Baldurs Gate again !

Just when i thought i found the perfect settings.., ***** hits the fans once again Mellow 

So, fps gameplay consistent UNTILL i encounter major BIG OVERWHEIGT bossfight !!

Iam even able to get stable 120% fps throughout game..

But not in BIG LEAGUE bossfights Sad   Unsure !

This time the cullprit is an big mean ming dragon iam up against.... 

The fight causes fps slowdown to 70 - 80% !!  Losing like 20 - 30% fps over here Blink !

Now, i've had slowdowns before at portals specific locations in this game, but i thought i fixed that changing settings here and there...
Now, suddenly those pitch perfect settings arent good enough... wots going on here (excuse my enthousiasm Evil )

Anyone else having slowdowns on this game?  If not , please post ur settings for that specific game and / or systems hardware pretty please..

I have an blasting time, but when this happends iam having like an panic attack Blink !


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Please post the contents of the emulog.txt file after the problem occurs. The file can be found in "My Documents\PCSX2\logs" for the installer version or in "PCSX2\logs" for the portable/binary version.

Please make sure to enclose your emulog in code tags like so (remove the empty space on the closing code tag!):
Pasted emulog goes here
[ /code]
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
I have made an thread already about this game in the past.

Fortunately i still had the right save file to load that problematic 2nd Boss fight now!! 
Not all boss fights causes slowdown though, it only happends in some bossfights !!
Main gameplay dungeons, citys etc emulates at 100%+ now, my system is even able to run pcsx2 at 300% fps if i want to play in turbo mode you know... 

The slowdown only ocures in bossfights of wich the bad guys realy are overweight, i KID U NOT ! 
I mean, other bossfights against athletic misschiefs it all emulates perfect and consistent at atleast 100% !

And, the option cycle skip → "mild underclock" , didn't do anything at all ... nOt EVEN MAX underclock didn't improved the fps by an percentage at that spot in game !!
Usually underclock helps tremendously too , like i needed an mild underclock in the game "shadow of colossus" to run the game at 100% all the time.  And it worked.  i've played the game for hours without an single slowdown anymore. 

Shadow of colossus another CPU & GPU DEMANDING gaming to emulate though , but my config works splendid on that game !?!?

Game keeps running at 100% even when fighting big Colossus bosses Tongue  ... i guess BG bosses is an different animal Unsure

Example ↓ "overweight" ming dragon Laugh     The log is attached as zip file again, for some reason copy/paste the code cause HUGE LAG in firefox !!!

[Image: BG-slowdown.png]

Attached Files
.7z   emulog.7z (Size: 101,27 KB / Downloads: 55)
aw yeah, you're the one with the low-end cpu.
your cpu is clearly struggling there. (EE% near 100)

not much you can do, even with speedhacks.
Comparing this to Sotc is irrelevant, since Sotc tends to react very well to cycle stealing (this speedhacks has been implemented with the idea of running sotc in mind). that's why sotc will even run better than on your real console.
but most games won't make use of this speedhack well.

I suggest you keep playing the game on your real SP2 console until Stenzek's EE Rec PR gets merged
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
You need to turn on MTVU
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

(11-17-2022, 07:43 AM)jesalvein Wrote: aw yeah, you're the one with the low-end cpu.
your cpu is clearly struggling there. (EE% near 100)

not much you can do, even with speedhacks.
Comparing this to Sotc is irrelevant, since Sotc tends to react very well to cycle stealing (this speedhacks has been implemented with the idea of running sotc in mind). that's why sotc will even run better than on your real console.
but most games won't make use of this speedhack well.

I suggest you keep playing the game on your real SP2 console until Stenzek's  EE Rec PR gets merged

What you talking about "low-end cpu" Blink  ???

The fx-83xx is the FASTEST BLASTING →AM3+← cpu in men existence , the fastest cpu & thus battleship you can get for AM3 platforms (apart from the power hungry fx-9590 Cool )

Yes, i've noticed the high EE & even GPU/GS stats too at certain spots ! 
But ive noticed the EE readings in pcsx2 doesn"t match what i read in taskmanager!! the cpu utilizes only between 30 - 40% according to TM, even though pcsx2 claims its at 70-80%!

Whats that all about ?? are these EE/GS readings actually what pcsx2 is doing , and not my systems performance ?

And thats another thing, i see that spike in 1/single boss fights too!  I mean, how is it one NPC can cause all that HEAT Blush  ???  Even though that NPC is ... wel i mentioned it before... OVERWEIGHT Laugh !!  And needs to start an atkins diet.. Laugh

Indeed SOTC, play's better emulated thanks to the speedhacks than on console... I wos about to mention the fact , i remember playing that game on ps2 console, and the game play wos awfull slow on console toO wOw !!??

In that regard, iam baffled why SOTC play's so fine and fluid 100% thusfar, but BG still is an PITA at some spots !!!?? 

Wel javelin, i found out how i can prevent pscx2 from changing my desktop refresh rate all the time when going in to borderless / fullscreen. 
I have posted the results in my initial BG thread awhile ago.  AMD SRS did the trick Rolleyes , not VSYNC in pcsx2...

also , playing ps2 games on an console connected to 4K screens these day's would harm my pretty eyes Ninja  ..  Way to much blurrRRrrr , yack !

(11-17-2022, 12:19 PM)refraction Wrote: You need to turn on MTVU

MTVU is set to V=ON globally , since i have an multi core/threaded cpu Hun Wink

But thanks for the input...  

