Trace/BPT error
I keep getting this Trace/BPT trap, with a MacBook (not Pro) with the following specs:
From emuLog.txt:

PCSX2 v0.9.4 save ver: 7a30000f
EE pc offset: 0x2a8, PSX pc offset: 0x208
    CPU vender name =  GenuineIntel
    FamilyID    =  a
    x86Family =  Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T7700  @ 2.40GHz
    CPU speed =  2.396 Ghz
    x86PType  =  Standard OEM
    x86Flags  =  bfebfbff
    x86EFlags =  20100000
    Detected MMX
    Detected SSE
    Detected SSE2
    Not Detected SSE3
attached is the entire emuLog.txt and the file gsLog.txt. Unfortunately, while I do have some experience programming C++, I don't have much Linux/UNIX/MacOS X experience yet, nor ANY emulator experience, which means that I don't know what parts of the log are significant.

.txt   emuLog.txt (Size: 17,11 KB / Downloads: 717)

.txt   gsLog.txt (Size: 3,09 KB / Downloads: 554)

[edit]If I can, I'd be more than willing to contribute to the Mac end of devel; however, I'm still new to Mac programming.

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Trace/BPT is a game name? emuLog say that MADD1 instruction do something that it's unsupposed to do. I remember, that there was little more modern version for MacOS, try it.
The Game was God of War II, and I thought I downloaded the most recent version (unless there's svn available)
God of War 2 isn't compatible even with official pcsx2, is it?

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