn of a laptop apart from the SSD.

What kinda CPU would I want for it to run nicely? Lots of threads or fewer, stronger cores?
Stronger cores is the most essential. Any recent Intel i5 or i7 will do. See this list: https://www.cpubenchmark.net/singleThread.html

Any CPU with a Single Thread Performance close to or above 2000 will be great. Any above 1600 will be decent. Anything below that number might be enough for other games, but would likely struggle with GT3/4.

A dedicated (NVIDIA) GPU is also needed if you want to use upscaling.
Nice site and info!
My i5-3570K sits right at the 2000 points mark and it indeed runs GT4 well, at roughly 60FPS 95% of the time.
(02-16-2018, 08:05 PM)rama Wrote: Nice site and info!
My i5-3570K sits right at the 2000 points mark and it indeed runs GT4 well, at roughly 60FPS 95% of the time.

Yeah but those are stock settings, I'm already guessing you have it overclocked which should be around 2300 ish maybe ? I dunno, depends on your clocks (guessing 4.3+ GHZ).
I'm an avid overclocker. Currently my phone is a galaxy S6 which I have the A57 big cores clocked at 2.5ghz. I don't mind squeezing a few GHz to perk it up a little.

Was looking at a low-mid range i7, but they carry a hefty premium with them... Since the athlon co was around I've always been amd because of the price difference, and I can pick up a ryzen 5 for very cheap comparatively, so that brings me on to this, how do amd CPUs behave? Does pcsx2 run pretty good with them?

Reason I'm pointing it out, is that, even though my 960T was old, it was no slouch, and was perfectly capable with keeping up with dirt rally at max settings, which has a lot of CPU stuff going on!

And Flatout seemed to specify a Nvidia GPU a little there, does pcsx2 prefer Nvidia hardware? I still got a pretty beefy AMD card somewhere, if pcsx2 ain't bothered by it I may give that a whirl. But I'm guessing there's gonna be compatibility "quirks".

Thanks a lot guys, makes my decisions a lot easier when it comes pc parts time! Much appreciated.
Quote:And Flatout seemed to specify a Nvidia GPU a little there, does pcsx2 prefer Nvidia hardware? I still got a pretty beefy AMD card somewhere, if pcsx2 ain't bothered by it I may give that a whirl. But I'm guessing there's gonna be compatibility "quirks".

Because OpenGL is more accurate and it is recommended and this is where Nvidia comes to play because AMD's OpenGL drivers are terrible.
It doesn't matter if you have a Vega 64 when a gtx 650 or lower will outperform it.
(02-16-2018, 09:49 PM)SomethingClever23 Wrote: Was looking at a low-mid range i7, but they carry a hefty premium with them... Since the athlon co was around I've always been amd because of the price difference, and I can pick up a ryzen 5 for very cheap comparatively, so that brings me on to this, how do amd CPUs behave? Does pcsx2 run pretty good with them?
PCSX2 doesn't run great with AMD CPU's. The Ryzen 5s aren't bad, but AMD CPU's have weaker cores than Intel CPU's. Even when a Intel CPU and AMD CPU have about the same single thread performance, number of cores and threads, the AMD CPUs are often noticeably slower. If the Ryzen 5 you can pick up cheap is one of the better ones in the range, you should probably be okay though.
Yeah it's a good 100 quid difference in price, so if it will do the job, I may very well go for one, if a cheap i7 comes around, might go for that based of what I'm seeing though, they do seem to do well.. and Nvidia graphics card it is then.

Cheers chaps?

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