PCSX2 'Patch Finder' - Removed completely or just hidden ?
(09-27-2012, 03:03 PM)refraction Wrote: The "Up-to-date" result is used if one of the included projects during the build has already been compiled previously and hasnt changed since.
What you say does make sense. So what that entry really means is that some included component didn't need recompilation as it already was 'up-to-date' in that regard.

Quote:The best thing to do is create a "patch" file, you can do this if you use tortoiseSVN http://tortoisesvn.net/
I don't see how that would resolve the incompatibilities between VS versions. My SLN file, and possibly other files too in sub-projects, will inevitably contain differences that should not be added to the main source repository, though my intentional changes of code would need to be added.

That's why I think that a direct SVN update by me would be out of the question. And the same should go for any 'patch' based on full diffs between my source repository and that of the online server.

On second thought I could get around that limitation by simply duplicating the repositories. Using an extra copy with my VS version, and then after modifying some source files there, simply copy those files back into the primary copy, still having unchanged versions of those other files that my VS version would have 'messed up' (== changed differently from the 'Pro' version).

But this method only works for modifications made in existing files. But in adding new files to a project, the related project and solution files must also be modified, and my VS version can not be relied on to do that in ways compatible to the 'Pro' version. (Especially not with the extensive use of 'Solution folders'.)

Best regards: dlanor

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dont worry too much about added files to the project, we can do that, just provide us with the new files and a patch for any modified files and we can plug it in Smile
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

(09-27-2012, 04:16 PM)refraction Wrote: dont worry too much about added files to the project, we can do that, just provide us with the new files and a patch for any modified files and we can plug it in Smile
Good! Smile
I assumed as much, like I said in post #19 earlier. Handling it this way should ensure that my 'lesser' version of VS doesn't mess anything up.

Since my last post I've now re-activated the "Patch Finder..." menu entry, using the wxWidget methods, but so far it doesn't do much, as I only linked its menu action to the same routine as "About..." (just to see that the linkage works). Unfortunately that's all I have time for today, but hopefully I'll be able to make it do something more useful tomorrow.

Best regards: dlanor
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If you need some help, I can chip something in. I have modded PCSX2 pretty recently to have some cheat utilities in the mix. What I originally wanted was to copy+paste whatever codes I get from Code Breaker to PCSX2 without any modification. But because I noticed that some of the tools are not being worked on, I decided to add some debugging features (like range memory dumping and easy peek/poke)

See pic:

I attached the patch for my modifications.

Attached Files
.diff   custom_pcsx2_ce.diff (Size: 81,53 KB / Downloads: 397)
(10-01-2012, 03:36 AM)hyper2k Wrote: If you need some help, I can chip something in. I have modded PCSX2 pretty recently to have some cheat utilities in the mix. What I originally wanted was to copy+paste whatever codes I get from Code Breaker to PCSX2 without any modification. But because I noticed that some of the tools are not being worked on, I decided to add some debugging features (like range memory dumping and easy peek/poke)

See pic:

I attached the patch for my modifications.
Thanks. I'll have a look at your stuff for inspiration, though I'll discuss it here again beforehand, if I think I'll need to 'borrow' any code as-is.

My own work on this stuff has been delayed partly by lack of time to invest in it and partly because I decided to restore my system and reinstall all the 'Dev' stuff, so I could get both VS2008 and VS2010 installed in the proper order (both still Express versions though).

This was necessary in order to gain compatibility with various projects, as VS2010 is unable to properly convert project files from the old VS versions (VS 6.0 ".dsp" project files etc), and also lacks tools that used to be supplied with the old versions, which some projects rely on. For such projects VS2008 is a must.

Best regards: dlanor
Today I was side-tracked from my main objective of restoring the 'Patch Finder', as I realized that it should be quite easy to implement another improvement right away, to eliminate a problem I've been having. I refer to the problem of correctly identifying PNACH files in the cheats folder, for editing, replacement with new versions, or simply to verify if I already have one available online. All such identification was made quite awkward by the requirement that PNACH filename prefixes ONLY contain the CRC code.

So I changed that !

In my current custom version I am able to use arbitrary strings in all PNACH filenames, such as the following example (used in my tests):

3866CA7E_FFX Int (KO)==SLPM_675.13.pnach

The only requirement on such filenames is that they must have the CRC code at the beginning and end in the ".pnach" extension (and of course they must also satisfy the normal filename requirements of the OS and filesystem).

The changes involved for this modification are all contained in "Patch.cpp", and apart from a new "#include <wx/dir.h>" in its header, all other changes appear early in the "InitCheats" function.

I'm attaching a diff file showing my changes, as applied to a "Patch.cpp" that is a few days old now, but hopefully still valid for the current revision.

@rama + refraction (and other devs):
I'd appreciate it if you could check my code for possible errors, and then consider it for inclusion in the official project branch.

The modified programs will of course remain compatible with all existing PNACH files, so the only compatibility issue involved is that old versions of the program won't be able to recognize PNACH files that take advantage of the new freedom in file naming. But that is easily fixed by users of old versions simply by reducing each PNACH filename prefix to the first 8 characters (== the CRC code).

Best regards: dlanor

Attached Files
.diff   patch_cpp.diff (Size: 1,12 KB / Downloads: 773)
(10-04-2012, 04:58 PM)dlanor Wrote: ...
In my current custom version I am able to use arbitrary strings in all PNACH filenames, such as the following example (used in my tests):

3866CA7E_FFX Int (KO)==SLPM_675.13.pnach

The only requirement on such filenames is that they must have the CRC code at the beginning and end in the ".pnach" extension (and of course they must also satisfy the normal filename requirements of the OS and filesystem).
Best regards: dlanor

A bit late, but better than nothing Wink

I used your patch and enhanced it to load multiple cheat files using wildcards, and also added some initial widescreen hacks stuff.

Thanks! Smile

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