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Full Version: [Bug Report] QT interface and HDR
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Hello dear PSX2 Team,
So I really like what you did with the QT interface, nice and all, but I got a problem with the QT interface, and you stopped to release Wx after the 1.7.3770 so I can't keep using it and a better solution should be found. Last release tried pcsx2-v1.7.3929-windows-64bit-AVX2-Qt
The problem is : after playing in fullscreen mode, when I leave the fullscreen my screen is getting dark.
The problem is not PCSX2 himself, but the QT interface.
When using PCSX2 Wx no problem, I tried with something else than PCSX2 (Duckstation for example which also uses QT and fullscreen) and the same problem happens,. Everytime I leave fullscreen mode the QT interface makes the luminosity setting of Windows get to 0 or just disactivate the HDR sometimes, and it happens because my screen is an HDR screen and the HDR is active, if I disactivate the HDR the problem doesn't happens, so  for now because of QT I must choose to disactivate HDR everytime I run something in QT (fullscreen) or go to Windows settings and refresh the luminosity value of the HDR settings after leaving the fullscreen mode, not boring at all Rolleyes but QT really have a problem with HDR being activated on a screen (or is it mine only?).
Sent a private message to Refraction or jesalvein (don't remember who exactly, hope it arrived?) a few weeks ago but no answer, I wanted to ask if there was other programs I could test with QT in fullsreen to test more, or if I should send a report to QT even if their site seems to for developers (and not common users) or here so you could report to them.
Previous post https://forums.pcsx2.net/Thread-Invalid-...DR-Support
So is it possible to report it to QT and is it you devs who should do it? Anyone with an HDR screen activated who run on the same problem (to know if it's an isolated problem)?
Infos : Windows 11 (up to date), Nvidia driver 512.95 and 528.02 (after update), LG 29WK600-W in Display Port
Can't reproduce the problem here.
I think this is something you should report to qt devs
(01-21-2023, 01:55 PM)jesalvein Wrote: [ -> ]Can't reproduce the problem here.
I think this is something you should report to qt devs

Affraid you would say so, their site is not very friendly user to me, and I'm not a dev so I hope they won't kick me off.
But still, if someone else got the problem? To know.
didn't see it anywhere. no one talked about it here, nor on discord.

I think you're alone on this.
And the problem arrive, it's asking me to choose a project between a lot of QT stuff: qtbug, qt 3d studio, qt bug tracking interface....
Seriously, it's REALLY a dev STUFF, I don't know if I should take the qtbug or the qt visual studio tools or anything.
absolutely no idea
Reported, if it's the wrong place they'll know it, but thanks jesalvein
Okay, so this is kinda related here but I've had a weird thing with my monitor that on certain picture color mode settings, specifically on HDR setting... The monitor would use its built in brightness sensor to dim the brightness by itself. In my case it turned out that i had to disable "Smart Energy Saving" mode under options and it had nothing specifically with HDR. So perhaps it's not truly HDR that you're thinking about but your monitor doing something weird.
(01-25-2023, 09:56 AM)MrWizard Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, so this is kinda related here but I've had a weird thing with my monitor that on certain picture color mode settings, specifically on HDR setting... The monitor would use its built in brightness sensor to dim the brightness by itself. In my case it turned out that i had to disable "Smart Energy Saving" mode under options and it had nothing specifically with HDR. So perhaps it's not truly HDR that you're thinking about but your monitor doing something weird.

Gone in my monitor settings and it's already turned off, and there's also a DFC option turned off (supposed to adapt luminosity). I had to redo all the settings when I had it since it was a mess, by default luminosity was "adapting" but with a delay. But thanks for the idea.
Hey guys, back after a while, and I got some new infos, it seems to be also related to Vulkan, and a little with OpenGL.

I've got a lot of pcsx2 builds in stock for tests purpose and I changed my GC a few weeks ago for an Intel Arc (I know they don't have the best drivers for now, but still like the card) so I decided to test the card on PCSX2 to see (didn't realy tested it yet since I focused on this dark screen problem).
And after trying different builds, using them with default settings, I noticed on the bottom right corner of PCSX2 windows it was using sometimes Vulkan, sometimes OGL and another time even DX11 (always launching the same game, focusing on 1.7.3000 and after), and I had different results, it wasn"t always buggy.
So I focused on 3 different builds (1.7.3225, 1.7.3929 and 1.7.4562) and tested different renderers and here's what I had :
- DX11/12 : no problem, can use fullscreen and leave it without problem, luminosity is always good
- OpenGL : after the fullscreen the screen gets dark, but after closing PCSX2 the luminosity goes back to normal all alone
- Vulkan : leaving the fullscreen make the luminosity out and closing PCSX2 don't correct it

Since it didn't happend on Wx bluids I still consider Qt being guilty, but if the renderer is part of the problem it might be a usefull info.
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