ScpToolkit (XInput Wrapper aka ScpServer Reloaded)
Hello there!

First off, I'd like to thank you, Nefarius, for taking this project and working so hard on making it better as well as dedicating your time to help people on this thread!

Now some little backstory: I was really happy I got to be introduced to this wonderful piece of software by a friend of mine earlier this month. I took a copy of the installer (he was still using Scarlet.Crush's version) directly from his PC, instaled it on mine and it worked wonders, including full BTH functionality. Turns out yesterday the controller stopped working out of the BLUEtooth (ba dum tss?) and I decided to look into it and found Scarlet.Crush's post, which led me to this thread eventually. Uninstalled the older version, downloaded and installed your latest version but it seems it just doesn't want to work wirelessly, which is the exact reason I fell in love with this program so much, to be able to plug my laptop on my TV and game my brains out while sitting on the couch...!

TL;DR: BTH worked for a week with an outdated version, but then it didn't. Downloaded & Installed updated version, can't make the BTH work again. HALP!!

Thanks in advance!

P.S.: If this info helps: I'm running Win8.1, using original DS3 controllers, and my BTH dongle is built-in. If it doesn't help at all feel free to ask me for any info you may need then, I will provide it as long as I know/learn how to find said info.
And sorry about bad grammar, English is not my main language... Biggrin

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Thx for your awesome work, and of course Scarlet.Crush's too!
Sometimes, if I completely remove mu libusbK drivers and I try to install it again on ds3 and built-in bt, it automatically installs drivers for my wireless mouse as well, even though I don't touch its checkbox. I have to remove libusbK driver for it and re-plug this little usb transmitter. The second problem is that bt works after installation, scpmonitor says I have HCI version (6.0102 if I remember correctly), but after restart it doesn't work any more and my HCI version is 5.0102. I have to delete drivers manually, restart and reinstall drivers, so that bt works again.
I new to this tookit and I have a little problem.
I have my DS3 working all fine on my win10. However when I unplug the DS3, the controller keeps flashing all 4 LEDs rapidly no matter how I configure them in settings manager. The monitor shows the pad is connected thro bt, but there's a hex number keeps growing after MAC address of the pad. I wonder wat is wrong with my bt connection. Thx!
ScpServer is installing on wrong USB Interface on QuadStick.

The QuadStick has four USB interfaces:
   Interface 0:  GamePad
   Interface 1:  Mouse
   Interface 2:  Keyboard
   Interface 3:  Flash Drive

All four interfaces are showing up in the Dual Shock 3 controllers list in the DriverInstaller.  Selecting interface 0 and running the installer results on interface 3 showing up under libusbK in the Device Manager.   In joy.cpl, the QuadStick still shows up and is functional, the XBox 360 controller is not.  Also, the Flash Drive no longer appears and the Scp Service crashes when starting it while the QuadStick is plugged in.  Logs, etc attached.  The INF file shows interface 3, so the error is occurring before that is generated.

Separate issue, check out kSign if you want to start signing your EXEs to get rid of the "unknown publisher" dialog box and not spend a lot of money on a certificate.

Attached Files
.zip   scp server (Size: 101,72 KB / Downloads: 167)
(11-29-2015, 12:03 PM)Hakushi Wrote: Hello there!

First off, I'd like to thank you, Nefarius, for taking this project and working so hard on making it better as well as dedicating your time to help people on this thread!

Now some little backstory: I was really happy I got to be introduced to this wonderful piece of software by a friend of mine earlier this month. I took a copy of the installer (he was still using Scarlet.Crush's version) directly from his PC, instaled it on mine and it worked wonders, including full BTH functionality. Turns out yesterday the controller stopped working out of the BLUEtooth (ba dum tss?) and I decided to look into it and found Scarlet.Crush's post, which led me to this thread eventually. Uninstalled the older version, downloaded and installed your latest version but it seems it just doesn't want to work wirelessly, which is the exact reason I fell in love with this program so much, to be able to plug my laptop on my TV and game my brains out while sitting on the couch...!

TL;DR: BTH worked for a week with an outdated version, but then it didn't. Downloaded & Installed updated version, can't make the BTH work again. HALP!!

Thanks in advance!

P.S.: If this info helps: I'm running Win8.1, using original DS3 controllers, and my BTH dongle is built-in. If it doesn't help at all feel free to ask me for any info you may need then, I will provide it as long as I know/learn how to find said info.
And sorry about bad grammar, English is not my main language... Biggrin

Can you upload that versión??cuz have the same problem i m doing all correctly, but mine doesnt works .. Just works a couple of times over Bluetooth, but then stopped, so frusrtated.. i erase it, reinstall it, wipe it, make it pee..
Could all those bluetooth problems come from a bad uninstall of motioninjoy or other ?
New Beta-Release up!

I am proud to announce a beta-release with some major changes:

New Profile Manager

Since the existing re-mapping code was really messy, overly complicated and bloated I decided to kick it out and re-write from scratch (that's what took the most time).

