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Newest version, 0.9.6. I've been with PCSX2 for a few years now, so I know newest is almost always best. I did try deleting the whole thing and redownloading it yesterday, didn't do anything. If you were to extract the archive anywhere on your machine, where would it be, and would it even make a difference? Maybe it's the fact that I have it on my desktop or something?
Well, let me try it myself.
Alright, roger that.
Well, for me it's just working out of the box. I could produce a problem, if I put plugins directory to Desktop/pcsx2, rather Desktop/pcsx2/plugins. Let's do it by the Unix way. There is a file Desktop/pcsx2/inis/pcsx2.cfg. Mine look as:
Check PluginsDir at you file.

Bios =
Lang = en
PluginsDir = /home/ruslan/Desktop/pcsx2/plugins/
BiosDir = /home/ruslan/Desktop/pcsx2/bios/
Ps2Out = 1
cdvdPrint = 0
ThPriority = 0
EnabledCard1 = 1
Mcd1 = /home/ruslan/Desktop/pcsx2/memcards/Mcd001.ps2
EnabledCard2 = 1
Mcd2 = /home/ruslan/Desktop/pcsx2/memcards/Mcd002.ps2
McdEnableEject = 1
GS = libZeroGSoglr.so.0.96.2
SPU2 = libspu2PeopsOSS.so.1.6
CDVD = libCDVDnull.so
PAD1 = libZeroPAD.so.0.2.0
PAD2 = libZeroPAD.so.0.2.0
DEV9 = libDEV9null.so
USB = libUSBnull.so
FW = libFWnull.so
Options = 470
Hacks = 0
Fixes = 0
Patch = 0
CustomFps = 0
CustomFrameskip = 0
CustomConsecutiveFrames = 0
CustomConsecutiveSkip = 0
sseMXCSR = 7fc0
sseVUMXCSR = 7fc0
eeOptions = 1
vuOptions = 1
Here's mine:

Bios =
Lang =
PluginsDir = /home/zak/Desktop/pcsx2/plugins/
BiosDir = /home/zak/Desktop/pcsx2/bios/
Ps2Out = 1
cdvdPrint = 0
ThPriority = 0
EnabledCard1 = 1
Mcd1 = /home/zak/Desktop/pcsx2/memcards/Mcd001.ps2
EnabledCard2 = 1
Mcd2 = /home/zak/Desktop/pcsx2/memcards/Mcd002.ps2
McdEnableEject = 1
GS =
SPU2 = libZeroSPU2.so.0.1.0
CDVD = libCDVDlinuz.so
PAD1 = libZeroPAD.so.0.2.0
PAD2 = libZeroPAD.so.0.2.0
DEV9 = libDEV9null.so
USB = libUSBnull.so
FW = libFWnull.so
Options = 470
Hacks = 0
Fixes = 0
Patch = 0
CustomFps = 0
CustomFrameskip = 0
CustomConsecutiveFrames = 0
CustomConsecutiveSkip = 0
sseMXCSR = 7fc0
sseVUMXCSR = 7fc0
eeOptions = 1
vuOptions = 1
Ok. Just write GS = libZeroGSoglr.so.0.96.2 (Instead GS = that was cause of strange is a directory output). And than if this plugin required something, it should wrote the correct message, rather this is a directory stuff.
Alright, I got

Could Not Load GS Plugin '/home/zak/Desktop/pcsx2/plugins/libZeroGSoglr.so.0.96.2': libGLEW.so.1.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
O'k. And this was the source of trouble: you need libglew (packages libglew1.5 and libglew1.5-dev).
Synaptic reports that I have libglew1.5 installed, along with libglew1.5-dev and glew-utils. Is this an old version? I'm using the Ubuntu repos.
Well, check it manually libglew should be at /usr/lib. Copy this so file into plugins dir, and check
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