Dear all

I checked the log and it found SYSTEM.CNF but when I check inside ISO, I can't find it. What could be the problem? Encryption?

(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\NORG_000.00;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.01
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = PAL
ELF (cdrom0:\NORG_000.00;1) Game CRC = 0x7D4EA48F, EntryPoint = 0x01D00008
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\NORG_000.00;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.01
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = PAL

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NORG? Is it hacked/translated version?
In order to help you further with your problem, please make sure the following are all provided.
  • Your hardware specs - CPU, Graphics Card, Memory, Operating System.
  • The version of PCSX2 you are using.
  • Any non default settings you are using, such as speed hacks or presets.
  • Your GSdx graphics settings (a picture of the settings dialog is preferred)
  • What games you are trying to play and if you are playing them from ISO or DVD.

Thank You.

Please post the contents of the emulog.txt file after the problem occurs. The file can be found in "My Documents\PCSX2\logs" for the installer version or in "PCSX2\logs" for the portable/binary version.

Please make sure to enclose your emulog in code tags like so (remove the empty space on the closing code tag!):
Pasted emulog goes here
[ /code]
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
Actually, nothing wrong with PCSX2 1.4. It boots the game properly but I'm just curious that I couldn't find SYSTEM.CNF and NORG_000.00;1 in ISO file using isoBuster while PCSX2 can load them. What i think is that PCSX2 decrypt ISO before execute. Am I right?
Doesn't seem like there's a problem with the dump. Discs (including isos) are read through sectors, no file index exists for the game you have. You can't simply use windows explorer to view files. You can find programs that will search through the sectors to find raw data but unlikely a CNF or ELF file.
How PCSX2 read those files while we can't see them or how can we extract those files?
(03-20-2020, 11:22 AM)Rexkh Wrote: How PCSX2 read those files while we can't see them or how can we extract those files?

Just like the real hardware, read the sectors inside the disc directly.
Open the FFX image\disk(if I remember correctly),mark all files,right click and select Properties
That will give you an answer

There are tools that can hide a file in such way that you cannot see it in any normal way
I think isoBuster have an option to scan the image to show you all of the files but you cannot extract them unless you buy the program
Is there something specific you're trying to do? An elf file isn't exactly readable, the best way I found is to use a hex editor. If you do find the certain file you'll be disappointed with the end result
Actually, I want to extract all content in ISO and create a new one with some cheats so I need SYSTEM.CNF and ELF file. I need a way to extract everything in the ISO so that I can create a new one. Please look at the attachment which structure is not in PS2 format at all.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

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