This is how the GUI looks like, it's still unfinished but you should get the idea:

[Image: 29-11-_2015_20-34-54.png]

Currently only mapping buttons to other buttons is supported; anything else isn't implemented yet.

The Advanced section includes a Turbo option for every button with adjustable timings. Once you tick Profile is active and hit Save the profile becomes active, no service restart required. There are still some small bugs like if you rename an existing Profile, you have to save and re-open the manager so it's updated in the profiles list. The other sections are locked off and can't be clicked since they're empty.

Memory leaks

Another huge issue I fixed are some memory leaks. Memory leakage occurs when memory get's allocated but never released after it isn't needed anymore. So after a day or two of continuous run time of the service it could chew up several gigabytes of RAM and start to stress the CPU! I did intense testing and profiling this weekend and have hopefully eliminated all of the major ones.

Reporting issues

Kinda hijacking this announcement but why bother crafting another post Tongue 

Guys, to be honest; I can't handle the issues reported in this manor anymore, I completely lose track of who reported what and has it been fixed in the meantime or not. If you seriously need support please open up your own issue on GitHub. Then everyone has it's own nice structured conversation and will surely get an answer. Thank you, G'day Ninja
Hello people,

I am reading that a lot of people have trouble connecting their controllers wirelessly with bluetooth.
I had the same problem as the ones described by several people.
Since I wanted to try to fix it myself before asking it on the forum, I tried every possibility that I could think off. Eventually, I got it fixed.
My problem was that I had everything working on my desktop PC (wireless PS3 and PS4 controllers using a bluetooth dongle). I then tried to get it working on my laptop, installed the newest version of the SCP Toolkit and all, and everything worked, except for the bluetooth: the controllers did not connect wirelessly.
What I eventually found out, was that on my PC, the version of the SCP Toolkit was not the newest one (I don't know where I can find out what the version number is?), so I tried copying the folder containing all the SCP stuff from my PC to my laptop. I then installed the drivers using the ScpDriverInstaller. What I noticed, is that that version of the ScpDriverInstaller also has options for the several components that are required (Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package, Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013, DirectX End-User Runtime). I checked all of those, and all the checkboxes for the drivers, and after a restart of my laptop, it all worked (also wirelessly!).

So after all this, I have come to the conclusion that the problem lies in the installation of the requirements. The old installer had explicit options for this, but for the new ones, we have to install this manually? (This, or something went wrong in one of the version updates, but I highly doubt that, since I am confident the developer knows what he is doing).

So people who are having problems with wirelessly connecting their controllers with their bluetooth: Install the requirements before installing the drivers!
I hope this helps a lot of people.

I would like to greatly thank Nefarius for all the work he is putting in this to help people use their controllers! Huge respect!

Have a nice day everyone!
I installed the SCP Toolkit on WIN10 Home 64bit (test mode to allow unsigned drivers)

Everything works fantastic until reboot
When I start up SCPToolkit Stand-Alone Server after reboot
All MAC information about the DS3 controller shows up when connected via USB, the controller is functional,
but switches to reserved upon removal of USB cable.
Pressing the PS button or any other sequence of buttons is non responsive to activating the Bluetooth pairing.

The only workaround I have found has been to uninstall the drivers and reinstall the drivers
everytime I want a functional bluetooth pairing.

Has anyone else encountered this problem? Any tips on workarounds?
(11-29-2015, 10:16 PM)JessicaC Wrote: Hello people,

I am reading that a lot of people have trouble connecting their controllers wirelessly with bluetooth.
I had the same problem as the ones described by several people.
Since I wanted to try to fix it myself before asking it on the forum, I tried every possibility that I could think off. Eventually, I got it fixed.
My problem was that I had everything working on my desktop PC (wireless PS3 and PS4 controllers using a bluetooth dongle). I then tried to get it working on my laptop, installed the newest version of the SCP Toolkit and all, and everything worked, except for the bluetooth: the controllers did not connect wirelessly.
What I eventually found out, was that on my PC, the version of the SCP Toolkit was not the newest one (I don't know where I can find out what the version number is?), so I tried copying the folder containing all the SCP stuff from my PC to my laptop. I then installed the drivers using the ScpDriverInstaller. What I noticed, is that that version of the ScpDriverInstaller also has options for the several components that are required (Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package, Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013, DirectX End-User Runtime). I checked all of those, and all the checkboxes for the drivers, and after a restart of my laptop, it all worked (also wirelessly!).

So after all this, I have come to the conclusion that the problem lies in the installation of the requirements. The old installer had explicit options for this, but for the new ones, we have to install this manually? (This, or something went wrong in one of the version updates, but I highly doubt that, since I am confident the developer knows what he is doing).

So people who are having problems with wirelessly connecting their controllers with their bluetooth: Install the requirements before installing the drivers!
I hope this helps a lot of people.

I would like to greatly thank Nefarius for all the work he is putting in this to help people use their controllers! Huge respect!

Have a nice day everyone!

Hi, where can we find a package with those requirements ? Or could you upload your old version of SCP ToolKit ?

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