ZZogl -- Zero GS KOSMOS fork
dralor, Val532 -- thanks.

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I've got a question trying to trace down my linker issue and in the program itself it is called as cgGLBindProgram but the linker says:

1>targets.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _cgGLBindProgram
Do you read this article: http://bobobobo.wordpress.com/2008/01/22...variables/
? It covered some issue with Cg library in Win32.
could someone please upload a linux version of that plugin? i'd like to give it a shot, but i am not able to get it compiled myself on kubuntu 8.10 x64 :-(
With what symptoms?
"sh build.sh all" gets me the following:

In file included from Conf.cpp:25:
./../GS.h:51:22: error: PS2Edefs.h: No such file or directory
In file included from Conf.cpp:25:
./../GS.h:53: Fehler: »u32« bezeichnet keinen Typ
./../GS.h:54: Fehler: »u32« bezeichnet keinen Typ
./../GS.h:55: Fehler: expected initializer before »PS2EgetLibName«
In file included from Conf.cpp:25:
./../GS.h:67: Fehler: »u32« bezeichnet keinen Typ
./../GS.h:73: Fehler: expected initializer before »void«
./../GS.h:85: Fehler: expected initializer before »void«
make[1]: *** [libZeroGSLinux_a-Conf.o] Fehler 1

(the german part means: "u32" does not specify a type)

this happens both if i try to build a x64-version (that wouldn't be compatible with the x86 version of pcsx2 nonetheless, right?) and if i comment out all "if x86_64"-parts of Makefile.am (which should force the build script to build a x86 version, right? and yes: i installed the x86 versions of the nvidia CG and GLEW libraries).

i tested it with rev80.
it's easy. You have no PS2Edefs in ../../../common/include.
You should put ZZogl directory into plugins subdirectory of pcsx2 project, so /common/include could be included. For example, you could copy ZZogl over zerogs open gl.
can you take a look at these too ? seems just wrong..
1>..\zerogs.cpp(1646) : warning C4554: '&' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
1>..\zerogs.cpp(1647) : warning C4554: '&' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
1>..\zerogs.cpp(1647) : warning C4552: '&' : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect
1>..\zerogs.cpp(1651) : warning C4554: '>>' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
1>..\zerogs.cpp(2603) : warning C4553: '==' : operator has no effect; did you intend '='?
thanks, zeydlitz, after moving the ZZogl folder over plugins/zerogs it compiled some more. but not until the end...

this time the error is the following:
In file included from /usr/include/sys/stat.h:107,
from GS.h:39,
from zerogs.h:61,
from ZZoglVB.cpp:24:
/usr/include/bits/stat.h:103: Fehler: expected unqualified-id before »[« token
/usr/include/bits/stat.h:164: Fehler: expected unqualified-id before »[« token
make[1]: *** [libZeroGSogl_a-ZZoglVB.o] Fehler 1

stat.h:105-107 is the following:
# ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
unsigned long int __unused4;
unsigned long int __unused5;

stat.h:102-103 and 163-164 are this:
#if __WORDSIZE == 64
long int __unused[3];

so i suppose the problem again has something to do with me trying to compile on x64 architecture...
Butz, try to comment sys/stat.h from GS.h -- it should be able to compile even without it.

salomaoo, You right.

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