Posts: 11
Threads: 2
Joined: May 2020
Bios dumped to USB from my PS2 using PS2dumperV2 from the PCSX2 tools page.
Processor: Intel Core i7-1065G7
Ram: 16GB
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 GPU
Code: PCSX2 1.5.0-20200502145649 - compiled on May 2 2020
Savestate version: 0x9a0e0000
Host Machine Init:
Operating System = Microsoft Windows 10 Home (build 18362), 64-bit
Physical RAM = 16208 MB
CPU name = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1065G7 CPU @ 1.30GHz
Vendor/Model = GenuineIntel (stepping 05)
CPU speed = 1.497 ghz (8 logical threads)
x86PType = Standard OEM
x86Flags = bfebfbff 7ffafbbf
x86EFlags = 2c100000
x86 Features Detected:
SSE2.. SSE3.. SSSE3.. SSE4.1.. SSE4.2.. AVX.. AVX2.. FMA
Reserving memory for recompilers...
Loading plugins from C:\Users\XioDr\Desktop\PCSX2 1.4.0\plugins...
Bound GS: GSdx32-SSE2.dll [GSdx 20200502145649 (MSVC 19.21 SSE2/AVX) 1.2.0]
Bound PAD: LilyPad.dll [LilyPad (20200502145649) 0.12.1]
Bound SPU2: Spu2-X.dll [SPU2-X 20200502145649 2.0.0]
Bound CDVD: cdvdGigaherz.dll [cdvdGigaherz 20200502145649 0.11.0]
Bound USB: USBnull.dll [USBnull Driver 20200502145649 0.7.0]
Bound FW: FWnull.dll [FWnull Driver 20200502145649 0.7.0]
Bound DEV9: DEV9null.dll [DEV9null Driver 20200502145649 0.5.0]
Plugins loaded successfully.
(GameDB) 9858 games on record (loaded in 158ms)
[wx] Failed to load shared library 'C:\Users\XioDr\Desktop\PCSX2 1.4.0\Plugins\DEV9ghzdrk.dll' (error 126: the specified module could not be found.)
Bios Found: USA v02.20(05/09/2006) Console
HLE Notice: ELF does not have a path.
Initializing plugins...
Init GS
Init PAD
Init SPU2
Init USB
Init FW
Init DEV9
Plugins initialized successfully.
Patches: No CRC found, using 00000000 instead.
Opening plugins...
Opening GS
Opening PAD
Opening SPU2
Current Renderer: Direct3D 11 (Hardware renderer)
Opening CDVD
isoFile open ok: C:\Users\XioDr\Desktop\Gaming\PS2\Nightshade (USA).cso
Image type = DVD
* CDVD Disk Open: DVD, Single layer or unknown:
* * Track 1: Data (Mode 1) (1877392 sectors)
Opening USB
Opening FW
Opening DEV9
GSdx Lookup CRC:0
McdSlot 0 [File]: C:\Users\XioDr\Documents\PCSX2\memcards\Mcd001.ps2
McdSlot 1 [File]: C:\Users\XioDr\Documents\PCSX2\memcards\Mcd002.ps2
GSdx Lookup CRC:0
Plugins opened successfully.
EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset
Bios Found: USA v02.20(05/09/2006) Console
BIOS rom1 module not found, skipping...
BIOS rom2 module not found, skipping...
BIOS erom module not found, skipping...
# Initialize memory (rev:4.00, ctm:196Mhz, cpuclk:147Mhz detected)
NVM File Not Found, creating substitute...
Frame buffer size set to 512x1280 (1536x3840)
PlayStation 2 ======== Hard reset boot
ROMGEN=2006-0905, IOP info (CPUID=1f, CACH_CONFIG=14000200, 2MB, IOP mode)
# Total accessable memory size: 32 MB (B:2:8:0) (400:2:7c30)
# TLB spad=0 kernel=1:12 default=13:30 extended=31:38
# Initialize Start.
# Initialize GS ...
# Initialize INTC ...
# Initialize TIMER ...
# Initialize DMAC ...
# Initialize VU1 ...
# Initialize VIF1 ...
# Initialize GIF ...
# Initialize VU0 ...
# Initialize VIF0 ...
# Initialize IPU ...
# Initialize FPU ...
# Initialize User Memory ...
# Initialize Scratch Pad ...
# Initialize Done.
EE DECI2 Manager version 0.06 Sep 5 2006 12:57:08
CPUID=2e20, BoardID=0, ROMGEN=2006-0905, 32M
Patches: No CRC found, using 00000000 instead.
