Poor guy...

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I simply cannot understand people who try to join a community saying the topic sucks. xD Living to be a troll is sure supreme way of wasting time.

"Emulator able to run all games perfectly" XD hah, even GB/NES emulators cannot do that, just becouse you played your pokemons or other zelda's on vba without much visible bugs doesn't mean you know a thing about emulation.

Some people should seriously consider starting their adventure with emulation from a dictionary definition of the word.
let's not feed trolls. This one has probably no idea of what he's talking about.
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
Hey everyone.. I upgraded my software-emu to snr rev. 5037 and its far more better than 4600. but still lots of problems with "sotc" . game is not smooth, only in native or 2x native.. 3x must be doable but without speedhacks. when hack is on I can even go 4x but its not smooth - game is 60fps but it feels like 20fps.. Is there anything I can do with GSdx, my vid card is hd5850 with latest drivers.
rest of system:
sb2500k 4.6ghz
8gb ddr3 1600 cl8
5850gpu @ 900 - 1200
give it a try on your PS2, and you will see that it lags, anyways.

and yes sotc is very demanding, and you will be stuck to native or 2x native. Use vu cycle stealing speedhack to get a good speedboost
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
hello people! i ain't english-speaking guy, and because of that, i can't describe my problem well, but i will try.
my system: asrock a790gxh/128m, phenom2 [email protected](default), 4gb ram(ddr2 kingston-hyperx-something-1066mz), palit-geforce gtx260/216p. disks... samsung hd103uj - for pcsx, and samsung hd321kj for ISO. windows7x64u is handling the rig.
the problem is the "m$ visual c++ blahblahbalh". no, in fact, problem starts with windows, but i cannot describe it well. right here comes my lack of knowlege of the language.
can i...
суть проблемы в том, что программа вылетает на заставках. а после первого вылета, вылетает на загрузке начальной заставки.
лечится оно и легко, и в то же время сложно: надо снести все эти m$vc++ и поставить только те, что нужны.
google translate it(with my ed.): the problem is that the program crashes at the splash screen(actually fmv's). and after the first flight(crash, crash), flies(crashes) in the boot(init. fmv of FFXII) splash screen.
it can be treated easily, and at the same time is difficult: it is necessary to demolish all the m$vc++, and put only those that need them. (тут оно перевело так, что даже матёрый переводчик такую ерунду не поймёт/don't know who can unerstand this ***** =()
in dry matter, i have a non-working program, and a way, that i can fix it, but... ammm... don't know the words... до перезагрузки =) is there a way, to make this "fix" permanent?
What game are you trying to play Hades? do you have a picture of what happens?
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

the game is - final fantasy 12 pal(SLES_543.54;1)
stuck moment is a "bahamut". when i try to fly to it.
no, not that =( first attempt to run the program crashes on any fmv, just confirmed that. some other games crashes too(god of war1). but the same games work almost fine with 4:3 aspect ratio. forgot about 16:9 setting, my bad =(
Ya see, this is exactly why I don't bother playing games on PCSX2 anymore..
PSDude45: Thanks for the spam, have a warning for it.
Hades: Start by running this:
Then this:
[Image: newsig.jpg]

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