(11-17-2022, 05:07 PM)ToiletDuck Wrote: What you talking about "low-end cpu" Blink  ???

The fx-83xx is the FASTEST BLASTING →AM3+← cpu in men existence , the fastest cpu & thus battleship you can get for AM3 platforms (apart from the power hungry fx-9590 Cool )
Ah. Just FTR. It was true 10 years ago. Am4 has been there for 5 years, now...
Si it's lowend compared to nowadays standards, and has a poor STR too. Pcsx2 relies a lot on STR.
Quote:Yes, i've noticed the high EE & even GPU/GS stats too at certain spots ! 
But ive noticed the EE readings in pcsx2 doesn"t match what i read in taskmanager!!  the cpu utilizes only between 30 - 40% according to TM, even though pcsx2 claims its at 70-80%!

Whats that all about ??  are these EE/GS readings actually what pcsx2 is doing , and not my systems performance ?
Your CPU has 8 cores, pcsx2 will use 3.
So what read in task manager IS right.
Your 3 cores arent fast enough
Quote:And thats another thing, i see that spike in 1/single boss fights too!  I mean, how is it one NPC can cause all that HEAT Blush  ???  Even though that NPC is ... wel i mentioned it before... OVERWEIGHT Laugh !!  And needs to start an atkins diet.. Laugh

Indeed SOTC, play's better emulated thanks to the speedhacks than on console... I wos about to mention the fact , i remember playing that game on ps2 console, and the game play wos awfull slow on console toO wOw !!??

In that regard, iam baffled why SOTC play's so fine and fluid 100% thusfar, but BG still is an PITA at some spots !!!?? 
Different games, different Devs, different emulation.
I don't see how comparing them is relevant.
Quote:also , playing ps2 games on an console connected to 4K screens these day's would harm my pretty eyes Ninja  ..  Way to much blurrRRrrr , yack !
This, or slowdowns. You chose...
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
(11-17-2022, 06:45 PM)jesalvein Wrote: Ah. Just FTR. It was true 10 years ago. Am4 has been there for 5 years, now...

i read you, HENCE the emphasis on "AM3+" Tongue

(11-17-2022, 06:45 PM)jesalvein Wrote: Si it's lowend compared to nowadays standards, and has a poor STR too. Pcsx2 relies a lot on STR.Your CPU has 8 cores, pcsx2 will use 3.

pcsx2 uses only a few cores !!!??  No wonder , i have slowdowns Ohmy !   Especialy since my cpu only has 1 thread per core !!
Realy, i hope the dev team will add an option to config cpu core / thread handling in the future..  because , everybody's system is different ..

Granted, my cpu has poor thread handling... But multithreaded it's realy decent.. imo... As long the software / app is optimized for old amd cpu's , so it ulilizes all cores/threads.

(11-17-2022, 06:45 PM)jesalvein Wrote: Your 3 cores arent fast enough

i give you that... But what about 8X-cores Tongue .. Wouldn't that make an wee bit difference Rolleyes  (wishfull thinking) ?

I mean, not to long ago i had to open an issue on github for a video editing program that was underperforming.
When the developer made some improvements for my type of cpu, the performance was suddenly DAY and night difference !!

Before the program took like minutes to complete the batch task, after receiving the new build provided by the developer it litterally batch processed all files in under 10secs..

Just saying... optimizing is KEY / KING Laugh 

(11-17-2022, 07:29 PM)ToiletDuck Wrote: pcsx2 uses only a few cores !!!??  No wonder , i have slowdowns Ohmy !   Especialy since my cpu only has 1 thread per core !!
Realy, i hope the dev team will add an option to config cpu core / thread handling in the future..  because , everybody's system is different ..

Granted, my cpu has poor thread handling... But multithreaded it's realy decent.. imo... As long the software / app is optimized for old amd cpu's , so it ulilizes all cores/threads.

i give you that... But what about 8X-cores Tongue .. Wouldn't that make an wee bit difference Rolleyes  (wishfull thinking) ?

I mean, not to long ago i had to open an issue on github for a video editing program that was underperforming.
When the developer made some improvements for my type of cpu, the performance was suddenly DAY and night difference !!

Before the program took like minutes to complete the batch task, after receiving the new build provided by the developer it litterally batch processed all files in under 10secs..

Just saying... optimizing is KEY / KING Laugh 

how can we optimize it then ? 1 core for EE, one for GS over EE, and one for VUs granted MTVU speedhack is used.
What would you put on other cores so that clock sync isn't lost ?
PRs welcome and it's an Open source project. your coding skills are most welcome to help us
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
(11-17-2022, 08:00 PM)jesalvein Wrote: okay.
how can we optimize it then ? 1 core for EE, one for GS over EE, and one for VUs granted MTVU speedhack is used.
What would you put on other cores  so that clock sync isn't lost ?
PRs welcome and it's an Open source project. your coding skills are most welcome to help us

what i meant to say, can't you allocate more cores/threads to pcsx2 to speed up the emulation process ?
I mean, nowday's you have 24 core cpu's with XX threads !!  Or atleast put an configurable option in pcsx2 to do just that for users with super computers ...

Wouldn't the use of all intel/amd core/threads (not to mention architecture) potential improve emulation nowday's?
I mean, you did say pcsx2 only used 3 from 8 of my FX-xx cores , did you not !??

What am i missing here?


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