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLUS_208.10;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.00
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = NTSC
found 35375 symbols
ELF (cdrom0:\SLUS_208.10;1) Game CRC = 0x519E816B, EntryPoint = 0x00180008
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLUS_208.10;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.00
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = NTSC
IOP Realtime Kernel Ver.0.9.1
Copyright 1999 (C) Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Reboot service module.(99/11/10)
cdvd driver module version 0.1.1 (C)SCEI
Load File service.(99/11/05)
Multi Threaded Fileio module.(99/11/15)
iop heap service (99/11/03)
loadelf: fname cdrom0:¥SLUS_208.10;1 secname all
loadelf version 3.30
Input ELF format filename = cdrom0:¥SLUS_208.10;1
1 00180000 00313080 ..................................................
Loaded, cdrom0:¥SLUS_208.10;1
start address 0x180008
gp address 00000000
# Restart Without Memory Clear.
# Initialize GS ...
# Initialize INTC ...
# Initialize TIMER ...
# Initialize DMAC ...
# Initialize VU1 ...
# Initialize VIF1 ...
# Initialize GIF ...
# Initialize VU0 ...
# Initialize VIF0 ...
# Initialize IPU ...
# Initialize FPU ...
# Initialize Scratch Pad ...
# Restart Without Memory Clear Done.
Elf entry point @ 0x00180008 about to get recompiled. Load patches first.
Get Reboot Request From EE
GSdx Lookup CRC:519E816B
GSdx Lookup CRC:519E816B
ROM directory not found
PlayStation 2 ======== Update rebooting..
PlayStation 2 ======== Update reboot complete
cdvdman Init
MEC File Not Found, creating substitute...
IOP Realtime Kernel Ver. 2.2
Copyright 1999-2002 (C) Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Reboot service module.(99/11/10)
cdvd driver module version 0.1.1 (C)SCEI
Load File service.(99/11/05)
Multi Threaded Fileio module.(99/11/15)
iop heap service (99/11/03)
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥MODULE¥SIO2MAN.IRX;1 args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 25, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥MODULE¥PADMAN.IRX;1 args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 26, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥MODULE¥MCMAN.IRX;1 args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 27, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥MODULE¥MCSERV.IRX;1 args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 28, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥MODULE¥LIBSD.IRX;1 args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 29, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥MODULE¥SDRDRV.IRX;1 args 0 arg
SDR driver version 4.0.1 (C) SCEI
Exit rsd_main
loadmodule: id 30, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥MODULE¥MODMIDI.IRX;1 args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 31, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥MODULE¥MODMSIN.IRX;1 args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 32, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥MODULE¥MODHSYN.IRX;1 args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 33, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥MODULE¥MODSESQ.IRX;1 args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 34, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥MODULE¥MODSEIN.IRX;1 args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 35, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥DRIVER¥SKDRV2.IRX;1 args 0 arg
Sakuya 2 - Miyako Sound Service version 2.06
Copyright 2001-2003 (C) OVERWORKS, LTD.
loadmodule: id 36, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥DRIVER¥CRI_ADXI.IRX;1 args 0 arg
CRI ADX Driver Ver.8.87(May 29 2003 20:24:26)
CRI ADX Driver : Main Thread Priority = 39
CRI ADX Driver : PSM Thread Priority = 39
CRI ADX Driver : DTX Thread Priority = 48
CRI ADX Driver : SPU CORE Number = 0
CRI ADX Driver : sceSdInit(SD_INIT_COLD) call.
loadmodule: id 37, ret 0
Kurofune Library for PlayStaion2 version 2.12.00
Copyright 2001-2003 (C) OVERWORKS, LTD.
