FFXED: Final Fantasy X Save Editor

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Hey fuzzy, thanks for this editor, it's amazing! I do have a question though; is there any way I could use this to get seymour into my party as an actual character? By that I mean when you press triangle he will show up in the list of characters and you could access the sphere grid with him? Also, I would like to have him be able to summon Anima but no other Aeons if possible. I am willing to completely replace a character if I need to to make that possible (Bye Auron.)
Set Seymour to enabled and add him to the party. Add Summon to the inventory and you can summon aeons with him.

Here he is in action:
I actually meant is there a way to pretty much make him a normal party member. Like is it possible to make it so you can see him from the triangle menu, equip weapons and armors (out of battle), sphere grid ect...
The main reason I'm looking for something like this is because when you add him the way you described, talking to a save sphere won't recover him, which makes using him a big pain.
Would it be possible to do something like clone Yuna, rename her to Seymour, then do some kind of a character model change to her to seymour's model via some kind of character modifier code? If that could be done, you would actually have a seymour you could use outside of battle (in the menus and stuff) and summon with for real without having to use an item. It would be like you got him as a real in-game character. I know I saw some character model change codes floating around the internet somewhere, so that leads me to believe this is at least possible.


Just pulled up the codes, here is Yuna's player code
10316294 0000

And here is Seymour's battle code

I think combining the two should give me the effect I'm looking for (with a little renaming too), I just need to figure out how to use these now lol.
Use this program to make a pnatch file with that code:

Keep in mind that Seymour will have Yuna's sounds and Yuna's icon.
New version posted (v0.728).

-More abilities can be used as items: Sonic Wave, Cross Cleave, Osmose (absorbs 100% of target MP), Putrid Breath, Hades Claws, Fangs of Hell, Drain Touch, Poison Touch, Venemous Stab [sic], Shockwave, Goodnight, Salvo, and Thundaja.
New version posted (v0.73).

-Function to fix the Dark Valefor glitch added. It resets the Besaid villagers.
-Requiem added to Item menu
New version posted (v0.731). This update should make editing the text fields more convenient.

-The contents of text fields are selected when you click on them the first time.
-The Copy and Paste functions can be accessed by right-clicking.
-More abilities can be used as items.
Two of questions.
1.What the Import=>Edit function does,because when I click on the button nothing's happening(well at least I think nothing's happening).

2.What is this "Fix Dark Velefor glitch".
The Import menu works like this: first you have to select a file to import from, then you can use the buttons to import stuff from it. So for example if I have a save file with an untouched Sphere Grid, I can import that Sphere Grid into any other file. You can also import the game coordinates, Blitzball players, etc.

You can read about the Dark Valefor Glitch here.

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