Ace Combat 5 is still not playable on 0.9.8.
Well Anyone got the savestates? For crying out loud guys...

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You seem to be the only one interested in this workaround :x. But you know it would only fix those planes/ships/whatever needs to be destroyed yea? I mean if you can't even run the game it wouldn't be helpful for you anywayTongue.

Anyway I don't have a savestate nor anything off AC5 as of yet, but I borrowed AC Zero from a friend. It's memory is somewhat different from what I saw on AC5 fix, but managed to find a similar array of bytes and I think a screenshot says more than words here:

Not gonna bother with AC5 without required data anyway;p, through I might find a good aob that would fit both games by playing a bit more with ACZ I guess, so I could probably get with a single savestate of AC5 if anyone still cares;p.
Okay, okay, I'll try. 3 save states, right? But I don't understand this part:
Quote:- one made during same mission, but started new from restarted game not using savestates to get to it(if that's possible;p),
Do you mean it's from a fresh boot and not from loading existing state?

Here are the requested states anyway, I'm using the current latest build(svn5704) :
State 0 is from fresh boot
State 1 is the load state from state 0 (is it what do you actually request anyway?)
State 2 is the other mission (arcade mode stage 1)
Intel Core2Duo E4500 @ 2.2GHz x 2GB DDR2 RAM x XFX Nvidia Geforce 8600GT
Thanks for those savestates;3, in case anyone want to test it, here's the patcher:
Edit: new one released below;p

Should work fully automatic, etc. through it's awfuly untested. :X It's basically runs an AOBScan each time you enter the new stage and tries to find all broken objects which it then corrects.
Potentially can run in all versions of AC5 and ACZero, but in reality non NTSC-U versions of AC5 can totally not work, and for now non NTSC-U versions of ACZ require a bit of manual input, explained in readme, generally even through I could look directly only at ACZ the patcher probably works slightly worser for it >.>. I might change everything later;p that was pretty much a quick edit of my ICO WS patcher.
and these are my savestates from the PAL version of AC5

00 is the penultimate mission with many boats
01 is the same (with pcsx2 fully resetted)
and 02 is the first arcade mission
Maybe I'm way too damn late but I just noticed that the FMVs doesn't freeze anymore.

Great, I think I gotta upgrade my PC solely for this.
Intel Core2Duo E4500 @ 2.2GHz x 2GB DDR2 RAM x XFX Nvidia Geforce 8600GT
so... miseru... you patched zero with/for manually tweaks and 5 (which you didn't have) works without any additional work? that's kinda weird. o_O and... well... i did't see buggy planes yet but atleast plane-plane collisions work now on 5er us version. easiest test. Laugh will see what the rest does later (by playing - i never did a savestate).

anyway... thx for working on it. when i feel like it i'll try some... but... D: Laugh
Most of the problem with the patcher was actually to make it automatic;p, had to find an address that changes between missions, for AC5 it turned out easy as list of planes for mission works nice for that and it had also long unique aob before the list hence it's found automatically for all AC5 versions;p, for ACZ I couldn't find a good one fast even through having it, so it detects something which is always same during mission, but changes between and make patcher activate again after it changes and get's it's value again, I'll have to either waste more time trying to find a better one, or add extra button to find it for other game versions and save the result ~ which seems faster to do;p.

The fix part itself was easy, althrough plane name is in different distance from value needed to be patched in ACZ than in AC5, I actually seek them not by name, but find an array of bytes consisted from opcodes that what I noticed are always before the one that needs to be patched. If I made this non-automatic and require input every mission then it would probably work in all versions just as is(as long as I also would skip gamecode check;p), I decided it'll be better automatic once I improve it for other versions;p. And it's not soo weird, the japanese movie explained enough to get the general idea, so yeah the author of the fix is the person that made that japanese video, I only implemented it in automatic patcher which still needs a bit work.:x

Oh and sorry for not including PAL versions ;p, the cause is pretty stupid actually. My patcher checks for correct games by game code detected and I searched through GameIndex.dbf of pcsx2 to find all versions easily... PAL was named differently ~_~ and from what I'm checking in the ee memory dump apparently that seems to be the only reason why the patcher couldn't work on itTongue. Double thanks for the savestates from it through, it confirmed also that my aob to search address to recognize mission change works correctly Smile. And blah it's actually same thing for PAL ACZ ~_~... blah why they have to mess names between different releases of exactly same game. @_@

Gonna fix that PAL confusion and try, add an button for non US ACZ versions to find a needed address and update this or spam again with new version once I'm done.

