(06-29-2009, 08:41 AM)shadow0000 Wrote: Ys V - Lost Kefin - Kingdom of Sand [J]

Certain fonts are missing, particulary on dialog bubbles and menus, as well as other HUD elements such as Adol's health bar. Fonts on portrait / frame dialogs are there on both SW/HW modes (3rd screenshot).

Works in dx10 mode. Just as your other gs dump. So its likely the dx9 z buffer issue?

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Is there a known issue made of this ?. I have other games which also present similar issues Keroro Gunso missing half of the fonts on the memory card screen, similary to what happens to Aikagi.

It's been strange with fonts, games like Koihime Musou and Simoun ( Remersion), require VU Clamp mode set to Extra, otherwise the fonts gets glitchy, both games seem use the same engine.


Duel Savior - Destiny [J]

HuneX again, seems to be the same issue as with the other games on HW mode (PointListPalette).

D3D9 HW:


D3D9 SW:


GS dump attached.

Attached Files
.7z   Duel Savior - Destiny [J] - GS dump.7z (Size: 382,27 KB / Downloads: 249)
Sad mr gabest is there a way to fix the shadow bug in suikoden 4 cause its getting annoying in my eyes i know this does not show in software mode but its rather slow for me so pls tell me if there is a way tnx

No there is not.
(06-29-2009, 04:41 PM)anito9999 Wrote: Sad mr gabest is there a way to fix the shadow bug in suikoden 4 cause its getting annoying in my eyes i know this does not show in software mode but its rather slow for me so pls tell me if there is a way tnx
The same shadow bug happens in Shadow of the Colossus too, shame that it can't be fixed. Software runs slow for everyone I think
Bleach - Blade Battlers [J]

Minimal issue on HW mode, certain fonts seem to not being filled, including menu and others. Like with Ys V the more stylized fonts on portrait/dialog are present and working fine on both modes.

D3D9 HW:


D3D9 SW:


Attached GS dump (this seems to be one of those games where "Logarithmic Z" has adverse effects)

Attached Files
.7z   Bleach - Blade Battlers [J] - GS dump.7z (Size: 246 KB / Downloads: 217)
Hello. I've been a bit out of pcsx2 for a while, so i checked up latest svns. No issues so far, except for this: i can't manage to load the latest (1442) Gsdx compiled at home in pcsx2, while the one from gabest's server shows up just fine in the menu. Everytime i try to load my dll i have:

Plugin load failure: G:\Emulateur\PS2\plugins\GSdx-SSSE3.dll
SysLibError Message: <NULL>

I have VS2008, Directx SDK and redist from March 09, Cg 2.2 and latest glew, and the Cg dlls are in pcsx2's root folder
Edit: And i have the VC++2008 redist, forgot to mention that.

I have no error messages whatsoever (save for the usual warnings) during compilation, though i do have some suspicious warnings during linking:
   Creating library G:\SVN\pcsx2new\\bin\plugins\GSdx-SSSE3.lib and object G:\SVN\pcsx2new\\bin\plugins\GSdx-SSSE3.exp
GSdx-SSSE3.exp : warning LNK4070: /OUT:GSdx.dll directive in .EXP differs from output filename 'G:\SVN\pcsx2new\\bin\plugins\GSdx-SSSE3.dll'; ignoring directive
Generating code
g:\svn\pcsx2new\plugins\gsdx\baseclasses\wxutil.cpp(420) : warning C4706: assignment within conditional expression
g:\svn\pcsx2new\plugins\gsdx\baseclasses\schedule.cpp(120) : warning C4706: assignment within conditional expression
g:\svn\pcsx2new\plugins\gsdx\baseclasses\outputq.cpp(366) : warning C4701: potentially uninitialized local variable 'ppacket' used
g:\svn\pcsx2new\plugins\gsdx\baseclasses\outputq.cpp(312) : warning C4701: potentially uninitialized local variable 'lNumberToSend' used
g:\svn\pcsx2new\plugins\gsdx\baseclasses\transip.cpp(772) : warning C4701: potentially uninitialized local variable 'Actual' used
Finished generating code
GSdx-SSSE3.exp : warning LNK4070: /OUT:GSdx.dll directive in .EXP differs from output filename 'G:\SVN\pcsx2new\\bin\plugins\GSdx-SSSE3.dll'; ignoring directive
LINK : warning LNK4199: /DELAYLOAD:d3dx9_41.dll ignored; no imports found from d3dx9_41.dll
LINK : warning LNK4199: /DELAYLOAD:d3dx10_41.dll ignored; no imports found from d3dx10_41.dll
LINK : warning LNK4199: /DELAYLOAD:d3d11.dll ignored; no imports found from d3d11.dll
LINK : warning LNK4199: /DELAYLOAD:d3dx11_41.dll ignored; no imports found from d3dx11_41.dll
LINK : warning LNK4199: /DELAYLOAD:cgGL.dll ignored; no imports found from cgGL.dll
LINK : warning LNK4199: /DELAYLOAD:glut32.dll ignored; no imports found from glut32.dll
Embedding manifest...
Performing Post-Build Event...
Build log was saved at "file://g:\SVN\pcsx2new\plugins\GSdx\Win32\Release SSSE3\BuildLog.htm"
GSdx - 0 error(s), 13 warning(s)

Hope someone has an idea.
Rig: [email protected]/2gb DDR2-5300/MSI HD4670 512M/Intel P5K Pro/XP Pro SP3 & Win7 RC1
(06-28-2009, 07:54 AM)LuisR14 Wrote: Hey Gabest, KH2 has a bloom effect from Gsdx r1439 while in Twilight Town, the World Map and some other parts Sad, it doesn't happen with Gsdx 1426 and below Smile (attachment showing the effect included)

the game is designed to have a bloom effect, it doesnt look too painful, unlike the earlier ones where it was so seriously overbright you couldnt see anything. Unless it is really an issue i wouldnt worry. Earlier versions didnt have it due to it being disabled, after the overbrightness problem.
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

Ikusagami is now unplayable on HW mode (dx9), the bloom like effect got overly too bright, SW remains the same, then again the effect was never displayed correctly on HW, but it was playable at least.

GSdx 1442 / D3D9 (HW <-> SW):

Hi Guys And The Most Honored Developers Of all time
i have a new bug that only appear in GSDX Build 1440 and on to 1442 In Yakuza 2 [USA]
The Ingame all black with a little dark graphic and the ingame Frame is 37-40 FPS
I Hope It be fixed soon
My Specs:
Windows XP S.P 3
Intel Core2Duo E6750 2600Ghz
4GB Ram
MSI Nvidia 8600 GT 512 MB
*PCSX2 Build 1443
*GSDX 1442

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

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