XInput Wrapper for DS3 and USB Dual DS2 Controller
Hey Scarlet, just got a genuine PS3 controller, and a new ASUS Bluetooth 4.0 adapter. Can you add this one to the list please? Thanks

The Dohitchy is there so you can attach the Whatchamacallit to the Thingamabob.

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Hello! First, let me say how much I appreciate the work that went into making it possible for me to connect my PS3 controller to PC. That's awesome. Thank you.

Now, I've managed to get this thing working! Well, kind of. I get it so that the DS3 Monitor shows the Host Address, the connected controller (Pad 1) with and without bluetooth, but it doesn't seem to be useable in any games.

Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? I've been scouring around trying to figure out how I can get it to work inside of Battlefield 4 (I like using it to fly) but I can't seem to get any of the buttons to work in the game.

Any ideas on what I need to do here?

EDIT: I got it to work! All I had to do was redownload the XBox drivers and reinstall them! It works in game now! Hooray! Now, I have a new problem. While it does work with Bluetooth on, it often only stays connected for a few seconds before the controller shuts off and then reconnects. Any ideas?
The games that I am playing are stuttering, both video and audio (Spelunky, Castle Crashers, etc.). Is this a known issue for this app?

P.s. By stuttering, I mean the sound and video are randomly buzzing and skipping. Buzzing and skipping can be minor to annoying. Occurs mostly when I am running xinput wrapper on full screen. However, when I'm running full screen without xinput wrapper on, no stuttering. Will do more test, but just wanted to know if this was something others are experiencing.

Here is my pc specs;

intel i5 core 2.8Ghz
intel hd graphics 2000
8Gb ram
Quick question... Any chance to add auto-fire support on the driver? There are some situations where this would be useful, if possible.

Thanks and great work!
On some games I play, it seems the controller momentarily disconnects and makes that device found sound in windows7, e.g. in DmC whenever I use a heavy attack it makes that sound and the game locks up for a second, but if I try the same heavy attack with the keyboard and mouse it doesn't lock up, any ideas on what could be the problem?
Hey, could you add support for this device please?


Will be very grateful Smile
Unfortunately I don't have time to work on my "non-genuine-fix" (still have problems with lag) and some people were interested in tweaks i've made to successfully connect them by BTH. Maybe someone will have more time to make it work in 100%. So, here are my changes (based on v1.0.0.103)

The clue is to modify some bytes in "m_Report" for fake controllers. I recognize fake controller by MAC staring with 00:26:5C:xx:xx:xx

case HCI.Event.HCI_Connection_Complete_EV:

    bd = String.Format("{0:X2}:{1:X2}:{2:X2}:{3:X2}:{4:X2}:{5:X2}", Buffer[10], Buffer[9], Buffer[8], Buffer[7], Buffer[6], Buffer[5]);

    BthDs3 Connection = Add(Buffer[3], (Byte)(Buffer[4] | 0x20), NameList[bd]);
    if (Buffer[10] == 0x00 && Buffer[9] == 0x26 && Buffer[8] == 0x5c)
        Connection.Fake = true;
        LogDebug("-- Fake DualShock3 founded. Workaround applied");
        Connection.Fake = false;
        LogDebug("-- Genuine Sony DualShock3 founded.");

    Connection.Remote_Name = NameList[bd]; NameList.Remove(bd);
    Connection.BD_Address  = new Byte[] { Buffer[5], Buffer[6], Buffer[7], Buffer[8], Buffer[9], Buffer[10] };

    LogDebug(String.Format(">> {0} [{1:X2}]", Event, Buffer[0]));

case L2CAP.Code.L2CAP_Configuration_Response:

    LogDebug(String.Format(">> {0} [{1:X2}]", Event, Buffer[8]));

    if (Connection.CanStartSvc)
        UInt16 DCID = BthConnection.DCID++;
        L2_DCID = new Byte[2] { (Byte)((DCID >> 0) & 0xFF), (Byte)((DCID >> 8) & 0xFF) };

        if (!Connection.Fake)
            L2CAP_Connection_Request(Connection.HCI_Handle.Bytes, m_Id++, L2_DCID, L2CAP.PSM.HID_Service);
            LogDebug(String.Format("<< {0} [{1:X2}] PSM [{2:X2}]", L2CAP.Code.L2CAP_Connection_Request, (Byte)L2CAP.Code.L2CAP_Connection_Request, (Byte)L2CAP.PSM.HID_Service));
            Connection.CanStartSvc = false;

namespace ScpControl
    public partial class BthDs3 : BthConnection, IDs3Device
        protected Boolean m_Fake = true;
        protected ReportEventArgs m_ReportArgs = new ReportEventArgs();

protected Byte[] m_Leds   = { 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, };
protected Byte[] m_Enable = { 0x53, 0xF4, 0x42, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, };

public DeviceState State
    get { return m_State; }

public Boolean Fake
    get { return (Boolean) m_Fake; }
    set { m_Fake = (Boolean)value; }

public Ds3PadId PadId

if (Global.DisableLED) m_Report[11] = 0;

if (m_Fake)
    m_Report[0] = 0xA2;
    m_Report[3] = 0x00;
    m_Report[5] = 0x00;

if (!m_Blocked && m_Queued > 0)
    if ((Now - m_Last).TotalMilliseconds >= 125)

Good luck!
Thanks for spending the time to give it a go, maybe someone else with coding experience can find the time to work on it too.
The Dohitchy is there so you can attach the Whatchamacallit to the Thingamabob.
thanks for the contribution
I have been using PS3 pad with Bluetooth in my Windows 8 PC without any problems, just as x360 pad - thank you!

I also have a question - is it possible to add support for this virtual pad: Droidmote

It can be configured to map all PS3 buttons in DirectInput but would love to use it as XInput device, as setting x360ce for each game is painfull...
Would be grateful for answer. Once again, thanks.

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