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
(UpdateVSyncRate) FPS Limit Changed : 59.94 fps
PS2RNA: sceSifAllocIopHeap(266304) ret=0x000b9000
PS2RNA: sceSifAllocIopHeap(2256) ret=0x000fa100
PS2RNA: sceSifAllocIopHeap(16448) ret=0x000faa00
DVCI: File cache was not hit. "¥ROFSSMP.CVM;1"
[Sk2] Driver initialized, service start.
CSL port max = 8
Download buffer = 128 KB
Host command queue = 320
<< Driver is in ready. >>
002f5604/assigned: GVOL as CDV:rofssmp.cvm
Closing plugins...
Closing DEV9
Closing FW
Closing USB
Closing CDVD
Closing SPU2
Closing PAD
Closing GS
Plugins closed successfully.
Decommitting host memory for virtual systems...
EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset
Shutting down plugins...
Plugins shutdown successfully.
(GameDB) Unloading...
Some PS2 titles such as Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows or Bujingai run full speed no issues, but I get rather dramatic drops in FPS on titles like Dirge of Cerberus and Nightshade. I'm on the latest dev build for PCSX2 and have tried multiple GSDX plugins with no change. I've tried native resolution, I've tried every Hardware and Software mode setting, and as the quick start guide recommended here for the sake of testing I've even set my resolution to 256 x 256 to no avail.
I'm aware some games like Champions of Norrath are very difficult to emulate, but I'm getting 60% to 70% speed on titles that it seems my computer should be more than powerful enough to handle. I've tried each of the presets with no change as well. I've also made certain the emulator is using my GPU and not Intel HD Graphics.
I'm stumped at this point; is there something more I can do? Thank you in advance!
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Posts: 8.030
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Joined: Feb 2009
What does the EE and GS say when that happens and if you have VU too in the game window titlebar,what does it say
Some games may look simple but they have heavy requirements
And don't compare pc games with emulation
Posts: 11
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Joined: May 2020
I'm a bit confused about your comment regarding "and don't compare pc games with emulation", since I didn't. I'm sure there are many who come to the forum who say something like "I can run ___ at max settings, why not this?", but I know that emulation is considerably more complex than a game run on the platform it was originally designed for, especially given the double duty of emulating the architecture of the game console, then the game itself and myriad other things that go on under the hood to make it all function
When the frame rate in Nightshade drops, both EE and GS hover between 40% and 60% while VU goes between 50% and 56%.
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Joined: Feb 2009
Check the task manager in the performance tab if the cpu clock speed is at the max value(around 3.9 GHz)when you are experiencing those slowdowns
Check your power profile in power options
Posts: 993
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Joined: Feb 2014
passmark says thats a heavy lifting cpu.. bout 2500 stp. That SHOULD be enough to run just about everything..
What GPU do you have? What internal resolution are you using? Are you thermal throttling? As others have asked, what is your gu, ee, and vu %'s at when you're playing?
Im not seeing anything explictly wrong with your system that would prevent full speed.. except that it's a laptop and cooling on those can cause some pretty interesting effects.
amd tr 1950x amd ryzen 5 2500u
asrock x399 taichi amd vega 8
XFX Radeon rx570 16gb ddr 4 2400 ram
32gb gskill ddr4-3200 1tb nvme ssd
Debian Bullseye 480gb sata ssd
Custom loop water cooled HP envy x360
nzxt 340 case
Posts: 11
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Joined: May 2020
05-04-2020, 01:01 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-04-2020, 01:04 AM by XeawnCross.)
I posted the gs, ee, vu percentages, but they are around 40% to 60% (EE and GS) and 50% to 56% (VU).
My specs are:
Processor: Intel Core i7-1065G7
Ram: 16GB
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 GPU
I'm using the Razer Cortex Power Plan that is made for gaming, but also tried just making a generic "High Power" plan to no avail. I checked task manager, CPU utilization is 50% at a speed of around 1.54GHz during the slow downs. I've tried setting the internal resolution of the emulator to native to no avail, but primarily am trying to use 1920 x 1080, though there was no difference on native. What's even weirder is following the quick start guide and setting it to 256 x 256 there was still no increase in FPS.
