Official thank you thread
many thanks for this!

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This emulator is great, I'm able to play my ps2 games for the first time since I got my ps3! Thanks a lot!
pcsx2 rocks
im using pcsx2 since 2010, but i just joined the forum.
anyway, Thank You for making such a great emulator. Smile
It is indeed a nice piece of art ^^ and such dedication still. I'm a user of PCSX2 since around 2009, got to know this software through a very good friend and thought why not try it myself, since I got a couple of games from a friend. If I haven't say thanks yet in the past 4 years hereby thanks alot Devs/Admins/Mods ^^
thanks for making this very useful site, very appreciating.
you know, i tested and older version over a year ago and it was not playable at all (so laggy and slooow), then i saw that pcsx2 is now at 1.0 and i decided to try it out again so i downloaded it, and damn! it is now working at full speed and every game i tested was playable Laugh THANKS! Smile

idk if someone has any use for these but these are the settings i am using on my laptop --->
geforce 8600gs overclocked 50% faster (sse4.1 dx10)
intel core 2 t9300
4gb ram

Nice looking graphics and very stable settings (60fps ps2 bios 60fps game)
Very Nice looking graphics and very stable settings (28fps ps2 bios 60fps game)
Hi forum, I'd also like to say thankyou to all those that worked (and are still working) on this project. I was blown away when i found it and it actually was the reason i saved up some money to go out and buy the parts to build a better PC.

Thanks guys Smile
Thankyou !!! im a big Grand Theft Auto fan i am able to play vicecity stories and liberty city stories, on my pc, they look and play great.
Once again Thankyou
thanks for this I've really been enjoying it! I bought a ps2 years ago mainly for my kids but dug it out once I found this and have been enjoying the games on my PC. The main reason I never played much on the console was the limited save options-I hate when you need to quit and can't save a game and the jagged unaliased graphics always bothered me. With both of those out of the way I can now enjoy these classic games myself! these games look much better on my tv through your emulator than they ever could on my old ps2!

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