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(05-27-2009, 08:27 PM)Saiki Wrote: [ -> ]PCSX2 has to be run under su or sudo, even in your own home for some reason..
Check permissions Smile Use chown command to change pcsx2 directory owner, this should do the trick.
"~/documents/pcsx2" is owned by me, but it still wants sudo or it refuses to work
(05-27-2009, 08:33 PM)Saiki Wrote: [ -> ]"~/documents/pcsx2" is owned by me, but it still wants sudo or it refuses to work
And files inside? Past error message here :>
not on my pc atm, and it gives no errors, it just won't change
Won't change? What do you mean? Configuration?
yea, the confi just defaults time and time again
You said you used sudo to run pcsx2. Because of that the configuration files are now owned by root. The same happened to me yesterday Tongue2
not at first I didn't
But still I think that's the case Smile Nothing else coming up into my mind. Be sure to check that when you arrive home.
will do. thanks
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