I appreciate everyone trying to help me out, this is definitely a confusing and frustrating quandary and your aid is much obliged
I know that every emulator is of course different, but it's interesting to me that I can run PS3 titles through RPCS3 at full speed on this laptop which I imagine would be much more demanding on the hardware and at much higher risk for thermal throttling, so I feel like there's got to be something I'm missing in the settings or something likely simple that I'm not accounting for.
Posts: 8.030
Threads: 278
Joined: Feb 2009
Not having full speed and the cpu is running at such low speed is weird...even more weird since the pcsx2 stats in the game window are not high and you are able to run certain games at full speed
I don't think the problem is pcsx2,it's probably something else
From the log,I can't see what gpu is actually used(1.4.0 don't show that info)
For nvidia gpu,it is better to use OpenGL
What the cpu speed shows when you are running something more demanding(it could also be video converting)
Does it ever goes even close to 3.9ghz
Posts: 11
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Joined: May 2020
I tried switching to OpenGL and got the same results. As a test for when I'm running games that are more demanding, I tested with Left Alive and Final Fantasy XV and got the below results:
Left Alive
(Medium settings / Borderless Fullscreen)
CPU Utilization 70%
Speed 1.36 GHz
Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition
(Combination Medium / High settings, Fullscreen)
CPU Utilization: 70% to 75%
Speed 1.78GHz to 2.00 GHz
To try and push the processor harder I went into a night battle with lots of enemies and a daemon on screen, at most there were temporary spikes to 2.5 GHz at that time. FPS was stable at 60 frames for the most part, at times higher and at others (briefly) lower.
As another test I tried a vanilla run of the latest dev build for PCSX2 and got EE at 90% to 100% and GS at 30% to 40% on that. The framerate was worse than the PCSX2 I was using before, hovering at about 60% speed. Here is the emulog from that test:
Code: PCSX2 1.5.0-20200502145649 - compiled on May 2 2020
Savestate version: 0x9a0e0000
Host Machine Init:
Operating System = Microsoft Windows 10 Home (build 18362), 64-bit
Physical RAM = 16208 MB
CPU name = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1065G7 CPU @ 1.30GHz
Vendor/Model = GenuineIntel (stepping 05)
CPU speed = 1.497 ghz (8 logical threads)
x86PType = Standard OEM
x86Flags = bfebfbff 7ffafbbf
x86EFlags = 2c100000
x86 Features Detected:
SSE2.. SSE3.. SSSE3.. SSE4.1.. SSE4.2.. AVX.. AVX2.. FMA
Reserving memory for recompilers...
Loading plugins from C:\Users\XioDr\Desktop\Gaming\PS2 test emulator\pcsx2-v1.5.0-dev-3414-g18f772e71-windows-x86\plugins...
Bound GS: GSdx32-AVX2.dll [GSdx 20200502145649 (MSVC 19.21 AVX2/AVX2) 1.2.0]
Bound PAD: LilyPad.dll [LilyPad (20200502145649) 0.12.1]
Bound SPU2: Spu2-X.dll [SPU2-X 20200502145649 2.0.0]
Bound CDVD: cdvdGigaherz.dll [cdvdGigaherz 20200502145649 0.11.0]
Bound USB: USBnull.dll [USBnull Driver 20200502145649 0.7.0]
Bound FW: FWnull.dll [FWnull Driver 20200502145649 0.7.0]
Bound DEV9: DEV9null.dll [DEV9null Driver 20200502145649 0.5.0]
Plugins loaded successfully.
(GameDB) 9858 games on record (loaded in 300ms)
HLE Notice: ELF does not have a path.
Initializing plugins...
Init GS
Init PAD
Init SPU2
Init USB
Init FW
Init DEV9
Plugins initialized successfully.
Patches: No CRC found, using 00000000 instead.
Opening plugins...