Edit: as promised;p
-Ace Combat 5Z Plane Patcher v5
v5 ~ hopefully final ;p, should avoid patching other huge targets that are better left alone in AC5.
v4 ~ skip patching of Scinfaxi/Hrimfaxi overgrown subs in AC5. Generally while big objects are broken, huge aren't ~_~ so the patcher has to skip all of them, have no clue what else is there so keep me informed;p.
v3 ~ skip patching of XB-0 in mission 15 of ACZ as it works normally without anything ~_~, leaving previous version just in case that change could break anything else or if that plane(flying fortress rather O.o) is bugged in other mission(if it shows up in any other that is;p ~ probably not),
~ yet another edit to say I just passed whole ACZ campaign(playing all missions where there were choices for ground, air and mixed) using the patcher so at least as for that game, it certainly works as planned. Don't have AC5 to check, but I'm sure it cannot be much worserTongue.

Somewhat important: Forgot about it earlier, but anyway after first run the patcher creates it's own "AC5ZPP.ini" file in directory from where you run with few options. They're all described, most importantly if the patcher is stuck at "attaching" then it doesn't detect pcsx2 in memory, so check the ini file and edit second line to whatever your pcsx2 executable is named. I could have copy paste some scripts to make even that automatic, but all of those extra code would be probably longer than the actual fix so live with it until the actual problem get's fixed and the patcher becomes obsolete@_@.

Oh lols ;o I just noticed this is exactly my 2000 post round number lucky for release I hope @_@ how that spam... I mean time passes;p.
i just hopefully my video card will be able to run that without bugs in the nexts updates...
If you mean hardware mode bugs then you can wait along time for a fix;p.

From what I saw in AC Zero, the game has two obvious glitches in hw mode, one is I'm not 100% sure, but most likely a texture cache bug or something even worser which makes wrong textures being applied after certain distance from the plane, and the second is an obvious upscalling bug. Both of such type of bugs are typically unfixable. :3

Through if the area that renders correct textures could be increased in similar way as we're doing render fixes for WS, but that's just an idea I got while writing it;p. Well anyway this inspired me to try and in few minutes I made this:
//change "close range" render area - looks nice, but generally useless ~ unless for testing or something.
patch=1,EE,203F8084,extended,451C4000 //org 0x42A00000
But unfortunately increasing that render area while gives more or less perfect result, slows the game down to a crawl(the higher you are the higher the value needs to be;p) and can also break some geometry when going too close to the ground, so I thought a bit and made something different;p...
//zoom to hide hw range glitches
patch=1,EE,203FA350,extended,448FC000 //internal /org 0x440315C3  16:9
patch=1,EE,203FA354,extended,448FC000 //external /org 0x441013D7  16:9
patch=1,EE,203FA358,extended,448FC000 //internal /org 0x440ED0A4   4:3
patch=1,EE,203FA35C,extended,448FC000 //external /org 0x441CF7AE   4:3
patch=1,EE,203FBB00,extended,448FC000 //missle cam /org 0x44000000
patch=1,EE,20391018,extended,41873333 //correct cokpit cam /org 0x41800000
patch=1,EE,203FC330,extended,3F000000 //correct external cam /org 0x3F800000
included orginal values in case anyone will have a need to port it;p, this basically hides the glitches by messing with camera zoom, but overally since "namco upscalling glitch" cannot be fixed, hw mode even somewhat corrected would be limited to very delicate upscaling which doesn't really give much:

Still a little better than nothing;p, guess I'm gonna play the game like that myself while testing the patcher ~_~.

Edit: I'm dumb;p after completing the game I noticed I was playing at 4:3 while the game supports 16:9 xD, started anew and made extra patches for it since cams were actually stored at slightly different addresses for ws.

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