SPU2-X v2
No it's far FAR more complex. The whole emulator structure needs to be recoded for something like that.
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(02-13-2010, 10:04 PM)Bright-Warrior Wrote: I got a problem compiling the newest version of SPU2-X. Specifically after the addition of PortAudio. Since then I'm unable to compile it, there always seems to be some kind of linking errors. That makes sense, since I haven't compiled PortAudio. But how can I do this^^? I can't really find the .sln for PortAudio. I found a .sln in "portaudio --> build --> msvc", but this ends up in an error as well, so I guess it's the wrong one. Sorry, I'm pretty new to compiling and all this and I'm glad that I was able to compile PCSX2 and the plugins. That was not so difficult at all, but PortAudio really got me^^.

Has my question just not been seen or does no one know how to help me^^? I guess the first though^^.
Rejoice, they say. Color is back.
If you load the main pcsx2.sln, there's a "3rdparty" folder in the Solution Explorer.
Open that one, and you'll find the portaudio project in there. Right-click > rebuild Tongue2

Alternatively you could "rebuild solution" which takes like a day, but rebuilds everything Tongue2
(Ctrl+Alt+F7 for that)
(02-17-2010, 09:34 AM)rama Wrote: Bright-Warrior:
If you load the main pcsx2.sln, there's a "3rdparty" folder in the Solution Explorer.
Open that one, and you'll find the portaudio project in there. Right-click > rebuild Tongue2

Sorry, I should have mentioned that I'm using Visual C++ 2008 Express^^.

(02-17-2010, 09:34 AM)rama Wrote: [...]
Alternatively you could "rebuild solution" which takes like a day, but rebuilds everything Tongue2
(Ctrl+Alt+F7 for that)

I'm not that bored right now Tongue.
Rejoice, they say. Color is back.
Then right click SPU2-X from the list and rebuild. It still works in express normally, if anything delete and redownload the svn maybe you got some bad files.
Core i5 3570k -- Geforce GTX 670  --  Windows 7 x64
Thanks Lady! Not only does SPU2-X compiles fine now, I also learned that I compiled in a much more complicated and time consuming way than it'd be necessary^^. Well, you never stop learning I guess Tongue.
Rejoice, they say. Color is back.
well i just tried the latest rev,and this "reverb boost factor" doesnt seem to have any effect on my games,so how is this supposed to work?
You need a scene that actually uses reverb. Oftentimes games just don't use it Tongue2
You'll notice that when a game uses it, the reverb at *8 sounds like the "hall" setting of the PSX, for example.
(02-23-2010, 03:25 AM)rama Wrote: You need a scene that actually uses reverb. Oftentimes games just don't use it Tongue2
You'll notice that when a game uses it, the reverb at *8 sounds like the "hall" setting of the PSX, for example.

well there has to be a way of forcing it trough,it should be great if this plugin gets a volume boost,beacuse in most games this plugin is more accurate but it doesnt have the strenght it has zero-spu for example.
Sorry to bother you once again, but I got a new problem with portaudio. This time on Linux (Ubuntu 9.10) though^^. I've got to note, that I'm almost completely new to Linux beforehand. I downloaded the svn and compiled it with Code::Blocks (as recommended), which worked without any problem. But I just can't find portaudio in the list Code::Blocks gives me^^. Could you please lend me a hand once again? Because ZeroSPU2 doesn't work that well for my games (gives me cracking sound all the time to be precisely).
Rejoice, they say. Color is back.

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