Opening GS
Opening PAD
Opening SPU2
Opening CDVD
isoFile open ok: C:\Users\XioDr\Desktop\Gaming\PS2\Nightshade (USA).cso
Image type = DVD
* CDVD Disk Open: DVD, Single layer or unknown:
* * Track 1: Data (Mode 1) (1877392 sectors)
Opening USB
Opening FW
Opening DEV9
3.x GL context successfully created
OpenGL information. GPU: GeForce GTX 1650 with Max-Q Design/PCIe/SSE2. Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation. Driver: NVIDIA 445.87
INFO: GL_ARB_sparse_texture is NOT SUPPORTED
INFO: GL_ARB_sparse_texture2 is available
INFO: GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 is available
INFO: GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store is available
INFO: GL_ARB_compute_shader is available
INFO: GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object is available
INFO: GL_ARB_texture_view is available
INFO: GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding is available
INFO: GL_ARB_clear_texture is available
INFO: GL_ARB_multi_bind is available
INFO: GL_ARB_direct_state_access is available
INFO: GL_ARB_texture_barrier is available
INFO: GL_ARB_get_texture_sub_image is available
Current Renderer: OpenGL (Hardware renderer)
McdSlot 0 [File]: C:\Users\XioDr\Desktop\Gaming\PS2 test emulator\pcsx2-v1.5.0-dev-3414-g18f772e71-windows-x86\memcards\Mcd001.ps2
McdSlot 1 [File]: C:\Users\XioDr\Desktop\Gaming\PS2 test emulator\pcsx2-v1.5.0-dev-3414-g18f772e71-windows-x86\memcards\Mcd002.ps2
Available VRAM/RAM:3840MB for textures
GSdx Lookup CRC:0
Plugins opened successfully.
GSdx Lookup CRC:0
EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset
Bios Found: USA v02.20(05/09/2006) Console
BIOS rom1 module not found, skipping...
BIOS rom2 module not found, skipping...
BIOS erom module not found, skipping...
# Initialize memory (rev:4.00, ctm:196Mhz, cpuclk:147Mhz detected)
Frame buffer size set to 512x512 (1536x1536)
PlayStation 2 ======== Hard reset boot
ROMGEN=2006-0905, IOP info (CPUID=1f, CACH_CONFIG=14000200, 2MB, IOP mode)
# Total accessable memory size: 32 MB (B:2:8:0) (400:2:7c30)
# TLB spad=0 kernel=1:12 default=13:30 extended=31:38
# Initialize Start.
# Initialize GS ...
# Initialize INTC ...
# Initialize TIMER ...
# Initialize DMAC ...
# Initialize VU1 ...
# Initialize VIF1 ...
# Initialize GIF ...
# Initialize VU0 ...
# Initialize VIF0 ...
# Initialize IPU ...
# Initialize FPU ...
# Initialize User Memory ...
# Initialize Scratch Pad ...
# Initialize Done.
EE DECI2 Manager version 0.06 Sep 5 2006 12:57:08
CPUID=2e20, BoardID=0, ROMGEN=2006-0905, 32M
Patches: No CRC found, using 00000000 instead.
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLUS_208.10;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.00
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = NTSC
found 35375 symbols
ELF (cdrom0:\SLUS_208.10;1) Game CRC = 0x519E816B, EntryPoint = 0x00180008
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLUS_208.10;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.00
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = NTSC
IOP Realtime Kernel Ver.0.9.1
Copyright 1999 (C) Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Reboot service module.(99/11/10)
cdvd driver module version 0.1.1 (C)SCEI
Load File service.(99/11/05)
Multi Threaded Fileio module.(99/11/15)
iop heap service (99/11/03)
loadelf: fname cdrom0:¥SLUS_208.10;1 secname all
loadelf version 3.30
Input ELF format filename = cdrom0:¥SLUS_208.10;1
1 00180000 00313080 ..................................................
Loaded, cdrom0:¥SLUS_208.10;1
start address 0x180008
gp address 00000000
# Restart Without Memory Clear.
# Initialize GS ...
# Initialize INTC ...
# Initialize TIMER ...
# Initialize DMAC ...
# Initialize VU1 ...
# Initialize VIF1 ...
# Initialize GIF ...
# Initialize VU0 ...
# Initialize VIF0 ...
# Initialize IPU ...
# Initialize FPU ...
# Initialize Scratch Pad ...
# Restart Without Memory Clear Done.
Elf entry point @ 0x00180008 about to get recompiled. Load patches first.
