LilyPad 0.10.0
Hello all? I've been using PCSX2 for a while now, but decided to try out a controller plugin that would allow me to use my PS3 DS3 controller. I came across LilyPad, but I can't get it to work. I've followed all the directions (Motioninjoy, libsub, etc). I've tried using the Keyboard api after attempting to use the controller, but that didn't work either. I configured the buttons in Pad 1, clicked apply, then OK, and then started a game. None of the controls worked. Kind of at a lost here. I've repeated everything multiple times.

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Remove motionjoy completely from your system (good luck with that...) and use this:

Follow the new install instructions
[Image: newsig.jpg]
My mouse isn't being detected, tried windows messaging, Raw Input & DirectInput with my laptops touchpad and then with a wired mouse. It's detected fine in the Device diagnostics section. I tried rebooting but it didn't do anything.

running latest version of pcsx2
configured the same as on the official video (, except without using MTVU because it messes up my games

Laptop is MSI GE60
Windows 8
Is it possible to create key modifiers in Lilypad? For example I would like to map up/down/left/right to the left analog stick and then shift+up/down/left/right to the DPAD.

Thanks in advance.
First of all, Thank you for this awesome plugin. I see you put alot of effort into it and it performs really well and it's impressive!

Secondly, this plugin really does work and it's job, but I am trying to play Medal Of Honor: Rising Sun (First Person Shooter) and I assigned the Right Stick movements to the mouse movements.

I noticed that the view goes only on the x or y axis, but it cannot "go through both" at the same time - in other words - I cannot move my camera diagonally [tried all the options, WM, DX and RAW for mouse].

The other thing is a problem I have: I tried playing around with sensetivity settings and dead lock settings in the plugin, and analog sensetivity and look speed in the game but I can't seem to find the perfect combination. Or the look is too slow or too fast, not responsive enough or too responsive. I really suck at it. Is there a way to configure the mouse to work like ... in Counter Strike on the pc ... or something?

If anyone if wondering what key cobinations I have chosen:
Left Analog Stick Up                    W               move forward
Left Analog Stick Down                  S               move back
Left Analog Stick Left                  A               strafe left
Left Analog Stick Right                 D               strafe left
L3 Button                               X               center view
Right Analog Stick Up                   MouseUP         look up
Right Analog Stick Down                 MouseDOWN       look down
Right Analog Stick Left                 MouseLEFT       turn left
Right Analog Stick Right                MouseRIGHT      turn right
Start Button                            RETURN          pause menu
Select Button                           \               call HQ
X Button                                E               action
Triangle Button                         SPACE           jump
Square Button                           C               crouch, stand up
R3 Button                               F               melee attack
Circle Button                           TAB             next weapon
R1 Button                               LMB             fire
R2 Button                               R               reload
L1 Button                               RMB             aim, look
L2 Button                               G               throw grenade
Maybe it matters, maybe not. But I know it will help someone Smile
I just downloaded and installed PCSX2 like two days ago. Total Newb. I also downloaded FF12. I am trying to use my PS3 controller to play this and I don't know which to use or what would be easier to configure and use, Lilypad or PAD Pressure Mod. I had attempted PAD but when I got to the Analog sticks. It would not let me configure them it would do it automatically and it would make it something that contradicts the the youtube guide I was attempting to use. It would always switch from J0_AXIS3 AND J0_AXIS2 and guide said to make it J0_AXIS4, Is PAD better for using my PS3 Controller or is lilypad better if so how can I configure it to my ps3. Sorry if this is in the wrong section. Just really frustrated and searched Analog problems.
(05-10-2013, 10:50 AM)RavenTheDevourer Wrote: I also downloaded FF12.

Have a warning for piracy. Don't expect any further help, cos you wont get it, read the rules
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

(05-10-2013, 03:59 PM)refraction Wrote: Have a warning for piracy. Don't expect any further help, cos you wont get it, read the rules

SO downloading a file that somebody else burned and put on the internet is piracy? Understood. I mine as well just buy a ps2 and the original game. Thanks for the help.
Is there any plan to fix Disable screensaver option doesn't work if the screen saver password is enabled?
Hi. I am having a problem with my right joystick on a generic usb controller. It's from some company named Kingmys, and besides the current problem I am having it's a great controller (it looks and feels like a PS2 controller, except that ▲OX■ is 1234). I have installed the drivers that came with it and the vibration is functioning perfectly after resetting my computer, but the right joystick still won't map right. When I try to map it to any of the directions, it overwrites my button key settings.

Before attempting to map the right stick ([UP] key mapped properly)[attachment=44643]

After mapping the Right stick

None of the other sticks or keys give me problems, and every now and then the [UP] or [DOWN] directions will map to the proper z axis, but I usually need to spam the input before that happens. Does anybody have a clue what could be going on?

PS: I bought the controller on Amazon, if looking it up would help. Search for Kingmys USB controller. As I said before, it's the one that looks (almost) exactly like a ps2 controller.

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