FFXED: Final Fantasy X Save Editor
When you save as, if you click on the file type option in the bottom of the window, it should give you the option of raw, psu, or all

Note to self, never ever use "eraser" on geosgaeno as tidus in the beginning of the game. Also, don't use it on a yu pagoda. XD

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I've already tried that but the only option in the file type is FFX Raw Save (*.*)
[Image: 13646876.jpg]
(06-26-2012, 03:39 PM)patjp93 Wrote: AH, so the international saves must be raw but then saved as psu.

No,who told you that...it doesn't matter the FFX version,what matters is the input format.If it's RAW(or wrongly saved PSU...as raw),the only choose you will get will be FFX RAW and if you open a normal PSU save,you can choose between PSU and RAW but the default mode is set to PSU(you have to choose FFX RAW to save as FFX RAW)

(06-26-2012, 04:00 PM)patjp93 Wrote: Nope, will just have to pull out the original file and re-edit.
Actually,you can...this is the easiest way.

1.Start the game and make a save
2.Export the save with mymc
3.Open the save with FFXED
4.Click on the Import button
5.Click on the Browse button and choose the wrongly saved save(the raw save)
6.Click on the "Import Entire Save" button,then Edit=>Done=>Save.
7.Open your card with mymc,select the old save=>File=>Delete,then File=>Import=>choose the new edited save

The other way is with PS2 Save Builder but it's little complicated

(06-26-2012, 04:32 PM)chromatic20 Wrote: I've already tried that but the only option in the file type is FFX Raw Save (*.*)

When only that option exist,it means that the save is RAW and FFXED can't save it as psu
(06-26-2012, 04:33 PM)vsub Wrote: Actually,you can...this is the easiest way.

1.Start the game and make a save
2.Export the save with mymc
3.Open the save with FFXED
4.Click on the Import button
5.Click on the Browse button and choose the wrongly saved save(the raw save)
6.Click on the "Import Entire Save" button,then Edit=>Done=>Save.
7.Open your card with mymc,select the old save=>File=>Delete,then File=>Import=>choose the new edited save

The other way is with PS2 Save Builder but it's little complicated

Laugh thank you sir vsub it worked. You save my day, I thought I'm gonna start all over again from the beginning.
(06-26-2012, 03:39 PM)patjp93 Wrote: AH, so the international saves must be raw but then saved as psu.

Also, I know how to summon an aeon and then possess it with yu yevon, and I did this with anima to test. This does not change anima's pain to dark anima's pain, which means instant death even to enemies normally immune to "death." I've seen summon use seymour to summon the real dark anima and use the dark anima pain to take out penance in one hit. How is this done? FFXhackers site is down, so can this be found elsewhere? I've looked but the searches keep coming back here and it just comes back to yu yevon possession.

I already answered this question. Please see my previous post.

As for this PSU and raw thing, I am going to add a warning message in FFXED that warns you if you try to save a PSU save as raw. I do not know why so many people seem to have problems with it...
Just curious...is there is any point in having that ability,saving as raw if you are opening psu save.
It's mostly for people who know what they are doing. You might want to take out the raw save so you can insert it into an AR-MAX or Codebreaker save, or take the raw save and use uLaunchElf to stick it into a memory card.
Well,I know what I'm doing but I never saved as raw
MYMC - can export as psu(which ule can use) or max(which axmax can use)
PSU\RAW saves can be opened with FFXED and then saved as PSU\RAW.

From there PS2 Save Builder and open psu save and save it to various formats(except psu).With PS2 Save Builder you can also make the raw save to usable save(with little knowledge)and save it to various formats.

PS2 Save Converter can open xps,psu,max,pws and sps and save as various formats including psu
Amazing loving the editor... I wish FFX got more treatment from hackers / modders.

Ive a question i seen your video on controling Yojimbo... Is there a way to do that on PCSX2 via your editor or is that exclusive to ar codes? i looked on your site cant for the life of me find it.
To control Yojimbo, you need codes. You can find them here: http://www.codemasters-project.net/vb/index.php

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