Get Reboot Request From EE
GSdx Lookup CRC:519E816B
GSdx Lookup CRC:519E816B
ROM directory not found
PlayStation 2 ======== Update rebooting..
PlayStation 2 ======== Update reboot complete
cdvdman Init
IOP Realtime Kernel Ver. 2.2
Copyright 1999-2002 (C) Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Reboot service module.(99/11/10)
cdvd driver module version 0.1.1 (C)SCEI
Load File service.(99/11/05)
Multi Threaded Fileio module.(99/11/15)
iop heap service (99/11/03)
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥MODULE¥SIO2MAN.IRX;1 args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 25, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥MODULE¥PADMAN.IRX;1 args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 26, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥MODULE¥MCMAN.IRX;1 args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 27, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥MODULE¥MCSERV.IRX;1 args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 28, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥MODULE¥LIBSD.IRX;1 args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 29, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥MODULE¥SDRDRV.IRX;1 args 0 arg
SDR driver version 4.0.1 (C) SCEI
Exit rsd_main
loadmodule: id 30, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥MODULE¥MODMIDI.IRX;1 args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 31, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥MODULE¥MODMSIN.IRX;1 args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 32, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥MODULE¥MODHSYN.IRX;1 args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 33, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥MODULE¥MODSESQ.IRX;1 args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 34, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥MODULE¥MODSEIN.IRX;1 args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 35, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥DRIVER¥SKDRV2.IRX;1 args 0 arg
Sakuya 2 - Miyako Sound Service version 2.06
Copyright 2001-2003 (C) OVERWORKS, LTD.
loadmodule: id 36, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥DRIVER¥CRI_ADXI.IRX;1 args 0 arg
CRI ADX Driver Ver.8.87(May 29 2003 20:24:26)
CRI ADX Driver : Main Thread Priority = 39
CRI ADX Driver : PSM Thread Priority = 39
CRI ADX Driver : DTX Thread Priority = 48
CRI ADX Driver : SPU CORE Number = 0
CRI ADX Driver : sceSdInit(SD_INIT_COLD) call.
loadmodule: id 37, ret 0
Kurofune Library for PlayStaion2 version 2.12.00
Copyright 2001-2003 (C) OVERWORKS, LTD.
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
(UpdateVSyncRate) FPS Limit Changed : 59.94 fps
PS2RNA: sceSifAllocIopHeap(266304) ret=0x000b9000
PS2RNA: sceSifAllocIopHeap(2256) ret=0x000fa100
PS2RNA: sceSifAllocIopHeap(16448) ret=0x000faa00
DVCI: File cache was not hit. "¥ROFSSMP.CVM;1"
[Sk2] Driver initialized, service start.
CSL port max = 8
Download buffer = 128 KB
Host command queue = 320
<< Driver is in ready. >>
002f5604/assigned: GVOL as CDV:rofssmp.cvm
Closing plugins...
Closing DEV9
Closing FW
Closing USB
Closing CDVD
Closing SPU2
Closing PAD
Closing GS
Delete 0 Shaders, 68 Programs, 28 Pipelines
Plugins closed successfully.
Decommitting host memory for virtual systems...
EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset
Shutting down plugins...
Plugins shutdown successfully.
(GameDB) Unloading...
Thank you again for your help!
Posts: 993
Threads: 53
Joined: Feb 2014
in the slow parts.. whats your cpu temps??
amd tr 1950x amd ryzen 5 2500u
asrock x399 taichi amd vega 8
XFX Radeon rx570 16gb ddr 4 2400 ram
32gb gskill ddr4-3200 1tb nvme ssd
Debian Bullseye 480gb sata ssd
Custom loop water cooled HP envy x360
nzxt 340 case
Posts: 8.030
Threads: 278
Joined: Feb 2009
What happens if you switch to software mode and remove the fps lit(f4)while playing a game that runs ar 60fps without problems
Does the cpu speed still don't get close to 3.9ghz