Ivalice SE: Final fantasy XII Save Editor (IZJS version OUT NOW!)
Hey guys. I found this place thanks to fuzzy, maker of FFXED. I read a guide on FFXII savegame hacking on gamefaqs recently, and decided that it was hell awkard to hexedit the save everytime I wanted to edit something, so I made a savegame editor for Final Fantasy XII. You can download a copy from:

HERE: Ivalice SE Final R3

The IZJS version is now DONE! Get it hot right here!

Ivalice SE IZJS V1

If you can't get this to run, then you might need TAB32CTL, an ocx file for windows. You can either google it, or I uploaded one with instructions on how to register it here

Also, do NOT change an items quantity to 0, or adding it again will add a duplicate of the same item. (Making Potion qty 0, then making it 5 will add 2 Potion items with 5 qty each). Doing this will crash your save because I didn't add List Size checking.


The editor can now change all these data:

Max Gil
Max Clan Points
Add any quantity of any Item
Add any quantity of any piece of Loot
Add any quantity of any Weapon
Add any quantity of any Armour
Add any quantity of any Accessory
Add any quantity of any Ammunition
Able to unlock any Monster you want, Includes:
*Normal Monsters
*Elite Marks
*Rare Monsters
*Change quantity of monsters defeated
*Completely Filled or Completely Empty any character's License Board.

How to extract your save from the virtual memcard

You use MYMC, a program for the PCSX2 that manages its virtual memory cards. Get it here:


This can export files in ARMAX format. To do so, click ONCE, the save game of your choice and then click the EXPORT button. DO NOT USE THE PSU FORMAT. PSU is only for the Playstation 3 memory card format. Once you have the ARMAX format file, you can then extract the raw save file from within it by using PS2 Save Builder, which you can get here:


Once done, you'll see 3 or 4 files inside, right click on the one that says something like this:
"BASLUS-20963FF1201" and click extract. You can open that with Ivalice SE. Once you've finished, add it back to PS2 Save Builder by dragging and dropping it. Say yes to replace, and re-save the file back to ARMAX format and re-import that back into the virtual memory card using MYMC.

Cheers! Laugh

There is now a VIDEO TUTORIAL! Look it over peeps.



Thanks to Xylons, who posted some DLL's and OCX's to work on WIN7 here's what he gave:

i have a .rar that contains all the .dlls and .osx that you need to install it into windows 7 and to made the aplication works perfect on it. The .rar contains the following files:


.rar   Dll´s&Ocx.rar (Size: 702,67 KB / Downloads: 7.008)

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Cool dood! but i honestly would hate playing with cheats, but thanks anyways!

oh, and you might wanna change that link you got there, i had to search it first to get it
"Enough expository banter! Now we fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men! For Gilgamesh...it is morphing time!"
—Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V
Which program should i use to extract the savefile from pcsx2, in order for your editor to read?
(04-01-2010, 06:33 PM)retro Wrote: Which program should i use to extract the savefile from pcsx2, in order for your editor to read?

You should use MYMC, a program for the PCSX2 that manages its virtual memory cards. Get it here:


This can export files in ARMAX format which you can then extract with PS2 builder and then follow the same procedure I linked above. (The only difference is that you use mymc instead of codebreaker/ulaunchelf like you would on a real console)
sorry to say this but the editor isn't working for me. I exported my ff12 save from pcsx2 memcrds using MYMC, then I activate Ivalice SE and try to find the save in the folder I exported it into, but It wouldn't find and I searched as both ntsc and pal...any help would be useful.
is this editor is only for final fantasy XII ??
(04-02-2010, 11:46 PM)R.E.D Wrote: sorry to say this but the editor isn't working for me. I exported my ff12 save from pcsx2 memcrds using MYMC, then I activate Ivalice SE and try to find the save in the folder I exported it into, but It wouldn't find and I searched as both ntsc and pal...any help would be useful.

What format did you export from MYMC? Whatever format you did it (eg ARMAX format or Codebreaker format), you need to extract the RAW SAVE from inside it. That is done by using PS2 Save Builder and I already posted the instructions in the first post.

(04-03-2010, 12:37 AM)samrat4u Wrote: is this editor is only for final fantasy XII ??

What else would it be for? o_O
whoops, didn't see that ps2 save Builder...sorry. Yea now it works, thank you! Smile
I can't make it work. I downloaded the TAB32CTL and did what the instructions said but it gives me an error with the code 0x8002801c. Can anyone please help me make it work?
(04-08-2010, 11:21 AM)blackdem13 Wrote: I can't make it work. I downloaded the TAB32CTL and did what the instructions said but it gives me an error with the code 0x8002801c. Can anyone please help me make it work?

What OS are you using? I'm not sure if this runs of vista because I never tested it on it.

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