God of War 1 & 2 looks playable
better report to sony.
God of war 3 isn't a PS2 game
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go

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guys my pcsx2 god of war cant play.. the memory slot is empty.. this is my problem?
I don't think so.
you can play Gow without memory card.
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
i can hard to kill the medusa in the gates of athens stage so please give the state point after kill the medusa
y i know i digged out an old thread but i think its better than make new one

so i want to play gow2 on my pc.
played it before but after some system and hardware change i have problem with pcsx2 config
pc spec:
c2d 2.4 @ 3.0
2gb ddr2 800mhz
R4870 2gb

the problem is, gow2 works great in small areas (60fps). when i enter some bigger area there is kinda big fps drop. -> http://img443.imageshack.us/i/a5b.mp4/ <-
everything else is great as u can see on video

pcsx2 0.9.7 3876
[Image: pcsx2appsettingsplugins.th.png][Image: pcsx2coresettingseeiop.th.png][Image: pcsx2coresettingsgswind.th.png][Image: pcsx2coresettingsgs.th.png][Image: pcsx2coresettingsspeedh.th.png][Image: pcsx2coresettingsvus.th.png][Image: pcsx2gsdx.th.jpg]

w8ing for your help ppl
I assume it's the CPU that's bottlenecking so in the speedhack area maybe try moving EE Cyclerate to 3x and putting on fast dvd access. It causes incompatibility but if it works it'll help you out. Make sure you're running as few programs as possible.

Even the most powerful cpus have a hard time with those huge areas.
i5 520m :: ATI 5650 (700, 900) :: Samsun 830 128GB SSD:: 8GB (2x4GB) RAM
(12-25-2010, 06:34 PM)Hungry Man Wrote: I assume it's the CPU that's bottlenecking so in the speedhack area maybe try moving EE Cyclerate to 3x and putting on fast dvd access. It causes incompatibility but if it works it'll help you out. Make sure you're running as few programs as possible.

Even the most powerful cpus have a hard time with those huge areas.

way better! now the min fps is 55. i guess it could be set better but this is enough for me. thx Biggrin

anyway feel free to suggest something that could give me solid 60 fps with good quality Tongue

ok looks like i can play on 1250x800 resolution. if ill set it higher there are huge fps drops... thats ok ;P

also if some1 could tell me is there a way to fix kratos disappearing every few fps (lik 5-10)
(12-25-2010, 08:02 PM)freezoid Wrote: also if some1 could tell me is there a way to fix kratos disappearing every few fps (lik 5-10)

Probably from a high VU cycle stealing hack, reduce it to fix it
[Image: newsig.jpg]
(12-28-2010, 02:03 PM)Bositman Wrote: Probably from a high VU cycle stealing hack, reduce it to fix it
flickers 2 times less but fps drops to 45 :/
thx anyway
Hello Guys

Im new here, and not very Smart at handling the Emulator or change Any Settings, which may help, so i just ask my Question here.

And ive looked thru the first 44 Pages off this Thread, without any Mentioning of the Problem i have. And i searched on "Hydra" aswell, got around 7 Searchlinks into the Thread, without any Helpful Stuff.

Ok so i playd GOW1, started it, and its pretty much all good, refering to Problems i see here. I had Foggy Stuff at the Start, changed some Graphic COnfig and Bios, and now its all good. All nice and Shiny, easy 45-60 FPS on all Stages yet, No Archer Crashes, all Smooth. I came to the Point where u speek with Poseidon, and i get the Usual White Screen allready mentioned here.

i took down a Pnach from "PRAFULL", shoved it in, and it workd. i was happy lol, slaughtered the few Monsters, and next is Hydra, and i killed it, and thats it, cant do more lol. I watched a Youtube Walkthru and saw 2 cutscenes (the one where the lil heads come out and eat the Shipmen, and the Kill of Hydra Cutscene). I Dont have those Cutscenes, and way worse, i dont even have the 2 Lil Heads to fight, at there place is just wooden floor. So i go up and Kill Hydra, the Cut doesnt come, and Hydra is gone. With him, the Dude with the kEy, and also gone will be the Feature of Processing the game Laugh AllinAll, i stand around in the Map, like there never was a Hydra. And the RIght side Stuff isnt broken, so i cant continue on, besides not having the key.

I tested allmost any Options, aswell of course as Putting the Pnach on and Off, and also, after jumping over the Poseidon Scene, i cant Even Use the Pnach. Before the Scene, it finds the Patch in the Browser Menu, so i can Dis/enable it. But after the Scene, its Cleard out of the Browser Menu, and searching it again (via Skip MPEG Button), says that he didnt find a Patch. (Closing the Emu, and start it again doesnt help it aswell)

Do i use it wrong? Hope u guys can help me about it.

Iam Sorry if this was all allready talkd about, but i read for 3 hours allaround, and at 5am, im tired of reading more. Please dont be mad.

Help would be much APreCiated, aswell as a Save Game, right behind the Point of the Battle. Maybe u have any Ideas what i could do. Maybe clear the Map from Hydra, then go back to Poseidons Stage, save the game, and Load over normal Mode instead of a Save State.

if u need any PC Infos or Stuff, let me know.

Thanks for any help allready, HapNewYear All

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