FFXED: Final Fantasy X Save Editor
(01-08-2012, 05:49 AM)Celtray Wrote: Wouldn't it be possible to use those abilities as normal abilities and not as items?

Yes, but not with FFXED. You'll have to write your own patch codes.

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I was wondering...
My Anima's overdrive does really poor damage againt strong ennemis.

Do you know why is that and how can I get it stronger through FFXED?

All of your Aeon's damage, speed etc are linked with Yuna's stats so if you increase her stats, your Aeons will get stronger too.
[Image: newsig.jpg]
Try using the Oblivion item from FFXED. I think that does more damage than Anima's Oblivion.
If you're talking about the Dark Aeon Overdrive, It seems it's not possible. No Dark Anima Oblivion to be found.
That's because Dark Anima's Oblivion sucks. But FFXED does have an Oblivion item. Use it.
I have a problem. When i import the save in mymc pcx2 dont detect it . what should i do to resolve this probleme?

Ps: sry for my bad english i'm french
Your English is fine but you are giving us way too little details about the problem.

Is this your save or downloaded from internet
Is the save from pcsx2 memory card or PS2 memory card
What did you open with FFXED...a psu file or the raw file(file without extension)
mymc may not have permission to write to your memory card.
Entries in the Memory Card are cached if there is a low number of saves. (Around 10 for FFX-2, probably similar for FFX)

If PCXS2 is running and the Memory Card is inserted when you import in to a new slot using MyMc and you then restart the game with R1+R2+L1+L2+Select+Start, the new slot will not be listed when you load from the menu.

You should always eject the Memory Card in PCSX2 if it is in use before importing using MyMc, and re-insert after. Alternatively, use Boot CDVD instead of using R1+R2+L1+L2+Select+Start to restart the game.

Using MyMc for exporting/importing/deleting from a Memory Card that is in use by PCSX2 can cause the card to become corrupted.

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