New to this emulator, quick questions and concerns.
Allright I've got the plugin working finally, still not sure what the issue was... Anyways, does this emulator have support for split screen? If so, how do you enable it? I've tried all 4 of the Socom games for PS2 and none of them showed an option for split screen. Also LAN isn't what I thought it was, it's just multiplayer but via lan, I thought it was a coop singleplayer (stupid me). So now I'm going to either scrap the whole project and use my PS2, or use this via splitscreen, anyone know if it'll work?

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Socom doesn't have a coop campaign.
[Image: gmYzFII.png]
[Image: dvedn3-5.png]
Not at all? I'm pretty sure I remember playing split screen on it... I know lan is out of the picture, but doesn't it have split screen? I'm 95% sure it did.

Also I'm talking about all 4 on the PS2, not just the first one.
Bump can anyone confirm if PCSX2 supports splitscreen? And can ANY of the SOCOM series support splitscreen? Even if the game doesn't support it there are other games I would like to play via splitscreen that I know support splitscreen gameplay, like racing games and the like.
You would have to have both people playing on the same pc, but yes it will do splitscreen. You just have to set up pad1 and pad2. Socom also doesn't have split screen. I would know, I own all 4 Socom games on the ps2 and fireteem bravo 2 on the psp
[Image: gmYzFII.png]
[Image: dvedn3-5.png]
Huh. Well I guess that took away the whole point of me doing this lol. I would've betted that it had it. Anyways, thanks for all the help everyone, I think I have it working completely now. In case anyone in the future reads this, run everything as admin, and once you start the game with the dev 9 plugin, change the settings for it and change the graphical settings, so you have to restart the game. that's the only way that plugin will work. I'm glad to hel anyone in the future who reads this thread, justmpm me or post another reply here.

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