pcsx2 is near the final version?
My biggest wish is for sw mode to be feasible for laptops and APUs but I doubt Mantle would help since it's more of a GPU benefit

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The psp is not superior to the ps2 in any way, its less complicated and slower, not to mention it has lower quality textures and less pixels to draw.

That is why psp emulation is faster.

Also if you add all the ps2 chips up that work simultaneously, if we had 1:1 emulation (which will never happen) youd need roughly a 3.6ghz cpu.
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

How so?
My doubts basically because it was easier to emulate than PS2 PSP.
the doubts arose because I have a PC with Core i3 2.44GHZ here, and tested both emulators and Pcsx2 PPSSPP, the performance of the PSP emulator is much higher than the Pcsx2.
-So WHAT determines the difficulty of emulation is the complexity of arquiterura Console? and not the power of the hardware to be emulated?
-If so, then why should it so hard to emulate NDS too.
(12-19-2013, 05:53 PM)Dragonborn Wrote: My doubts basically because it was easier to emulate than PS2 PSP.

That is COMPLETELY false. The PSP took about 2-3 years to emulate, to get PCSX2 to where it is, it has taken 10 years, where is your arguement for PS2 being easier?

(12-19-2013, 05:53 PM)Dragonborn Wrote: -So WHAT determines the difficulty of emulation is the complexity of arquiterura Console? and not the power of the hardware to be emulated?

A bit of everything. Power determines the speed of machine you will need to emulate it, you generally look at 2-3 times the speed of the original console if you add all the chips together. Aside from that, it is emulation complexity of the chips themselves, finding how things work which aren't documented or have unusual behavour and the last thing is understanding tricks developers have used to make the games run quicker and believe me, there's a lot of them! Then it's getting the timing between all units perfect as on the original console they all work synchronously and on threads, but we can only run most of it asynchronously, so we have to pause things at the right time so it doesn't run too far ahead.

(12-19-2013, 05:53 PM)Dragonborn Wrote: -If so, then why should it so hard to emulate NDS too.

I don't know, ask an NDS developer, i couldn't tell you much about the system.
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

Since the software is indeed open-source, feel free to poke around and have a crack at it! We could always use some fresh eyeballs and ideas!
PSP Hardware
-Clock Frequency:
-CPU: 1-333 MHz
-GPU: 166 MHz
-FPU, VFPU (Vector Unit): 2.6 GFlops
-The Memory Bus Bandwidth: 3.2 GB per second
PS2 Hardware
-CPU: 294 MHz
-GPU: 147 MHz
-Bandwidth Bus Memory: 3.2 GB per second

PSP PS2 hardware >>>.

Thanks for clarifying my doubts, I wish luck to and with pcsx2.

-Just out of curiosity, when you finish the project pcsx2, you will begin another project or not?
Maybe an emulator Ps3 or NDs?
Comparing clock speeds isn't going to give you a true picture of the power of a machine, there is much more to the PS2 than 2 chips.

when pcsx2 is finished (if it ever is) i doubt we will move on to anything else, we have been on this for 10 years, most of us are in our 30's now and life is kind of taking the front seat, so we don't have the time we used to when we were younger.
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

There's already a team working on a PS3 emu, and many NDS emulators already exist.

I can't really speak for all the dev team members, but they all have busy lives and families, so I doubt they'd want to crack down and start from scratch on a PS3 or what have you emulator.
(12-21-2013, 01:58 AM)Dragonborn Wrote: -Just out of curiosity, when you finish the project pcsx2, you will begin another project or not?
Maybe an emulator Ps3 or NDs?

You realize tons of NDS emulators exist and are pretty much perfect, right? I've never encountered a single issue with the games I've tried.

Hopefully next is a 3DS emulator Smile
I was a bit shocked to see there aren't any 3DS emus out there yet. All the previous Nintendo handhelds got haxxed almost the moment they'd launched, this one apparently is still being cracked or something.

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