Plugin error
When I open the plugin selector window this outputs to the log.
Path: I:\PS2\plugins\GSdx32-AVX-r4953.dll
File is not a valid dynamic library.
Some kinda plugin failure: I:\PS2\plugins\GSdx32-AVX-r4953.dll
Path: I:\PS2\plugins\GSdx32-AVX-r4964.dll
File is not a valid dynamic library.
Some kinda plugin failure: I:\PS2\plugins\GSdx32-AVX-r4964.dll
Path: I:\PS2\plugins\GSdx32-AVX.dll
File is not a valid dynamic library.
Some kinda plugin failure: I:\PS2\plugins\GSdx32-AVX.dll
Path: I:\PS2\plugins\ZZOgl-r4951.dll
File is not a valid dynamic library.
Some kinda plugin failure: I:\PS2\plugins\ZZOgl-r4951.dll
Path: I:\PS2\plugins\ZZOgl.dll
File is not a valid dynamic library.
Some kinda plugin failure: I:\PS2\plugins\ZZOgl.dll

Not sure if I should be look into that or just ignore it. The emulator seems to run fine even with that happening. I had an older svn then downloaded a new one and placed it within the same folder so could that of caused those errors to pop up?

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Is your directX up to date? Did you install this?
[Image: newsig.jpg]
My directx is up todate since this is my gaming rig as well and yeah I have visual c++21010 redis as well.
Directx is modular, hence when you install a new steam game after installation the first run it installs some libraries.

Same thing, PCSX2 needs different libraries unique to it, and just a few other things. If you have a full install of directx though, you shouldn't have any trouble...

Just try again using the non-svn release and see if you get a different result?
Wait, whats your Processor?

Its has been 3 posts and no one bother asked whats his processor and directly gave suggestions. Tongue2

Only Intel Sandy Bridge processor support AVX. If your processor is not a Sandy Bridge then it doesn't supports AVX Instructions and hence won't be able to run GSDX AVX version. (GSdx32-AVX.dll)

GSDX comes in Four versions: SSE2, SSSE3, SSE4.1 and AVX
If AVX Version doesn't works for you then you are back with SSE2, SSSE3, and SSE4.

Even i get that error because my processor too doesn't supports AVX. Tongue2

ZZOGL on other hand needs : Nvidia CG Toolkit to run it.
Anyways, I don't think ZZOgl will help on windows. I guess its a linux plugin.

So its obvious that you get that error. I just deleted those plugin and it doesn't gives me those errors.

Just Ignore them and don't select those plugins while configuring and you'll be fine. Smile
Hope that helps. Smile
Quote:Only Intel Sandy Bridge processor support AVX. If your processor is not a Sandy Bridge then it doesn't supports AVX Instructions and hence won't be able to run GSDX AVX version. (GSdx32-AVX.dll)
No you are wrong. The plugins should not display that error even if his processor does not support the instructions.
[Image: newsig.jpg]
Here I get that error. DirectX updated (from Microsoft and other PC Games) and installed Microsoft visual c++ 2010 x86.



(just click on it)
Huh that's strange I just tested it in another PC. It seems there is some kind of bug with the AVX versions...even though my second PC does not have SSE4 instructions the SSE4 GSdx plugins load successfully (at least show up in the list) while the AVX display errors. Will have a look at that.
For ZZOgl you need this installed:
[Image: newsig.jpg]
The AVX Version doesn't show up in the list though. But how's that possible.

My Previous computer(Pentium 4) didn't support SSSE3 and SSE4.1 but still both the plugins (SSSE3 and SSE4) showed up in the pcsx2 0.9.7 list. Wacko I guess the AVX Version needs a bit of debugging. Tongue2
Glad I brought this to light for you guys. They dont show in the list because of the errors. Glad to know they arent needed. I am running a Intel Pentium dualcore E2180 at 2.0-2.4 ghz and have had success running 4 games on here. I use clockgen to overclock the cpu up to 2.4 from the standard 2.0ghz.

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