Time Crisis 2 Guncon2 Split-screen calibration issue
Using a mouse in guncon2 usb mode, I can track where I'm aiming in Time Crisis 2 for calibration testing. 

PCSX2 1.7 works great out of the box in single player mode, but requires a manual override (settings in guncon2 GUI) when the screen splits in two for multiplayer 2 player.

What I have only is a reference to what nuvee used--which I plugged in for 1P and 2P override settings for testing purposes.  The results were okay, but still half an inch off center:
X Scale (Sensitivity): 95 
Y Scale (Sensitivity): 45 
Center X: 390
Center Y: 150
Screen Width: 640
Screen Height: 240

I'm not familiar with tweaking these values for the desired results.  Was hoping someone with experience can plug these numbers in and make the slight adjustments for 1.7.  If the correct results are achieved, it should then be catalogued in the wiki for future players.

If it helps, I have below the differences between PCSX2 1.7's baked-in values for 1P vs Nuvee's 1P values that could serve as a reference point:

PCSX2 1.7 (1P)
90.25f, 97.5f, 390, 154, 640, 240}, // Time Crisis 2 (U)

Nuvee (1P)
120 97.5 390 154 640 240

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Bumping up to see if anyone has some experience tuning manual game coordinates.
bumping one last time.

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