Custom Shaders for GSdx
Updated post #409 again, if anyone wants to test it.

Not writing a full log for it right now, but the general of it;
  • coding optimization for near all effects,
  • testing conditional statements for NV/AMD cards for compilation purposes,
  • added missing effect config descriptions
  • added a CRT emulation effect
  • updated tex sampling accuracy for different plugin internal resolutions
  • code cleanup & various other small changes.

I suspect it may give compilation errors for AMD again, is why I also left the link for version 1.3 (which works for both NV & AMD), below it. I want to know if AMD cards are compiling 4.30 OGL, when they should.

EDIT: Also updated the PCSX2Fx OP to v2.00 while I'm about it.

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I got the following errors:
Bah. I thought If I checked for an GL_NV_gpu_shader5 conditional AMD cards would bypass it >.> Well, it should work now. I just commented out the gl_Color IO that AMD hates, for now.

Thanks for testing.
This time there is no error but the screen is all black.
Alright. It's the OGL version then, I think. I was testing AMD for 4.3. I've swapped it back to 3.3, and I'm leaving it at it for now. Seeing as I ended up getting the few effects that were giving problems at that version working properly with it.

.zip (Size: 18,96 KB / Downloads: 731)
The screen is still all black.
Any chance you could turn off each effect, one by one and see which one is causing it? It's not happening for me, so I can't. I thought it must have been the version, but apparently it wasn't

You don't need to restart the emu anytime you make a change. just press esc, and open the shader, make the change, and re-enter the game.

It's probably the bloody internal sizes >.> I was using hard coded ones eg: (2048x, 1024y) but I switched them out for OGL2Size (x, y). Which should work, but I dunno why it isn't for you.
It works if I replace all OGL2Texture in gpuPeteOGL2.slf with colorSampler. Do you know why?
Just popping in to say thanks for the awesome shaders, I use both for ePSXe and PCSX2 Laugh

Also i don't know if you've seen my edits in the advance deinterlacing thread, But if you haven't could you read them when you have time? Because i feel like i am doing something horribly wrong haha.
Intel Core i7-8700k @5ghz
G.Skill 16GB DDR4 @3600mhz
GeForce GTX 1080 8GB
Windows 10 x64
(11-05-2013, 09:14 PM)xemnas99 Wrote: It works if I replace all OGL2Texture in gpuPeteOGL2.slf with colorSampler. Do you know why?

Ok. I re-upped the one above, if you would like to try it. I've no idea why it doesn't work for you, to be perfectly honest xD. I tested it in ePSXe, PCSXR, Pete's OGL2, gpuBladeSoft, and ShaderDesigner. I think OGL2Texture is an internal uniform name, just like OGL2Size. GSdx has a few also, one being _rcpFrame.

(11-05-2013, 09:16 PM)hellbringer616 Wrote: Just popping in to say thanks for the awesome shaders, I use both for ePSXe and PCSX2 Laugh

Also i don't know if you've seen my edits in the advance deinterlacing thread, But if you haven't could you read them when you have time? Because i feel like i am doing something horribly wrong haha.

No worries ^.^

I just had a look at the thread. The only game I have saved on my PC atm that needed Interlacing, was Star Ocean 3 PAL, and that gave a black screen, I didn't bother looking into it further at the time. A few off the top of my head which worked were, Digital Devil Saga, Arc Twilight of the Spirits, Final Fantasy X, Persona 3/4, Tales of the Abyss, and a few more I can't think of right now

a wild guess would be either;
1: gsdx is detecting the progressive flag, but it's a memory hack that triggers it, so the condition in code to run interlacing is still being met, so you're still getting shaking.
2: Or gsdx is picking up on the memory hack swapping to progressive, and displays that it is indeed running progressive output, but the renderer doesn't know what happened, and it still gets output interlaced.
3: Or This method doesn't work for those games/method only works for some games.

The chance of it working is a lot higher if it's a game that has progressive scan in another region of it. eg: a PAL game that doesn't have progressive, but the NTSC version does.

Sorry, I can't be of more help, but hacks be hacks Sad

EDIT: updated PCSX2Fx again. changed the CRT effect, and added a vignette effect, for those who like those effects.

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