ZZogl -- Zero GS KOSMOS fork
Interlace working at easy way: [frame 0, buffer 0, generate picture, DRAW, swap, frame 1, buffer 1, generate picture, DRAW, clear, swap]. The main reason for not doing clear before frames 0 and 1 is to draw frame 1 overtop frame 0 picture -- glClear work with window, not buffer.

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I'm sorry if this question has been already answered before...
But when I try to run the ZZOgl plugin in PCSX2, it gives an error ( http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/4624/zzogl.png ).
I have compiled the current trunk svn (3761).
And I do have the cg.dll and cgGL.dll, from the latest NVidia CG Toolkit, in the main PCSX2 folder.
I'm currently running Windows 7 x64.
Anything I'm doing wrong?

I've compiled the release build.
Give me a log, please! gs.log . Maybe than I could tell you a reason of this error.
Ok, so I found the problem.
The plugin was trying to create GSzzogl.log, but instead of going to the default (chosen) logs folder, it was trying to create a log file in a non-existant logs folder, in the main PCSX2 folder. I had to create the folder myself in the main folder.
And because it couldn't create the log file (as the folder didn't exist), it would fail to load.
Should this count as a bug, or it was just me who didn't know there should be a logs folder in the main PCSX2 directory, even if my default logs folder isn't there?

(Sorry for the abuse of the word "folder", lol)
This behavior are sound like a bug.

To everyone: I was able to successfully made new GLSL shader work. They do not work like a charm, but some games are look fine. I don't know why FFX picture are greeenish.
Sounds encouraging. Haven't been able to run them on my system yet. With r235, I end up getting the following errors:
Starting shader for TextureFog1_32PS
Creating shader 1 for TextureFog1_32PS
Compiling... 1: 0(13) : warning C7101: Macro GL_compatibility_profile redefined
0(58) : error C7532: global type sampler2DRect requires "#version 140" or later
0(143) : error C7532: global function texture requires "#version 130" or later
0(147) : error C7532: global function modf requires "#version 130" or later
0(189) : error C7532: global function modf requires "#version 130" or later
0(256) : error C7532: global function texture requires "#version 130" or later
0(329) : error C7532: global function texture requires "#version 130" or later
0(665) : error C7532: global function trunc requires "#version 130" or later
Failed to compile shader for TextureFog1_32PS:
Used Empty shader for TextureFog1_32PS... Ok

Oddly enough, if I change "#version 120" in the code to "#version 150", I get:
Starting shader for TextureFog1_32PS
Creating shader 1 for TextureFog1_32PS
Compiling... 1: 0(9) : error C0204: version directive must be first statement and may not be repeated
0(14) : warning C7101: Macro GL_compatibility_profile redefined
0(506) : warning C7533: global variable gl_FragData is deprecated after version 120
0(506) : error C7533: global variable gl_Color is deprecated after version 120
0(537) : warning C7533: global variable gl_FragColor is deprecated after version 120
0(537) : error C7533: global variable gl_TexCoord is deprecated after version 120
Failed to compile shader for TextureFog1_32PS:
Used Empty shader for TextureFog1_32PS... Ok

Really a good news.

Arcum, maybe you can try "#version 150 compatibility" instead.

Better use 150 which is related to openGL 3.2 (3.3 ?) But it removed some openGL 2 stuff (which are not efficient on new hardware anyway).
That actually works better in that those errors go away and it doesn't crash instantly. It doesn't actually display anything on my system, and gives errors like:
"error in PutParametersInProgam param name g_fc0, location 15, typr 3
error in PutParametersInProgam param name g_fBitBltPos, location 0, typr 3
error in PutParametersInProgam param name g_fBitBltTex, location 1, typr 3"

though. Ah well, Zeydlitz might have changes in his trunk that haven't been committed yet. I'm just trying to get it working properly on my system so I can tackle getting it into zzogl-pg...
You videocard does not support type sampler2DRect (i.e GLSL 1.4)? Rect is a required for GLSL, it's unavoidable.
My videocard doesn't support sampler2DRect if "#version 120" is defined. Presumably because it was introduced in 1.4.0. My videocard loads the shaders properly with "#version 150 compatibility" defined; they just don't actually seem to display anything...

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