ZZogl -- Zero GS KOSMOS fork
Hum, it is probably related. The other assertion that failed (debug) is plugins/zzogl-pg/opengl/ZZoglFlush.cpp:647 -> assert(glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT) == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT);

The frame buffer status return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS_EXT which I thinks is "not all images attached to the frame buffer have same dimensions". Perhaps because the assertion is false. Note actually this framebuffer constraint is an hardware limitation before opengl 3. Nowadays card can cope with it, so not sure it have any impacts.

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Yeah, what's happening, from what I can tell, is that the line that says
it = mapDummyTargs.find(GetFrameKeyDummy(frame));

is picking the wrong target. If you watch the opening of Grandia III, you'll see some white boxes with garbage for a moment before the Squaresoft logo. That's the point that its hitting this code. (You can tell, because if you do my patch from above, it doesn't display them.)

If you look at the bizarreness that is GetFrameKeyDummy:
//FIXME: this code is for P4 and KH1. It should not be so strange!
//Dummy targets was deleted from mapTargets, but not erased.
inline u32 GetFrameKeyDummy(const frameInfo& frame)
// if (frame.fbp > 0x2000 && ZZOgl_fbh_Calc(frame) < 0x400 && ZZOgl_fbh_Calc(frame) != frame.fbh)
// printf ("Z %x %x %x %x\n", frame.fbh, frame.fbhCalc, frame.fbp, ZZOgl_fbh_Calc(frame));
// height over 1024 would shrink to 1024, so dummy targets with calculated size more than 0x400 should be
// distinct by real height. But in FFX there is 3e0 height target, so I put 0x300 as limit
if (/*frame.fbp > 0x2000 && */ZZOgl_fbh_Calc(frame) < 0x300)
return (((frame.fbw) << 16) | ZZOgl_fbh_Calc(frame));
return (((frame.fbw) << 16) | frame.fbh);

if it had just been:
inline u32 GetFrameKeyDummy(const frameInfo& frame)
return (((frame.fbw) << 16) | frame.fbh);

It would have returned the right target. That's such a strange function that I'm not sure what a proper fix is, though.
Well, dummies are bit complicated. Zerofrog use them to position boxes on screen without drawing anything. But! If we identifying frame only by width and height, than some weirdness occurred all the time: height ofthenly meaningless, and should be calculated. If Calc function give value, that not equal with height, it's possibly should be an issue. Maybe dummy mechanism should be redone.

p.S. Could you look at frame.fbh, frame.fbhCalc, frame.fbp, ZZOgl_fbh_Calc(frame) of thid weird frame?

I aware of this issue. Openning scene of FFXII or MGS3 weirdness rooted from this incomplete framebuffer. But I still unable to find the reason of this incompletion.
Sure. This is the frame in question:
Frame fbw:0x280 fbh:0x1c0 psm:0x30 fbp:0x2300
The value returned by ZZOgl_fbh_Calc(frame) was 0x2e0.

And these were the two dummies that were listed:
Dummy Targets(0x2001c00) fbw:0x200 fbh:0x1c0 psm:0x30 fbp:0x1c00
Dummy Targets(0x2802300) fbw:0x280 fbh:0x160 psm:0x30 fbp:0x2300

It grabbed the second one, and as you can see, the first had the right height.
Is there any way I can play God of War using opengl plugins? There are all sorts of glitches that I can't get rid of with any config.

Any help?

Thank in advance!
Athlon II x2 245 (@3.6Ghz), 6gb DDR3 1333, GeForce GTS250 2gb Ram, Linux Mint 12 32bit.
But I could! Use 16 bit res.
I've just compiled the latest svn and I'm really happy with it! The new gui is way better and image quality overall has improved A LOT! I've found some issues while using it and I'll post them here (along with screenshots):

-Even tough I select 1280x960, full screen resolution isn't really good, it looks like I'm using "native res" on GsDx. Setting FSAA to 8x helps A LOT (with no speed penalty).

-The option to save screenshots is kinda messed up, when I select JPG it saves in TGA format with JPG extension, when I select TIFF it saves as TGA with BMP extension.

-Battle transition effects in Final Fantasy X are way better but still not fully implemented yet, I can see the ending of the glass shattering annimation.

-3D games are working great, FFX is almost flawless, Soul Calibur 2 looks good too but there are some vertical lines (gonna take screenshots later).

-I haven't tried many 2D games but "The King of Fighters XI" is REALLY messed up! It worked perfect on previous versions but now it doesn't (screenshots attached). I don't know if it's a new bug or if it's related to my compilation.

PS.: The green artifacts are the real problem on KoF XI, all characters have their correct colors even tough they look blue-ish on the screenshots, I don't why they came out that way.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Athlon II x2 245 (@3.6Ghz), 6gb DDR3 1333, GeForce GTS250 2gb Ram, Linux Mint 12 32bit.
I have a problem with compiling ZZOgl... It compiles without any error, but when I try to use the plugin, PCSX2 says:
[wx] Failed to load shared library 'C:\Games\pcsx2\plugins\ZZOgl-r3169.dll' (error 126: не найден указанный модуль.)
Stream exception: File is not a valid dynamic library.
File/Object: C:\Games\pcsx2\plugins\ZZOgl-r3169.dll
Some kinda plugin failure: C:\Games\pcsx2\plugins\ZZOgl-r3169.dll

I don't understand what's wrong... I use Visual Studio 2008, everything else compiles just fine, even the old ZeroGS which is similar...
And old versions of ZZogl? Look at previous page for compiled versions.
Zeydlitz i would like to ask you something about ZZogl's Anti-Aliasing
The current modes - None,2X,4X,8X,16X
I was wondering if there is a posibility to add 1X option
I'm inactive on this, dedicating most of my time to osu!

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