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I'm trying to run the newest version of PCSX2 in my Ubuntu 8.10 install, but every time I do, it comes up with an error during configuration. It tells me that it can't read the plugins directory because it IS a directory. That, and no graphics plugin is detected, even though it is clearly there. I'm not quite sure what that means, anyone have any ideas? I triple checked my dependencies, I'm sure I have them all. Maybe not the right versions or something?

This has been my only issue with PCSX2 to date. I'm currently using the newest beta (and beta plugins) in Windows, and I'm extremely happy with it. Thanks, PCSX2 team.
Usually this mean that this directory permissions does not allow pcsx2 to write into it.
try login as root
It is not very good advice. Properly set permissions is a Unix way.
(04-15-2009, 01:01 PM)Zeydlitz Wrote: [ -> ]It is not very good advice. Properly set permissions is a Unix way.

for newbie, its the easiest way, not safest maybe but unless he just want to play pcsx2 no need to worry of screwing up
Even when running it as root, I still cannot get it to open the plugins directory. sudo Desktop/pcsx2/pcsx2 does not work. I will try logging in as root and see if that works.
Nope, that didn't do it either. Got the same error:

Could Not Load GS Plugin '/home/zak/Desktop/pcsx2/plugins/': /home/zak/Desktop/pcsx2/plugins/: cannot read file data: Is a directory

Edit: I also tried sudo chown zak Desktop/pcsx2 and sudo chown zak Desktop/pcsx2/plugins, each to no avail.
Incorrect path, I guess. Maybe /home/zak/Desktop/pcsx2/bin/plugins ? Where executable file located?
I just extracted the binary archive directly to my desktop, and it's still sitting there. The executable is in there, I believe. Desktop/pcsx2/pcsx2

Still doesn't work after chown zak /home/zak/Desktop/pcsx2 or chown zak /home/zak/Desktop/pcsx2/plugins.
Well, it's strange, really. What version was this? Ok. Last chance would be delete configuration files and start again.
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