God of War 1 & 2 looks playable
I leave it to German as it is, its not to bad. Thanks for the Advice tho Smile

had the Problem with the Hydra where u cant press the Circle to claim the Minigame, but Realized its the Wrong move aswell, Circle is usually the Grab Button, and he didnt grab, guess the COntrols got Lil Switched during some Scene, Not a Prob tho, changed again and Killed the *****.

Everything works fine yet, all i can argue bout is a to big Black Sidescreen on Cutscenes, but if i wanna look again, i can Use Yout*be, so all is good.

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post edited... i havent seen whole last page of topic xP
me too
Hey Guys i just have a Quick Control Question, which i cant seem to handle.

With these Magic Spells, it says, that u can switch between them with the D Pad, Since i got MEdusas Head, i tryd that out, and got it working so it changed back to Poseidons Stuff, but now, i wanna Switch it back, but cant seem to get the Grip. What exactly do i have to do?

Are there Combinations for Accessing the Magic?

Tryd all sorts of Dpad combos, no Luck
d pad moves like right meduza left poseidons back...
Got it, Seems like the Controls Sometimes gettin cleared again, now i got it. Thanks
do you have any other problem to solve
Do you mean me Sir? Laugh What is an Rpuet?

I bet this was Offtopic, bad Dude Laugh

WHos the Gravedigger Dude, Guys? isit a Special Person whos known in the Mythology? Cant Figure him Out.

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