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Full Version: Some OpenGL driver/benchmark questions
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Linux context option
    // Create a context
    int context_attribs[] =
        // Open Source isn't happy with an unsupported flags...

Windows context option
        // Create a context
        int context_attribs[] =
            // FIXME : Request a debug context to ease opengl development
            // Note: don't support deprecated feature (pre openg 3.1)

As you can there is a couple of differences. I will see on IRC tonight if we can progress on the multi-thread topic. Hopefully the nice guy found back all the code (it could be quick) (otherwise we need to redo it).
How would I cross-compile for Windows? I want to try to see if I can get the dev versions working through WINE.
I don't touch anything windows related. You can try to modify the code and do a PR. The buildbot will compile it for you.

Hah, it seems I should also thank you for this.
Please, keep bothering Marek for new features. Tongue

Exciting times, glthread and shader cache are landing soon ™.
Yes I asked him. I'm also waiting another contributor that is working to improve it (code ongoing, I'm not sure what he will do). Worst case, I will code my self a fix to multithread properly texture upload (at least on the PCSX2 case). Hopefully everything will be ready for next Mesa release. I hope it will increase the performance (and that Intel code will merged too).
I did some fixes. GSdx GL might work now.

On glthread topic, I'm working on Mesa to fix the bugs so it can be integrated. Not a success so far.
Alright, trying it out now.

I'm going to compare the speeds later.

I don't touch anything Windows usually either. This is an exception because I read that WINE had threading optimizations already and could potentially provide a speed boost.

It's quite sad that the biggest risk of getting a virus on my Linux computer is through Windows applications. I'm not saying it's impossible for my computer to get attacked through other methods, but unless I'm stupid enough to run an unknown executable off the Internet (I'm not), it's not as big of a concern.
Cool. I'm really interested by your perf feedback.

Hopefully future Mesa will support gl threading Smile I have some patches to fix various crashes. And devs are reviewing current patches.
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