Resolved: Microvu bug reports official thread

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This is still 113 revisions...can you use the SVN and compile some builds yourself, to find the exact revision this broke using the binary search method?
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Don't know how
Did some research, test these one by one and tell me where you get the error and where you don't (with mVU ofcourse):

Edit: Fixed
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I can confirm r4641 was the last svn out of that list where the mVU hasn't broken MGS2 grenades yet.
Wait, if 4641 works, 4630 should work as well...from all 3 only 4641 works?
It seems cotton fixed it in r4640 but maybe it got broken along the way again...
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no, only 4663 didn't work
Good, new list to try:

Thanks for the test btw Wink
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r4656 was the last version where the grenades don't disappear. Though, they still "shake" when they have landed, unlike the superVU where they don't "shake" once landed just like the real console. So I guess there was always a bug about the grenades in the mVU, it's just that the newer SVNs made it even worse.
Right, this is a case where mVU did at least 2 things wrong.
One of the bugs got fixed in r4657 but that bug masked the actual problem that still exists in mVU.
Now those grenades behave even worse, eventhough there's actually one bug less.

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