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Full Version: Some OpenGL driver/benchmark questions
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Don't do make install. This way it won't install (aka overwrite your distribution version). My script my need some tuning/googling
I know that. I ran make install yesterday. The problem is fixing it.
Can't you reinstall all the mesa related library. Both 32 bits and 64 bits.
Is there any reason other than personal preference for the below flags?
--disable-gles1 --disable-gles2 \
--disable-asm \
Gles -> faster compilation
Asm-> got issue with 32 bits (because I don't use the good cross compilation option)
Something strange I just noticed - when compiling PCSX2 with --cross-multilib, the only indication that it's 32-bit is the libraries linked against. -m32 is not used, nor any other flags I can find.
Are you sure?
I just checked again - oddly, it seems to first compile without -m32, then when it relinks, it uses -m32.

Never mind, took another look - -m32 is contained in build.make, I was looking at flags.make and relink.txt
I only ask here because Google has failed me: do you know anything about the Gallium "ilo" driver? Supposedly it is the Gallium equivalent of i965, but I can't find any info anywhere!
One more point (more of an angry shout actually): why is "make clean" at the top! I completely forgot about it and now have to wait for the entire mesa to be compiled again because I added "ilo" to the Gallium drivers list!
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