New game pc --> still little bit lag with god of war
I may be off-topic but 92 processes means there's a ***** of software that is absolutely useless, running constantly for no good reason. I suggest you uninstall what you can of it and disable any useless services they might be running (like customer support, satisfation, web shop, toolbars and all that crap).

A clean, no-useless-things-active Windows 7 install should be running with 34 processes, give or take 6. 92 processes is unacceptable for a new computer meant for gaming.

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92 processes is "disturbing" and it might fall you into a trap.
some of your 92 process are may-even a malware or hidden CPU performance-killer

best to clean up useless program via "Program and features" in the control panel and
removing any "objectivenable" content (msconfig-->start up tab)
or reformat and reinstall your OS and avoid installing any garbage "free software" that may disturbs it's processess.
Main PC1:i5-4670,HD7770(Active!)
Main PC2:i5-11600K,GTX1660Ti(Active!)
PCSX2 Discord server IGN:smartstrike
PCSX2 version uses:Custom compiled buildĀ 1.7.0 64-bit(to be update regularly)
smartstk's YouTube Channel
reformat might be a bit overkill for the minute, but i suggest removing what you can then running malwarebytes, you can get it from here:
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

(09-09-2013, 05:38 PM)smartstrike Wrote: 92 processes is "disturbing" and it might fall you into a trap.
some of your 92 process are may-even a malware or hidden CPU performance-killer

best to clean up useless program via "Program and features" in the control panel and
removing any "objectivenable" content (msconfig-->start up tab)
or reformat and reinstall your OS and avoid installing any garbage "free software" that may disturbs it's processess.

I'd like to note that chrome tends to make a new process for each tab so that could also be a contributing party.

I wouldn't suggest a format unless there's a need to start fresh required, or a case of extremely persistent malware.
I cleaned up some useless programs via msconfig, start up.

But there are still 83 processes running. Here they are:

How can I turn them off?

Malwarebytes found nothing

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